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Journal Article

Decrease in sorghum grain yield due to the dw3 dwarfing gene is caused by reduction in shoot biomass

George-Jaeggli, B., Jordan, D. R., van Oosterom, E. J. and Hammer, G. L. (2011). Decrease in sorghum grain yield due to the dw3 dwarfing gene is caused by reduction in shoot biomass. Field Crops Research, 124 (2), 231-239. doi: 10.1016/j.fcr.2011.07.005

Decrease in sorghum grain yield due to the dw3 dwarfing gene is caused by reduction in shoot biomass


Journal Article

Genetic variability and control of nodal root angle in sorghum

Singh, Vijaya, van Oosterom, Erik J., Jordan, David R., Hunt, Colleen H. and Hammer, Graeme L. (2011). Genetic variability and control of nodal root angle in sorghum. Crop Science, 51 (5), 2011-2020. doi: 10.2135/cropsci2011.01.0038

Genetic variability and control of nodal root angle in sorghum


Journal Article

Estimating winter crop area across seasons and regions using time-sequential MODIS imagery

Potgieter, Andries, Apan, Armando, Hammer, Graeme and Dunn, Peter (2011). Estimating winter crop area across seasons and regions using time-sequential MODIS imagery. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 32 (15), 4281-4310. doi: 10.1080/01431161.2010.486415

Estimating winter crop area across seasons and regions using time-sequential MODIS imagery


Journal Article

Juvenility and flowering of Brunonia australis (Goodeniaceae) and Calandrinia sp (Portulacaceae) in relation to vernalization and daylength

Cave, Robyn L., Birch, Colin J., Hammer, Graeme L., Erwin, John E. and Johnston, Margaret E. (2011). Juvenility and flowering of Brunonia australis (Goodeniaceae) and Calandrinia sp (Portulacaceae) in relation to vernalization and daylength. Annals of Botany, 108 (1), 215-220. doi: 10.1093/aob/mcr116

Juvenility and flowering of Brunonia australis (Goodeniaceae) and Calandrinia sp (Portulacaceae) in relation to vernalization and daylength


Journal Article

Cardinal Temperatures and Thermal Time for Seed Germination of Brunonia australis (Goodeniaceae) and Calandrinia sp (Portulacaceae)

Cave, Robyn L., Birch, Colin J., Hammer, Graeme L., Erwin, John E. and Johnston, Margaret E. (2011). Cardinal Temperatures and Thermal Time for Seed Germination of Brunonia australis (Goodeniaceae) and Calandrinia sp (Portulacaceae). HortScience, 46 (5), 753-758. doi: 10.21273/hortsci.46.5.753

Cardinal Temperatures and Thermal Time for Seed Germination of Brunonia australis (Goodeniaceae) and Calandrinia sp (Portulacaceae)


Journal Article

Environment characterization as an aid to wheat improvement: Interpreting genotype-environment interactions by modelling water-deficit patterns in north-eastern Australia

Chenu, K., Cooper, M., Hammer, G. L., Mathews, K. L., Dreccer, M. F. and Chapman, S. C. (2011). Environment characterization as an aid to wheat improvement: Interpreting genotype-environment interactions by modelling water-deficit patterns in north-eastern Australia. Journal of Experimental Botany, 62 (6), 1743-1755. doi: 10.1093/jxb/erq459

Environment characterization as an aid to wheat improvement: Interpreting genotype-environment interactions by modelling water-deficit patterns in north-eastern Australia


Journal Article

Effects of nitrogen supply on canopy development of maize and sunflower

Massignam, A. M., Chapman, S. C., Hammer, G. L. and Fukai, S. (2011). Effects of nitrogen supply on canopy development of maize and sunflower. Crop and Pasture Science, 62 (12), 1045-1055. doi: 10.1071/CP11165

Effects of nitrogen supply on canopy development of maize and sunflower


Journal Article

Stay-green quantitative trait loci's effects on water extraction, transpiration efficiency and seed yield depend on recipient parent background

Vadez, Vincent, Deshpande, Santosh P., Kholova, Jana, Hammer, Graeme L., Borrell, Andrew K., Talwar, Harvinder S. and Hash, C. Thomas (2011). Stay-green quantitative trait loci's effects on water extraction, transpiration efficiency and seed yield depend on recipient parent background. Functional Plant Biology, 38 (7), 553-566. doi: 10.1071/FP11073

Stay-green quantitative trait loci's effects on water extraction, transpiration efficiency and seed yield depend on recipient parent background


Journal Article

The genetics + management paradigm

Hammer, Graeme (2011). The genetics + management paradigm. Resource: Engineering and Technology for Sustainable World, 18 (1)

The genetics + management paradigm


Journal Article

Morphological and architectural development of root systems in sorghum and maize

Singh, V, van Oosterom, EJ, Jordan, DR, Messina, CD, Cooper, M and Hammer, GL (2010). Morphological and architectural development of root systems in sorghum and maize. Plant and Soil, 333 (1-2), 287-299. doi: 10.1007/s11104-010-0343-0

Morphological and architectural development of root systems in sorghum and maize


Journal Article

Regulation of tillering in sorghum: Genotypic effects

Kim, Hae Koo, Luquet, Delphine, van Oosterom, Erik, Dingkuhn, Michael and Hammer, Graeme (2010). Regulation of tillering in sorghum: Genotypic effects. Annals of Botany, 106 (1), 69-78. doi: 10.1093/aob/mcq080

Regulation of tillering in sorghum: Genotypic effects


Journal Article

Regulation of tillering in sorghum: Environmental effects

Kim, Hae Koo, van Oosterom, Erik, Dingkuhn, Michael, Luquet, Delphine and Hammer, Graeme (2010). Regulation of tillering in sorghum: Environmental effects. Annals of Botany, 106 (1), 57-67. doi: 10.1093/aob/mcq079

Regulation of tillering in sorghum: Environmental effects


Journal Article

Early-season crop area estimates for winter crops in NE Australia using MODIS satellite imagery

Potgieter, A. B., Apan, A., Hammer, G. and Dunn, P. (2010). Early-season crop area estimates for winter crops in NE Australia using MODIS satellite imagery. Isprs Journal of Photogrammetry And Remote Sensing, 65 (4), 380-387. doi: 10.1016/j.isprsjprs.2010.04.004

Early-season crop area estimates for winter crops in NE Australia using MODIS satellite imagery


Journal Article

Experimental and modelling studies of drought-adaptive root architectural traits in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)

Manschadi, A. M., Christopher, J. T., Hammer, G. L. and Devoil, P. (2010). Experimental and modelling studies of drought-adaptive root architectural traits in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Plant Biosystems, 144 (2), 458-462. doi: 10.1080/11263501003731805

Experimental and modelling studies of drought-adaptive root architectural traits in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)


Journal Article

Yield and maturity of ultra-narrow row cotton in high input production systems

Brodrick, Rose, Bange, Michael P., Milroy, Stephen P. and Hammer, Graeme. L. (2010). Yield and maturity of ultra-narrow row cotton in high input production systems. Agronomy Journal, 102 (3), 843-848. doi: 10.2134/agronj2009.0473

Yield and maturity of ultra-narrow row cotton in high input production systems


Journal Article

Adapting APSIM to model the physiology and genetics of complex adaptive traits in field crops

Hammer, Graeme L., van Oosterom, Erik, McLean, Greg, Chapman, Scott C., Broad, Ian, Harland, Peter and Muchow, Russell C. (2010). Adapting APSIM to model the physiology and genetics of complex adaptive traits in field crops. Journal of Experimental Botany, 61 (8), 2185-2202. doi: 10.1093/jxb/erq095

Adapting APSIM to model the physiology and genetics of complex adaptive traits in field crops


Journal Article

Genetic variation in potential kernel size affects kernel growth and yield of Sorghum

Yang, ZJ, van Oosterom, EJ, Jordan, DR, Doherty, A and Hammer, GL (2010). Genetic variation in potential kernel size affects kernel growth and yield of Sorghum. Crop Science, 50 (2), 685-695. doi: 10.2135/cropsci2009.06.0294

Genetic variation in potential kernel size affects kernel growth and yield of Sorghum


Journal Article

Functional dynamics of the nitrogen balance of sorghum: I. N demand of vegetative plant parts

Van Oosterom, EJ, Borrell, AK, Broad, IJ and Hammer, GL (2010). Functional dynamics of the nitrogen balance of sorghum: I. N demand of vegetative plant parts. Field Crops Research, 115 (1), 19-28. doi: 10.1016/j.fcr.2009.09.018

Functional dynamics of the nitrogen balance of sorghum: I. N demand of vegetative plant parts


Journal Article

Functional dynamics of the nitrogen balance of sorghum. II. Grain filling period

Van Oosterom, EJ, Chapman, SC, Borrell, AK, Broad, IJ and Hammer, GL (2010). Functional dynamics of the nitrogen balance of sorghum. II. Grain filling period. Field Crops Research, 115 (1), 29-38. doi: 10.1016/j.fcr.2009.09.019

Functional dynamics of the nitrogen balance of sorghum. II. Grain filling period


Journal Article

Floral ontogeny of Brunonia australis (Goodeniaceae) and Calandrinia sp. (Portulacaceae)

Cave, Robyn L., Birch, Colin J., Hammer, Graeme L., Erwin, John E. and Johnston, Margaret E. (2010). Floral ontogeny of Brunonia australis (Goodeniaceae) and Calandrinia sp. (Portulacaceae). Australian Journal of Botany, 58 (1), 61-69. doi: 10.1071/BT09211

Floral ontogeny of Brunonia australis (Goodeniaceae) and Calandrinia sp. (Portulacaceae)