2014 Journal Article Bearing up well? Understanding the past, present and future of Australia's koalasBlack, Karen H., Price, Gilbert J., Archer, Michael and Hand, Suzanne J. (2014). Bearing up well? Understanding the past, present and future of Australia's koalas. Gondwana Research, 25 (3), 1186-1201. doi: 10.1016/j.gr.2013.12.008 |
2014 Journal Article Renewed geoarchaeological investigations of Mwanganda's Village (Elephant Butchery Site), Karonga, MalawiWright, David K., Thompson, Jessica, Mackay, Alex, Welling, Menno, Forman, Steven L., Price, Gilbert, Zhao, Jian-xin, Cohen, Andrew S., Malijani, Oris and Gomani-Chindebvu, Elizabeth (2014). Renewed geoarchaeological investigations of Mwanganda's Village (Elephant Butchery Site), Karonga, Malawi. Geoarchaeology, 29 (2), 98-120. doi: 10.1002/gea.21469 |
2014 Journal Article Understanding morphological variation in the extant koala as a framework for identification of species boundaries in extinct koalas (Phascolarctidae; Marsupialia)Black, Karen H., Louys, Julien and Price, Gilbert J. (2014). Understanding morphological variation in the extant koala as a framework for identification of species boundaries in extinct koalas (Phascolarctidae; Marsupialia). Journal of Systematic Palaeontology, 12 (2), 237-264. doi: 10.1080/14772019.2013.768304 |
2014 Journal Article Undara: a legacy in lavaPrice, Gilbert and Wood, Emily (2014). Undara: a legacy in lava. AAOD Journal, 11 (1), 36-51. |
2013 Journal Article Reply to Brook et al: No empirical evidence for human overkill of megafauna in SahulWroe, Stephen, Field, Judith H., Archer, Michael, Grayson, Donald K., Price, Gilbert J., Louys, Julien, Faith, J. Tyler, Webb, Gregory E., Davidson, Iain and Mooney, Scott D. (2013). Reply to Brook et al: No empirical evidence for human overkill of megafauna in Sahul. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 110 (36), E3369-E3369. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1310440110 |
2013 Journal Article A ziphodont crocodile from the late Pleistocene King Creek catchment, Darling Downs, QueenslandSobbe, Ian H., Price, Gilbert J. and Knezour, Robert A. (2013). A ziphodont crocodile from the late Pleistocene King Creek catchment, Darling Downs, Queensland. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum - Nature, 56 (2), 601-606. |
2013 Journal Article Pliocene paleoenvironments of southeastern Queensland, Australia inferred from stable isotopes of marsupial tooth enamelMontanari, Shaena, Louys, Julien and Price, Gilbert J. (2013). Pliocene paleoenvironments of southeastern Queensland, Australia inferred from stable isotopes of marsupial tooth enamel. PLoS ONE, 8 (6) e66221, e66221.1-e66221.8. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0066221 |
2013 Journal Article Ludwig Leichhardt and the significance of the extinct Australian megafaunaFensham, Roderick J. and Price, Gilbert J. (2013). Ludwig Leichhardt and the significance of the extinct Australian megafauna. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum: Culture Series, 7 (2), 621-632. |
2013 Journal Article Climate change frames debate over the extinction of megafauna in Sahul (Pleistocene Australia-New Guinea)Wroe, Stephen, Field, Judith H., Archer, Michael, Grayson, Donald K., Price, Gilbert J., Louys, Julien, Faith, J. Tyler, Webb, Gregory E., Davidson, Iain and Mooney, Scott D. (2013). Climate change frames debate over the extinction of megafauna in Sahul (Pleistocene Australia-New Guinea). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 110 (22), 8777-8781. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1302698110 |
2013 Book Chapter QuaternaryPrice, G. J. (2013). Quaternary. Geology of Queensland. (pp. 653-685) edited by Peter A. Jell. Brisbane, QLD, Australia: Geological Survey of Queensland. |
2013 Journal Article Mid-Holocene sea-level and coral reef demise: U-Th dating of subfossil corals in Moreton Bay, AustraliaLeonard, Nicole D., Welsh, Kevin J., Zhao, Jian-xin, Nothdurft, Luke D., Webb, Gregory E., Major, Josef, Feng, Yuexing and Price, Gilbert J. (2013). Mid-Holocene sea-level and coral reef demise: U-Th dating of subfossil corals in Moreton Bay, Australia. Holocene, 23 (12), 1841-1852. doi: 10.1177/0959683613508156 |
2013 Journal Article Direct U-Th dating of vertebrate fossils with minimum sampling destruction and application to museum specimensPrice, Gilbert J., Feng, Yue-xing, Zhao, Jian-xin and Webb, Gregory E. (2013). Direct U-Th dating of vertebrate fossils with minimum sampling destruction and application to museum specimens. Quaternary Geochronology, 18, 1-8. doi: 10.1016/j.quageo.2013.07.003 |
2012 Journal Article Long-term decline of a fringing coral reef in the Northern South China SeaZhao, Meixia, Yu, Kefu, Zhang, Qiaomin, Shi, Qi and Price, Gilbert J. (2012). Long-term decline of a fringing coral reef in the Northern South China Sea. Journal of Coastal Research, 28 (5), 1088-1099. doi: 10.2112/JCOASTRES-D-10-00172.1 |
2012 Journal Article Recent massive coral mortality events in the South China Sea: was global warming and ENSO variability responsible?Yu, Kefu, Zhao, Jian-xin, Shi, Qi and Price, Gilbert J. (2012). Recent massive coral mortality events in the South China Sea: was global warming and ENSO variability responsible?. Chemical Geology, 320-321, 54-65. doi: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2012.05.028 |
2012 Journal Article Plio-pleistocene climate and faunal change in central AustraliaPrice, Gilbert J. (2012). Plio-pleistocene climate and faunal change in central Australia. Episodes, 35 (1), 160-165. doi: 10.18814/epiiugs/2012/v35i1/015 |
2012 Conference Publication Reassessment of the formation and significance of the Mwanganda’s Village ‘elephant butchery site’, Karonga District, northern MalawiThompson, Jessica C., Wright, David K., Mackay, Alex, Welling, Menno, Forman, Steven L., Price, Gilbert, Zhao, Jian-xin and Gomani-Chindebvu, Elizabeth (2012). Reassessment of the formation and significance of the Mwanganda’s Village ‘elephant butchery site’, Karonga District, northern Malawi. Paleoanthropology Society Meeting, Memphis, TN United States, 17-18 April 2012. Philadelphia, PA United States: University of Pennsylvania Press. doi: 10.4207/PA.2012.ABS10 |
2012 Book Chapter Long-term trends in lineage ‘health’ of the Australian Koala (Mammalia:Phascolarctidae): using paleo-diversity to prioritize species for conservationPrice, Gilbert J. (2012). Long-term trends in lineage ‘health’ of the Australian Koala (Mammalia:Phascolarctidae): using paleo-diversity to prioritize species for conservation. Paleontology in ecology and conservation. (pp. 171-192) edited by Julien Louys. Berlin, Germany: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-25038-5_9 |
2011 Journal Article Application of sedimentary and chronological analyses to refine the depositional context of a Late Pleistocene vertebrate deposit, Naracoorte, South AustraliaMacken, Amy C., Jankowski, Nathan R., Price, Gilbert J., Bestland, Erick A., Reed, Elizabeth H., Prideaux, Gavin J. and Roberts, Richard G. (2011). Application of sedimentary and chronological analyses to refine the depositional context of a Late Pleistocene vertebrate deposit, Naracoorte, South Australia. Quaternary Science Reviews, 30 (19-20), 2690-2702. doi: 10.1016/j.quascirev.2011.05.023 |
2011 Journal Article Invictokoala monticola gen. et sp. nov. (Phascolarctidae, Marsupialia), a Pleistocene plesiomorphic koala holdover from Oligocene ancestorPrice, Gilbert J. and Hocknull, Scott A. (2011). Invictokoala monticola gen. et sp. nov. (Phascolarctidae, Marsupialia), a Pleistocene plesiomorphic koala holdover from Oligocene ancestor. Journal of Systematic Palaeontology, 9 (2), 327-335. doi: 10.1080/14772019.2010.504079 |
2011 Journal Article Dating megafaunal extinction on the Pleistocene Darling Downs, eastern Australia: The promise and pitfalls of dating as a test of extinction hypothesesPrice, Gilbert J., Webb, Gregory E., Zhao, Jian-xin, Feng, Yue-xing, Murray, Andrew S., Cooke, Bernard N., Hocknull, Scott A. and Sobbe, Ian H. (2011). Dating megafaunal extinction on the Pleistocene Darling Downs, eastern Australia: The promise and pitfalls of dating as a test of extinction hypotheses. Quaternary Science Reviews, 30 (7-8), 899-914. doi: 10.1016/j.quascirev.2011.01.011 |