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Journal Article

On the lowest-winning-bid and the highest-losing-bid auctions

Mezzetti, Claudio and Tsetlin, Ilia (2008). On the lowest-winning-bid and the highest-losing-bid auctions. Journal of Mathematical Economics, 44 (9-10), 1040-1048. doi: 10.1016/j.jmateco.2007.12.001

On the lowest-winning-bid and the highest-losing-bid auctions


Other Outputs

Aversion to price risk and the afternoon effect

Mezzetti, Claudio (2008). Aversion to price risk and the afternoon effect. TWERPS. 857. Department of Economics, University of Warwick.

Aversion to price risk and the afternoon effect


Journal Article

Sequential vs. single-round uniform-price auctions

Mezzetti, Claudio, Pekec, Aleksandar Sasa and Tsetlin, Ilia (2008). Sequential vs. single-round uniform-price auctions. Games and Economic Behavior, 62 (2), 591-609. doi: 10.1016/j.geb.2007.05.002

Sequential vs. single-round uniform-price auctions


Other Outputs

Trust-based mechanisms for robust and efficient task allocation in the presence of execution uncertainty

Ramchurn, Sarvapali D, Dash, Rajdeep K, Jennings, Nick, Giovannucci, Andrea, Rodríguez-Aguilar, Juan A and Mezzetti, Claudio (2008). Trust-based mechanisms for robust and efficient task allocation in the presence of execution uncertainty. The Warwick economic research papers series. No. 880. Department of Economics, University of Warwick.

Trust-based mechanisms for robust and efficient task allocation in the presence of execution uncertainty


Other Outputs

Intellectual Property Disclosure as "Threat"

Baker, Scott, Lee, Pak Yee and Mezzetti, Claudio (2007). Intellectual Property Disclosure as "Threat". Discussion papers in Economics. 07/08. Department of Economics, University of Leicester.

Intellectual Property Disclosure as "Threat"


Journal Article

Mechanism design with interdependent valuations: Surplus extraction

Mezzetti, Claudio (2007). Mechanism design with interdependent valuations: Surplus extraction. Economic Theory, 31 (3), 473-488. doi: 10.1007/s00199-006-0104-8

Mechanism design with interdependent valuations: Surplus extraction


Journal Article

Better-reply dynamics and global convergence to Nash equilibrium in aggregative games

Dindos, M and Mezzetti, C (2006). Better-reply dynamics and global convergence to Nash equilibrium in aggregative games. Games and Economic Behavior, 54 (2), 261-292. doi: 10.1016/j.geb.2004.12.001

Better-reply dynamics and global convergence to Nash equilibrium in aggregative games


Journal Article

Disclosure as a strategy in the patent race

Baker, Scott and Mezzetti, Claudio (2005). Disclosure as a strategy in the patent race. Journal of Law and Economics, 48 (1), 173-194. doi: 10.1086/426879

Disclosure as a strategy in the patent race


Journal Article

Random belief equilibrium in normal form games

Friedman, James W. and Mezzetti, Claudio (2005). Random belief equilibrium in normal form games. Games and Economic Behavior, 51 (2 SPEC. ISS.), 296-323. doi: 10.1016/j.geb.2003.08.004

Random belief equilibrium in normal form games


Journal Article

Mechanism design with interdependent valuations: Efficiency

Mezzetti, Claudio (2004). Mechanism design with interdependent valuations: Efficiency. Econometrica, 72 (5), 1617-1626. doi: 10.1111/j.1468-0262.2004.00546.x

Mechanism design with interdependent valuations: Efficiency


Journal Article

Equilibrium reserve prices in sequential ascending auctions

Caillaud, Bernard and Mezzetti, Claudio (2004). Equilibrium reserve prices in sequential ascending auctions. Journal of Economic Theory, 117 (1), 78-95. doi: 10.1016/j.jet.2003.11.002

Equilibrium reserve prices in sequential ascending auctions


Journal Article

Bounded rationality, dynamic oligopoly, and conjectural variations

Friedman, James W. and Mezzetti, Claudio (2002). Bounded rationality, dynamic oligopoly, and conjectural variations. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 49 (3), 287-306. doi: 10.1016/S0167-2681(02)00005-7

Bounded rationality, dynamic oligopoly, and conjectural variations


Journal Article

Learning in Games by Random Sampling

Friedman, James W. and Mezzetti, Claudio (2001). Learning in Games by Random Sampling. Journal of Economic Theory, 98 (1), 55-84. doi: 10.1006/jeth.2000.2694

Learning in Games by Random Sampling


Journal Article

Prosecutorial resources, plea bargaining, and the decision to go to trial

Baker, Scott and Mezzetti, Claudio (2001). Prosecutorial resources, plea bargaining, and the decision to go to trial. Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization, 17 (1), 149-167. doi: 10.1093/jleo/17.1.149

Prosecutorial resources, plea bargaining, and the decision to go to trial


Journal Article

Gathering information before signing a contract with a privately informed principal

Mezzetti, Claudio and Tsoulouhas, Theofanis (2000). Gathering information before signing a contract with a privately informed principal. International Journal of Industrial Organization, 18 (4), 667-689. doi: 10.1016/s0167-7187(98)00040-x

Gathering information before signing a contract with a privately informed principal


Journal Article

Incentive auctions and information revelation

Biglaiser, Gary and Mezzetti, Claudio (2000). Incentive auctions and information revelation. RAND Journal of Economics, 31 (1), 145-164. doi: 10.2307/2601033

Incentive auctions and information revelation


Journal Article

Games with Partially Enforceable Agreements

Friedman, James W. and Mezzetti, Claudio (1998). Games with Partially Enforceable Agreements. Games and Economic Behavior, 23 (2), 176-200. doi: 10.1006/game.1997.0618

Games with Partially Enforceable Agreements


Journal Article

Politicians' decision making with re-election concerns

Biglaiser, Gary and Mezzetti, Claudio (1997). Politicians' decision making with re-election concerns. Journal of Public Economics, 66 (3), 425-447. doi: 10.1016/S0047-2727(97)00032-7

Politicians' decision making with re-election concerns


Journal Article

Common agency with horizontally differentiated principals

Mezzetti, Claudio (1997). Common agency with horizontally differentiated principals. RAND Journal of Economics, 28 (2), 323-345. doi: 10.2307/2555808

Common agency with horizontally differentiated principals


Journal Article

Bayesian and weakly robust first best mechanisms: Characterizations

Makowski, Louis and Mezzetti, Claudio (1994). Bayesian and weakly robust first best mechanisms: Characterizations. Journal of Economic Theory, 64 (2), 500-519. doi: 10.1006/jeth.1994.1079

Bayesian and weakly robust first best mechanisms: Characterizations