2012 Journal Article Intake, nutrient digestibility and milk yield of dairy cows fed urea and two levels of crude protein in diets with sugar canede Jesus, Elmeson Ferreira, Andreucci Conti, Luis Henrique, Tomazi, Tiago, Diniz, Marina Elena, Migliano, Amaral, Prada E Silva, Luis Felipe, Renno, Francisco Palma and dos Santos, Marcos Veiga (2012). Intake, nutrient digestibility and milk yield of dairy cows fed urea and two levels of crude protein in diets with sugar cane. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances, 11 (22), 4135-4142. doi: 10.3923/javaa.2012.4135.4142 |
2012 Journal Article Viabilidade econômica de um sistema de produção de pecuária bovina sob alta lotação: Uso na pesquisa e na pecuária comercialRodrigues, Rinaldo, Gameiro, Augusto Hauber, Silva, Luis Felipe Prada E. and Alves, Teresa Cristina (2012). Viabilidade econômica de um sistema de produção de pecuária bovina sob alta lotação: Uso na pesquisa e na pecuária comercial. Revista Brasileira de Saude e Producao Animal, 13 (1), 244-257. doi: 10.1590/s1519-99402012000100022 |
2010 Journal Article Productive performance and milk protein fraction composition of dairy cows supplemented with sodium monensinGandra, J.R., Renno, F.P., de Freitas Junior, J.E., dos Santos, M.V., Prada e Silva, L.F. and de Araujo, A.P.C. (2010). Productive performance and milk protein fraction composition of dairy cows supplemented with sodium monensin. Revista Brasileira De Zootecnia-Brazilian Journal of Animal Science, 39 (8), 1810-1817. doi: 10.1590/S1516-35982010000800025 |
2010 Journal Article Valor nutritivo do colmo de híbridos de milho colhidos em três estádios de maturidadeSalazar, Diego Reynaga, Stabile, Samuel dos Santos, Guimaraes, Paula de Souza, Guidetti Zagatto Paterniani, Maria Elisa Ayres, dos Santos, Marcos Veiga and Prada e Silva, Luis Felipe (2010). Valor nutritivo do colmo de híbridos de milho colhidos em três estádios de maturidade. Pesquisa Agropecuaria Brasileira, 45 (7), 758-766. doi: 10.1590/S0100-204X2010000700018 |
2010 Journal Article Characteristics of nutritional quality and production of genotypes of guineagrass harvested in three maturity stagesdos Santos Stabile, S., Salazar, D.R., Jank, L., Renno, F.P. and e Silva, L.F.P. (2010). Characteristics of nutritional quality and production of genotypes of guineagrass harvested in three maturity stages. Revista Brasileira De Zootecnia-Brazilian Journal of Animal Science, 39 (7), 1418-1428. doi: 10.1590/S1516-35982010000700004 |
2010 Conference Publication Sequence similarities of genes from the lignin biosynthesis pathway in tropical grasses, maize and riceGeronimo, D. M., Oliveira, N. S., Machado, A. B. S. and Silva, L. F. P. (2010). Sequence similarities of genes from the lignin biosynthesis pathway in tropical grasses, maize and rice. ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC. |
2010 Journal Article Blood parameters of dairy cows supplemented with different fat sourcesde Freitas Junior, Jose Esler, Renno, Francisco Palma, Prada e Silva, Luiz Felipe, Gandra, Jefferson Rodrigues, Maturana Filho, Milton, Foditsch, Carla and Venturelli, Beatriz Conte (2010). Blood parameters of dairy cows supplemented with different fat sources. Ciencia Rural, 40 (4), 950-956. doi: 10.1590/S0103-84782010005000039 |
2010 Conference Publication Effect of nutrition and chronic infusion of leptin on intake and body composition of Bos indicus heifers at pubertyCarvalho, M. V., Magalhaes, J. D., Gimenes, L. U., Rodrigues, G. P. and Silva, L. F. P. (2010). Effect of nutrition and chronic infusion of leptin on intake and body composition of Bos indicus heifers at puberty. ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC. |
2010 Journal Article Chemical composition and digestibility of sugarcane harvested at two periods of the yearde Carvalho M.V., Rodrigues P.H.M., Lima M.L.P., dos ANJOS I.A., Landell M.G.A., dos Santos M.V. and Prada e Silva L.F. (2010). Chemical composition and digestibility of sugarcane harvested at two periods of the year. Brazilian Journal of Veterinary Research and Animal Science, 47 (4), 298-306. doi: 10.11606/issn.1678-4456.bjvras.2010.26829 |
2010 Conference Publication Expression of neuropeptide Y and its receptors as affected by nutrition and leptin infusion in Zebu heifersDiniz-Magalhaes, J., Carvalho, M. V., Machado, A. B. S., Ribeiro, R. A. and Silva, L. F. P. (2010). Expression of neuropeptide Y and its receptors as affected by nutrition and leptin infusion in Zebu heifers. ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC. |
2009 Journal Article Effect of the kappa-casein gene polymorphism, breed and seasonality on physicochemical characteristics, composition and stability of bovine milkBotaro, Bruno Garcia, Real de Lima, Ygor Vinicius, Cortinhas, Cristina Simoes, Prada e Silva, Luis Felipe, Renno, Francisco Palma and dos Santos, Marcos Veiga (2009). Effect of the kappa-casein gene polymorphism, breed and seasonality on physicochemical characteristics, composition and stability of bovine milk. Revista Brasileira De Zootecnia-Brazilian Journal of Animal Science, 38 (12), 2447-2454. doi: 10.1590/S1516-35982009001200022 |
2009 Journal Article Efeito de níveis crescentes de uréia na dieta de vacas leiteiras sobre a composição e rendimento de fabricação de queijos minas frescalAquino, Adriana Augusto, Peixoto Junior, Kleber Da Cunha, Gigante, Mirna Lúcia, Rennó, Francisco Palma, Silva, Luis Felipe Prada e and Santos, Marcos Veiga dos (2009). Efeito de níveis crescentes de uréia na dieta de vacas leiteiras sobre a composição e rendimento de fabricação de queijos minas frescal. Brazilian Journal of Veterinary Research and Animal Science, 46 (4), 273. doi: 10.11606/issn.1678-4456.bjvras.2009.26775 |
2008 Journal Article In situ degradability of corn stover and elephant-grass harvested at four stages of maturityE Silva, L.F.P., Cassoli, L.D., Roma, Jr. L.C., Rodrigues, A.C.D.O. and Machado, P.F. (2008). In situ degradability of corn stover and elephant-grass harvested at four stages of maturity. Scientia Agricola, 65 (6), 595-603. doi: 10.1590/S0103-90162008000600005 |
2008 Journal Article Intramammary infusion of leptin decreases proliferation of mammary epithelial cells in prepubertal heifersSilva, L.F.P., Etchebarne, B.E., Nielsen, M.S.W., Liesman, J.S., Kiupel, M. and VandeHaar, M.J. (2008). Intramammary infusion of leptin decreases proliferation of mammary epithelial cells in prepubertal heifers. Journal of Dairy Science, 91 (8), 3034-3044. doi: 10.3168/jds.2007-0761 |
2008 Journal Article Leptin and hypothalamic gene expression in early- and late-maturing Bos indicus Nellore heifersVaiciunas, Aline, Coutinho, Luiz L., Meirelles, Flavio V., Pires, Alexandre V. and Silva, Luis Felipe P. (2008). Leptin and hypothalamic gene expression in early- and late-maturing Bos indicus Nellore heifers. Genetics and Molecular Biology, 31 (3), 657-664. doi: 10.1590/S1415-47572008000400010 |
2007 Conference Publication Hypothalamic genes expression in early- and late-maturing Bos indicus heifersVaiciunas, A., Coutinho, L. L. and Silva, L. F. P. (2007). Hypothalamic genes expression in early- and late-maturing Bos indicus heifers. Joint Annual Meeting of the American-Dairy-Science-Association/Poultry-Science-Association-Asociacion-Mexicana-de-Produccion-Animal/American-Society-of-Animal-Science, San Antonio, TX United States, 8 July 2007. New York, NY United States: Elsevier . |
2007 Conference Publication Leptin expression in early- and late-maturing Bos indicus heifersSilva, L. F. P., Vaiciunas, A. and Coutinho, L. L. (2007). Leptin expression in early- and late-maturing Bos indicus heifers. PSA Meeting 2007, -, 2007. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier. |
2007 Conference Publication Leptin expression in early- and late-maturing Bos indicus heifersSilva, L. F. P., Vaiciunas, A. and Coutinho, L. L. (2007). Leptin expression in early- and late-maturing Bos indicus heifers. SAVOY: AMER SOC ANIMAL SCIENCE. |
2007 Conference Publication Hypothalamic genes expression in early- and late-maturing Bos indicus heifersVaiciunas, A., Coutinho, L. L. and Silva, L. F. P. (2007). Hypothalamic genes expression in early- and late-maturing Bos indicus heifers. PSA Meeting 2007, -, 2007. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier. |
2007 Conference Publication Hypothalamic genes expression in early- and late-maturing Bos indicus heifersVaiciunas, A., Coutinho, L. L. and Silva, L. F. P. (2007). Hypothalamic genes expression in early- and late-maturing Bos indicus heifers. AMER SOC ANIMAL SCIENCE. |