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Conference Publication

Bottom-up and top-down approaches – The value of modelling in trait dissection and phenotypic prediction

Chenu, Karine, Chapman, Scott, Tardieu, Francois, Casadebaig, Pierre, Christopher, Jack and Hammer, Graeme (2016). Bottom-up and top-down approaches – The value of modelling in trait dissection and phenotypic prediction. Hortimodel 2016, Avignon, France, 19-22 September 2016.

Bottom-up and top-down approaches – The value of modelling in trait dissection and phenotypic prediction


Conference Publication

Integration of crop models into breeding programs

Chapman, S., Zheng, B., dreccer, F., Hammer, G., Jordan, D. and Chenu, K. (2016). Integration of crop models into breeding programs. International Crop Modelling Symposium, Berlin, Germany, 15-17 March 2016.

Integration of crop models into breeding programs


Conference Publication

The design and implementation of a high-throughput data pipeline for an agricultural proximal sensing platform

Watson, James, Potgieter, Andries, Holland, Edward, Jordan, David and Hammer, Graeme (2016). The design and implementation of a high-throughput data pipeline for an agricultural proximal sensing platform. eResearch 2016, Melbourne, 10-14 October, 2016.

The design and implementation of a high-throughput data pipeline for an agricultural proximal sensing platform


Conference Publication

Phenotyping transpiration efficiency: linking trait dissection to genetics

van Oosterom, E., Chenu, K., McLean, G., Deifel, K. , Sulman, R. and Hammer, G. (2016). Phenotyping transpiration efficiency: linking trait dissection to genetics. 5th International Controlled Environment Conference (AusPheno 2016), Canberra, Australia, 18-22 September 2016. ICEC.

Phenotyping transpiration efficiency: linking trait dissection to genetics


Conference Publication

Molecular breeding for complex adaptive traits - can crop ecophysiology and modelling ease the pain?

Hammer, Graeme (2014). Molecular breeding for complex adaptive traits - can crop ecophysiology and modelling ease the pain?. London, United Kingdom: Informa Agra.

Molecular breeding for complex adaptive traits - can crop ecophysiology and modelling ease the pain?


Conference Publication

Modelling the effect of plant water use traits on yield and stay-green expression in sorghum

Kholova, Jana, Murugesan, Tharanya, Kaliamoorthy, Sivasakthi, Malayee, Srikanth, Baddam, Rekha, Hammer, Graeme L., McLean, Greg, Deshpande, Santosh, Hash, C. Thomas, Craufurd, Peter Q. and Vadez, Vincent (2014). Modelling the effect of plant water use traits on yield and stay-green expression in sorghum. Interdrought IV Conference, Perth, WA Australia, 2–6 September 2013. Clayton, VIC Australia: C S I R O Publishing. doi: 10.1071/FP13355

Modelling the effect of plant water use traits on yield and stay-green expression in sorghum


Conference Publication

The stay-green trait in cereals: integrating from cell to whole plant

Borrell, v, Van Oosterom, Erik J., Mullet, John, George-Jaeggli, Barbara, Hammer, Graeme, Klein, Patricia and Jordan, David (2014). The stay-green trait in cereals: integrating from cell to whole plant. 7th European Workshop on Plant Senescence, Aarhus, Denmark, 10-14 November 2014.

The stay-green trait in cereals: integrating from cell to whole plant


Conference Publication

An Integrated Approach to Sorghum Crop Improvement in Australia

Jordan, D., Mace, E., Borrell, A., Cruickshank, A., Chapman, S., van Oosterom, E. and Hammer, G. (2013). An Integrated Approach to Sorghum Crop Improvement in Australia. 4th International Conference on Integrated Approaches to Improve Crop Production under Drought-Prone Environments (InterDrought-IV), Perth, WA, Australia, 2 - 6 September 2013.

An Integrated Approach to Sorghum Crop Improvement in Australia


Conference Publication

Nodal root angle in Sorghum and its association with drought adaptation

Singh, V., van Oosterom, E. J., Jordan, D. R., Mace, E., Colleen, H. and Hammer, G. L. (2013). Nodal root angle in Sorghum and its association with drought adaptation. 30th Interdisciplinary Plant Group Symposium, Columbia Missouri, United States, 29 - 31 May 2013.

Nodal root angle in Sorghum and its association with drought adaptation


Conference Publication

Improving cereal productivity with stay-green technology.

Borrell, A., Hammer, G., Van Oosterom, E., George-Jaeggli, B., McLean, G., Hamlet, S., Hunt, C., Mace, E., Mullet, J., Klein, P., Weers, B. and Jordan, D. (2013). Improving cereal productivity with stay-green technology.. 2013 QAAFI Annual Research Meeting, Brisbane, Australia, 6-7 August 2013.

Improving cereal productivity with stay-green technology.


Conference Publication

Forecasting the major crops for Australia and crop yield insurance: an integrated climate, biophysical and remote sensing approach

Potgieter, Andries, Hammer, Graeme, Rodriguez, David, Doherty, Alastair, Davis, Peter, Power, Brendan and Book, Peter (2013). Forecasting the major crops for Australia and crop yield insurance: an integrated climate, biophysical and remote sensing approach. The Challenges of Index-Based Insurance for Food Security in Developing Countries: A Technical Workshop organised by JRC & IRI, Ispra Varese, Italy, 2-3 May, 2012. Luxembourg, Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Union, European Commission. doi: 10.2788/713

Forecasting the major crops for Australia and crop yield insurance: an integrated climate, biophysical and remote sensing approach


Conference Publication

Fine-mapping candidates for 'stay-green' in sorghum reveals genes associated with canopy development and root growth

Borrell, A. K., Christopher, J. T., Veyradier, M., Harvey, G., Fletcher, S., Christopher, M., Jennings, R., Hammer, G. L. and Chenu, K. (2013). Fine-mapping candidates for 'stay-green' in sorghum reveals genes associated with canopy development and root growth. ID4: InterDrought-IV Conference 2013. The 4th International Conference on Integrated Approaches to Improve Crop Production under Drought-Prone Environments, Burswood, WA, Australia, 2-6 September, 2013.

Fine-mapping candidates for 'stay-green' in sorghum reveals genes associated with canopy development and root growth


Conference Publication

High temperature effects on development and floret sterility of diverse sorghum lines

Nguyen, Chuc Thi, Singh, Vijaya, van Oosterom, Erik, Jordan, David, Chapman, Scott and Hammer, Graeme (2012). High temperature effects on development and floret sterility of diverse sorghum lines. 16th Australian Agronomy Conference, Armidale, NSW, Australia, 14-18 October 2012. Armidale, NSW, Australia: Australian Society of Agronomy.

High temperature effects on development and floret sterility of diverse sorghum lines


Conference Publication

Modelling crop physiology and genetics to simulate Genotype x Management x Environment (GxMxE) interactions

Chenu, Karine, Hammer, Graeme, van Oosterom, Erik, Christopher, Jack, McLean, Greg, Doherty, Al and Chapman, Scott (2012). Modelling crop physiology and genetics to simulate Genotype x Management x Environment (GxMxE) interactions. APSIM Users and Developers Forum, Canberra, Australia, 14 March 2012.

Modelling crop physiology and genetics to simulate Genotype x Management x Environment (GxMxE) interactions


Conference Publication

Modelling genotype and environment effects to aid crop improvement

Chenu, Karine, Hammer, Graeme and Chapman, Scott (2012). Modelling genotype and environment effects to aid crop improvement. 6th International Crop Science Congress (ICSC), 6-12 August 2012, Bento Goncalves, Brazil.

Modelling genotype and environment effects to aid crop improvement


Conference Publication

An experimental approach for developing seed lines of new Australian native flowering pot plants

Cave, R. L., Erwin, J. E., Hammer, G. L., Birch, C. J. and Johnston, M. E. (2012). An experimental approach for developing seed lines of new Australian native flowering pot plants. XXVIII International Horticultural Congress (IHC2010), Lisbon, Portugal, 22-27 August 2010. Leuven, Belgium: International Society for Horticultural Science. doi: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2012.937.2

An experimental approach for developing seed lines of new Australian native flowering pot plants


Conference Publication

How high temperature affects wheat growth and development

Chenu, K., Oudin, F., Chapman, S. C., Dreccer, M. F. and Hammer, G. L. (2012). How high temperature affects wheat growth and development. 6th International Crop Science Congress (ICSC), Bento Goncalves, Brazil, 6-12 August 2012.

How high temperature affects wheat growth and development


Conference Publication

Revealing the yield impacts of organ-level quantitative trait loci associated with drought response in maize – a gene-to phenotype modelling approach

Chenu, Karine, Chapman, Scott, Tardieu, Francois, McLean, Greg, Welcker, Claude and Hammer, Graeme L. (2011). Revealing the yield impacts of organ-level quantitative trait loci associated with drought response in maize – a gene-to phenotype modelling approach. XVIII International Botanical Congress, Melbourne, Australia, 23-30 July 2011.

Revealing the yield impacts of organ-level quantitative trait loci associated with drought response in maize – a gene-to phenotype modelling approach


Conference Publication

Characterising root systems throughout the life cycle to identify adaptive root traits for water-limitation

Christopher, J. T., Borrell, A. K., Chenu, K., Jennings, R., Harvey, G., Manschadi, A. M. and Hammer, G. L. (2011). Characterising root systems throughout the life cycle to identify adaptive root traits for water-limitation. Wheat Breeding Assembly, Perth, Australia, 24-26 August 2011.

Characterising root systems throughout the life cycle to identify adaptive root traits for water-limitation


Conference Publication

Drought environment types for rain-fed barley in Australia – Interpreting genotype-environment interaction by modelling water-deficit patterns

Chenu, K., Deihimfard, R., McIntyre, K. and Hammer, G. L. (2011). Drought environment types for rain-fed barley in Australia – Interpreting genotype-environment interaction by modelling water-deficit patterns. The 15th Australian Barley Technical Symposium, Adelaide, Australia, 18-21 September 2011.

Drought environment types for rain-fed barley in Australia – Interpreting genotype-environment interaction by modelling water-deficit patterns