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Conference Publication

Surfers and leisure 'Freedom' to surf ? Contested spaces on the coast

Britton, Easkey, Olive, Rebecca and Wheaton, Belinda (2019). Surfers and leisure 'Freedom' to surf ? Contested spaces on the coast. Seascapes Symposium - Living with the Sea, Auckland, New Zealand, 16-19 February 2016. Abingdon, Oxon, United Kingdom: Routledge.

Surfers and leisure 'Freedom' to surf ? Contested spaces on the coast


Conference Publication

Going surfing/doing research: Learning how to negotiate cultural politics from women who surf

Olive, Rebecca (2016). Going surfing/doing research: Learning how to negotiate cultural politics from women who surf. Melbourne, Australia: Routledge. doi: 10.1080/10304312.2016.1143199

Going surfing/doing research: Learning how to negotiate cultural politics from women who surf


Conference Publication

Embodied understandings, affective pedagogies: ‘doing’ Cultural Studies in the classroom’

Olive, Rebecca (2012). Embodied understandings, affective pedagogies: ‘doing’ Cultural Studies in the classroom’. Cultural Studies Association of Australasia Annual Conference (CSAA 2012), Sydney, Australia, 4-6 December 2012.

Embodied understandings, affective pedagogies: ‘doing’ Cultural Studies in the classroom’


Conference Publication

Reflexitivity: Locating myself in research

Olive, Rebecca (2009). Reflexitivity: Locating myself in research. Sporting Traditions XVII. The Cultural Paradigm: Reinvigorating Sport History?, Wellington, New Zealand, 30 June - 3 July, 2009. New Zealand: Routledge.

Reflexitivity: Locating myself in research