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Conference Publication

Key priorities for integrating coastal wetland ecosystem services into law and policy – results of an empirical study in Australia

Bell-James, Justine, Foster, Rose and Lovelock, Catherine E. (2022). Key priorities for integrating coastal wetland ecosystem services into law and policy – results of an empirical study in Australia. Australian Mangrove and Saltmarsh Network Conference, Ballina, NSW, Australia, 4-7 October 2022.

Key priorities for integrating coastal wetland ecosystem services into law and policy – results of an empirical study in Australia


Conference Publication

Carbon storage in seagrass meadows across gradients in water quality

Samper-Villarreal, Jimena, Mumby, Peter, Lovelock, Catherine E. and Saunders, Megan (2013). Carbon storage in seagrass meadows across gradients in water quality. AMSA 2013: Australian Marine Science Golden Jubilee Conference, Gold Coast, Australia, 7-11 July 2013. Kilkivan, QLD, Australia: Australian Marine Science Association (AMSA).

Carbon storage in seagrass meadows across gradients in water quality


Conference Publication

Carbon sequestration, stoichiometry and storage potential of Australian coastal and marine ecosystems*

CSIRO Marine and Coastal Carbon Biogeochemistry Cluster, Serrano, Oscar, Alongi, Daniel, Arias, Ariane, Cherukuru, Nagur, Connolly, Rod, Duarte, Carlos, Esteban, Alba, Eyre, Bradley, Ford, Phillip, Garcia-Orellana, Jordi, Grierson, Pauline, Hayes, Matthew, Rozaimi, Mohammad, Kendrick, Gary, Larkum, Anthony, Lavery, Paul, Lee, Shing Yip, Lovelock, Catherine, Macreadie, Peter, Marba, Nuria, Masque, Pere, Mazarrasa, Ines, McGowan, Hamish, Oubelkheir, Kadija, Petrou, Katherina, Ralph, Peter, Robertson, Alistar, Samper-Villarreal, Jimena ... Trott, Lindsay (2013). Carbon sequestration, stoichiometry and storage potential of Australian coastal and marine ecosystems*. AMSA 2013: Australian Marine Science Golden Jubilee Conference, Gold Coast, Australia, 7-11 July 2013. Kilkivan, QLD, Australia: Australian Marine Science Association (AMSA).

Carbon sequestration, stoichiometry and storage potential of Australian coastal and marine ecosystems*


Conference Publication

Direct and indirect impacts of predicted sea level rise on seagrass

Saunders, Megan I., Baldock, Tom, Brown, Christopher J., Callaghan, David P., Golshani, Aliastair, Hamylton, Sarah, Leon, Javier, Lovelock, Catherine E., Lyons, Mitchell B., O'Brien, Katherine R., Mumby, Peter J., Phinn, Stuart R. and Roelfsema, Christiaan M. (2013). Direct and indirect impacts of predicted sea level rise on seagrass. AMSA 2013: Australian Marine Science Golden Jubilee Conference, Gold Coast, Australia, 7-11 July 2013. Kilkivan, QLD, Australia: Australian Marine Science Association (AMSA).

Direct and indirect impacts of predicted sea level rise on seagrass


Conference Publication

Reactive transport modeling for CO2 storage in a depleted North Sea gas field

Snippe, J., Wei, L., Lovelock, C. and Tucker, O. (2012). Reactive transport modeling for CO2 storage in a depleted North Sea gas field. 3rd EAGE CO2 Geological Storage Workshop: Understanding the Behaviour of CO2 in Geological Storage Reservoirs, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 26 - 27 March 2012. Houten, Netherlands: European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers, EAGE.

Reactive transport modeling for CO2 storage in a depleted North Sea gas field


Conference Publication

Business as unusual - The key subsurface challenges in sequestration in a depleted gas field

Tucker, O., Lovelock, C., Acevedo, L. and Koster, M. (2012). Business as unusual - The key subsurface challenges in sequestration in a depleted gas field. 3rd EAGE CO2 Geological Storage Workshop: Understanding the Behaviour of CO2 in Geological Storage Reservoirs, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 26 - 27 March 2012. Houten, Netherlands: European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers, EAGE. doi: 10.3997/2214-4609.20143815

Business as unusual - The key subsurface challenges in sequestration in a depleted gas field


Conference Publication

Does plant response to the limiting resource explain invasibility? An experimental test using two invasive weeds and their non-invasive native congeners

Clech-Goods, C., Schooler, S., Lovelock, C. and Schmidt, S. (2008). Does plant response to the limiting resource explain invasibility? An experimental test using two invasive weeds and their non-invasive native congeners. 16th Australian Weeds Conference, Cairns, Australia, 18-22 May. Brisbane, Australia: Queensland Weeds Society.

Does plant response to the limiting resource explain invasibility? An experimental test using two invasive weeds and their non-invasive native congeners


Conference Publication

Sediment processes and mangrove-habitat expansion on a rapidly-prograding Muddy Coast, New Zealand

Swales A., Bentley S.J., Lovelock C. and Bell R.G. (2007). Sediment processes and mangrove-habitat expansion on a rapidly-prograding Muddy Coast, New Zealand. 6th International Symposium on Coastal Engineering and Science of Coastal Sediment Processes, New Orleans, LA, May 13, 2007-May 17, 2007. doi: 10.1061/40926(239)111

Sediment processes and mangrove-habitat expansion on a rapidly-prograding Muddy Coast, New Zealand