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Other Outputs

Mobilisation and fate of metals and metalloids released by the GHG stream: Milestone report 4

Golding, S. D., Pearce, J. K., Dawson, G. K. W. and Kirste, D. (2017). Mobilisation and fate of metals and metalloids released by the GHG stream: Milestone report 4. Barton, ACT, Australia: ANLEC R&D.

Mobilisation and fate of metals and metalloids released by the GHG stream: Milestone report 4


Journal Article

Impure CO2 reaction of feldspar, clay, and organic matter rich cap-rocks: decreases in the fraction of accessible mesopores measured by SANS

Pearce, Julie K., Dawson, Grant K.W., Blach, Tomasz P., Bahadur, Jitendra, Melnichenko, Yuri B. and Golding, Suzanne D. (2017). Impure CO2 reaction of feldspar, clay, and organic matter rich cap-rocks: decreases in the fraction of accessible mesopores measured by SANS. International Journal of Coal Geology, 185, 79-90. doi: 10.1016/j.coal.2017.11.011

Impure CO2 reaction of feldspar, clay, and organic matter rich cap-rocks: decreases in the fraction of accessible mesopores measured by SANS


Journal Article

The effect of bituminous coal on methanogenic mixed cultures and pure cultures of Methanococcus and Methanosarcina

Raudsepp, Maija J., Gagen, Emma J., Golding, Suzanne D., Tyson, Gene W. and Southam, Gordon (2017). The effect of bituminous coal on methanogenic mixed cultures and pure cultures of Methanococcus and Methanosarcina. Fuel, 205, 60-70. doi: 10.1016/j.fuel.2017.05.059

The effect of bituminous coal on methanogenic mixed cultures and pure cultures of Methanococcus and Methanosarcina


Other Outputs

Re-evaluation of the thermal maturity of the McArthur Basin source rocks

Rodrigues, Sandra, Hamilton, Stephanie and Golding, Suzanne (2017). Re-evaluation of the thermal maturity of the McArthur Basin source rocks. Unknown:

Re-evaluation of the thermal maturity of the McArthur Basin source rocks


Journal Article

Characterisation of bioavailability of Surat Basin Walloon coals for biogenic methane production using environmental microbial consortia

Chen, Tianyu, Zheng, Hang, Hamilton, Stephanie, Rodrigues, Sandra, Golding, Suzanne D. and Rudolph, Victor (2017). Characterisation of bioavailability of Surat Basin Walloon coals for biogenic methane production using environmental microbial consortia. International Journal of Coal Geology, 179, 92-112. doi: 10.1016/j.coal.2017.05.017

Characterisation of bioavailability of Surat Basin Walloon coals for biogenic methane production using environmental microbial consortia


Other Outputs

ANLEC Project 7-0314-0229: Raman Spectroscopy – detecting CO2, SOx and NOx in Precipice Sandstone

Turner, L. G., Myers, G. A., Pearce, J. K., Golding, S. D., Morgan, Q., Wiseman, B. and Cookman, A. (2017). ANLEC Project 7-0314-0229: Raman Spectroscopy – detecting CO2, SOx and NOx in Precipice Sandstone. Barton, ACT Australia: ANLEC R&D.

ANLEC Project 7-0314-0229: Raman Spectroscopy – detecting CO2, SOx and NOx in Precipice Sandstone


Journal Article

Biogenic methane production from Bowen Basin coal waste materials

Zheng, Hang, Chen, Tianyu, Rudolph, Victor and Golding, Suzanne D. (2017). Biogenic methane production from Bowen Basin coal waste materials. International Journal of Coal Geology, 169, 22-27. doi: 10.1016/j.coal.2016.09.006

Biogenic methane production from Bowen Basin coal waste materials


Conference Publication

Characterisation of readily bioavailable compounds in Surat basin walloon coals for biomethane production using exogenous culture

Chen, Tianyu, Hamilton, Stephanie, Rodrigues, Sandra, Golding, Suzanne D. and Rudolph, Victor (2017). Characterisation of readily bioavailable compounds in Surat basin walloon coals for biomethane production using exogenous culture. SPE/IATMI Asia Pacific Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition 2017, Jakarta, Indonesia, October 17-19, 2017. Society of Petroleum Engineers. doi: 10.2118/186912-ms

Characterisation of readily bioavailable compounds in Surat basin walloon coals for biomethane production using exogenous culture



Metals, energy and sustainability: the story of Doctor Copper and King Coal

Golding, Barry and Golding, Suzanne D. (2017). Metals, energy and sustainability: the story of Doctor Copper and King Coal. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-51175-7

Metals, energy and sustainability: the story of Doctor Copper and King Coal


Conference Publication

“It goes with the splits?” – Spatial variability of phosphorus and fluorine within the coal

Davis,B., Rodrigues, S., Esterle, J. and Golding, S. (2017). “It goes with the splits?” – Spatial variability of phosphorus and fluorine within the coal. AUSIMM International Mining Geology Conference, Hobart, TAS, Australia, 20-22 September 2017.

“It goes with the splits?” – Spatial variability of phosphorus and fluorine within the coal


Conference Publication

Parameterizing geochemical models: do kinetics of calcite matter?

Kirste, D., Pearce, J. and Golding, S. (2017). Parameterizing geochemical models: do kinetics of calcite matter?. 15th Water-Rock Interaction International Symposium (WRI), Evora, Portugal, 16-21 October 2016. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/j.proeps.2016.12.162

Parameterizing geochemical models: do kinetics of calcite matter?


Journal Article

Mineralogical controls on porosity and water chemistry during O2-SO2-CO2 reaction of CO2 storage reservoir and cap-rock core

Pearce, Julie K., Golab, Alexandra, Dawson, Grant, Knuefing, Lydia, Goodwin, Carley and Golding, Suzanne D. (2016). Mineralogical controls on porosity and water chemistry during O2-SO2-CO2 reaction of CO2 storage reservoir and cap-rock core. Applied Geochemistry, 75, 152-168. doi: 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2016.11.002

Mineralogical controls on porosity and water chemistry during O2-SO2-CO2 reaction of CO2 storage reservoir and cap-rock core


Journal Article

Pore-scale numerical investigation on chemical stimulation in coal and permeability enhancement for coal seam gas production

Gao, Jinfang, Xing, Huilin, Turner, Luc, Steel, Karen, Sedek, Mohamed, Golding, Sue D. and Rudolph, Victor (2016). Pore-scale numerical investigation on chemical stimulation in coal and permeability enhancement for coal seam gas production. Transport in Porous Media, 116 (1), 1-17. doi: 10.1007/s11242-016-0777-9

Pore-scale numerical investigation on chemical stimulation in coal and permeability enhancement for coal seam gas production


Journal Article

Reactive transport in porous media for CO2 sequestration: pore scale modelling using the Lattice Boltzmann method

Gao, Jinfang, Xing, Huilin, Tian, Zhiwei, Pearce, Julie K., Sedek, Mohamed, Golding, Suzanne D. and Rudolph, Victor (2016). Reactive transport in porous media for CO2 sequestration: pore scale modelling using the Lattice Boltzmann method. Computers and Geosciences, 98, 9-20. doi: 10.1016/j.cageo.2016.09.008

Reactive transport in porous media for CO2 sequestration: pore scale modelling using the Lattice Boltzmann method


Journal Article

Reactivity of micas and cap-rock in wet supercritical CO2 with SO2 and O2 at CO2 storage conditions

Pearce, Julie K., Dawson, Grant K. W., Law, Alison C. K., Biddle, Dean and Golding, Suzanne D. (2016). Reactivity of micas and cap-rock in wet supercritical CO2 with SO2 and O2 at CO2 storage conditions. Applied Geochemistry, 72, 59-76. doi: 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2016.06.010

Reactivity of micas and cap-rock in wet supercritical CO2 with SO2 and O2 at CO2 storage conditions


Journal Article

Genome-centric analysis of microbial populations enriched by hydraulic fracture fluid additives in a coal bed methane production well

Robbins, Steven J., Evans, Paul N., Parks, Donovan H., Golding, Suzanne D. and Tyson, Gene W. (2016). Genome-centric analysis of microbial populations enriched by hydraulic fracture fluid additives in a coal bed methane production well. Frontiers in Microbiology, 7 (731) 731, 1-15. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2016.00731

Genome-centric analysis of microbial populations enriched by hydraulic fracture fluid additives in a coal bed methane production well


Journal Article

Carbon and hydrogen isotope fractionation during methanogenesis: a laboratory study using coal and formation water

Susilawati, Rita, Golding, Suzanne D., Baublys, Kim A., Esterle, Joan S. and Hamilton, Stephanie K. (2016). Carbon and hydrogen isotope fractionation during methanogenesis: a laboratory study using coal and formation water. International Journal of Coal Geology, 162, 108-122. doi: 10.1016/j.coal.2016.05.003

Carbon and hydrogen isotope fractionation during methanogenesis: a laboratory study using coal and formation water


Journal Article

Petrologic and stable isotopic study of the Walloon Coal Measures, Surat Basin, Queensland: peat accumulation under changing climate and base level

Hentschel, A., Esterle, J. S., Golding, S. D. and Pacey, D. V. (2016). Petrologic and stable isotopic study of the Walloon Coal Measures, Surat Basin, Queensland: peat accumulation under changing climate and base level. International Journal of Coal Geology, 160-161, 11-27. doi: 10.1016/j.coal.2016.04.010

Petrologic and stable isotopic study of the Walloon Coal Measures, Surat Basin, Queensland: peat accumulation under changing climate and base level


Journal Article

The influence of hydrogeological disturbance and mining on coal seam microbial communities

Raudsepp, M. J., Gagen, E. J., Evans, P., Tyson, G. W., Golding, S. D. and Southam, G. (2016). The influence of hydrogeological disturbance and mining on coal seam microbial communities. Geobiology, 14 (2), 163-175. doi: 10.1111/gbi.12166

The influence of hydrogeological disturbance and mining on coal seam microbial communities


Other Outputs

Great Artesian Basin authigenic carbonates as natural analogues for mineralisation trapping

Golding, S.D., Dawson, G.K.W., Pearce, J.K., Farrajota, F., Mernagh, T., Boreham, C.J., Hall, L.S., Palu, T.J. and Sommacal, S. (2016). Great Artesian Basin authigenic carbonates as natural analogues for mineralisation trapping. Melbourne, Australia: Cooperative Research Centre for Greenhouse Gas Technologies.

Great Artesian Basin authigenic carbonates as natural analogues for mineralisation trapping