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Journal Article

Livistona palms in Australia: Ancient relics or opportunistic immigrants?

Crisp, Michael D., Isagi, Yuji, Kato, Yohei, Cook, Lyn and Bownam, David M. (2010). Livistona palms in Australia: Ancient relics or opportunistic immigrants?. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 54 (2), 512-523. doi: 10.1016/j.ympev.2009.09.020

Livistona palms in Australia: Ancient relics or opportunistic immigrants?


Journal Article

Biogeography of the Australian monsoon tropics

Bowman, D. M. J. S., Brown, G. K., Braby, M. F., Brown, J. R., Cook, L. G., Crisp, M. D., Ford, F., Haberle, S., Hughes, J., Isagi,Y., Joseph, L., McBride, J., Nelson, G. and Ladiges, P. Y. (2010). Biogeography of the Australian monsoon tropics. Journal of Biogeography, 37 (2), 201-216. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2699.2009.02210.x

Biogeography of the Australian monsoon tropics


Journal Article

Disparity in chromosomal variation within the Apiomorpha minor species-group

Mills, P.J. and Cook, L.G. (2010). Disparity in chromosomal variation within the Apiomorpha minor species-group. Entomologia Hellenica, 19, 82-89.

Disparity in chromosomal variation within the Apiomorpha minor species-group


Journal Article

Species richness and host-plant diversity are positively correlated in Coccidae

Lin, Y.-P., Gullan, P.J. and Cook, L.G. (2010). Species richness and host-plant diversity are positively correlated in Coccidae. Entomologia Hellenica, 19 (2), 90-98.

Species richness and host-plant diversity are positively correlated in Coccidae


Journal Article

Phylogenetic endemism: a new approach for identifying geographical concentrations of evolutionary history

Rosauer, D, Laffan, S.W., Crisp, M.D., Dannellan, S.C. and Cook, L. (2009). Phylogenetic endemism: a new approach for identifying geographical concentrations of evolutionary history. Molecular Ecology, 18 (19), 4061-4072. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-294X.2009.04311.x

Phylogenetic endemism: a new approach for identifying geographical concentrations of evolutionary history


Journal Article

Explosive radiation or cryptic mass extinction? Interpreting signatures in molecular phylogenies

Crisp, M.D. and Cook, L. (2009). Explosive radiation or cryptic mass extinction? Interpreting signatures in molecular phylogenies. Evolution, 63 (9), 2257-2265. doi: 10.1111/j.1558-5646.2009.00728.x

Explosive radiation or cryptic mass extinction? Interpreting signatures in molecular phylogenies


Journal Article

Phylogenetic biome conservatism on a global scale

Crisp, Michael D., Arroyo, Mary T. K., Cook, Lyn G., Gandalfo, Maria A., Jordan, Gregory J., McGlone, Matt S., Weston, Peter H., Westoby, Mark, Wilf, Peter and Linder, H. Peter (2009). Phylogenetic biome conservatism on a global scale. Nature, 458 (7239), 754-756. doi: 10.1038/nature07764

Phylogenetic biome conservatism on a global scale


Journal Article

Tree Thinking for all Biology: the Problem with Reading Phylogenies as Ladders of Progress

Omland, K.E., Cook, L.G. and Crisp, M.D. (2008). Tree Thinking for all Biology: the Problem with Reading Phylogenies as Ladders of Progress. BioEssays, 30 (9), 854-867. doi: 10.1002/bies.20794

Tree Thinking for all Biology: the Problem with Reading Phylogenies as Ladders of Progress


Journal Article

The genetic diversity, relationships, and potential for biological control of the lobate lac scale, Paratachardina pseudolobata Kondo & Gullan (Hemiptera: Coccoidea: Kerriidae)

Schroer, S., Pemberton, R.W., Cook, L.G., Kondon, T. and Gullan, P. (2008). The genetic diversity, relationships, and potential for biological control of the lobate lac scale, Paratachardina pseudolobata Kondo & Gullan (Hemiptera: Coccoidea: Kerriidae). Biological Control, 46 (2), 256-266. doi: 10.1016/j.biocontrol.2008.04.009

The genetic diversity, relationships, and potential for biological control of the lobate lac scale, Paratachardina pseudolobata Kondo & Gullan (Hemiptera: Coccoidea: Kerriidae)


Journal Article

Relationships among felt scale insects (Hemiptera : Coccoidea : Eriococcidae) of southern beech, Nothofagus (Nothofagaceae), with the first descriptions of Australian species of the Nothofagus-feeding genus Madarococcus Hoy

Hardy, N.B., Gullan, P.J., Henderson, R.C. and Cook, L. (2008). Relationships among felt scale insects (Hemiptera : Coccoidea : Eriococcidae) of southern beech, Nothofagus (Nothofagaceae), with the first descriptions of Australian species of the Nothofagus-feeding genus Madarococcus Hoy. Invertebrate Systematics, 22 (3), 365-405. doi: 10.1071/IS07032

Relationships among felt scale insects (Hemiptera : Coccoidea : Eriococcidae) of southern beech, Nothofagus (Nothofagaceae), with the first descriptions of Australian species of the Nothofagus-feeding genus Madarococcus Hoy


Journal Article

Reticulate evolution in the natural range of the invasive wetland tree species Melaleuca quinquenervia

Cook, Lyn G., Morris, David C., Edwards, Robert D. and Crisp, Michael D. (2008). Reticulate evolution in the natural range of the invasive wetland tree species Melaleuca quinquenervia. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 47 (2), 506-522. doi: 10.1016/j.ympev.2008.02.012

Reticulate evolution in the natural range of the invasive wetland tree species Melaleuca quinquenervia


Journal Article

Insect, not plant, determines gall morphology in the Apiomorpha pharetrata species-group (Hemiptera: Coccidea)

Cook, L. and Gullan, P.J. (2008). Insect, not plant, determines gall morphology in the Apiomorpha pharetrata species-group (Hemiptera: Coccidea). Australian Journal of Entomology, 47 (1), 51-57. doi: 10.1111/j.1440-6055.2007.00625.x

Insect, not plant, determines gall morphology in the Apiomorpha pharetrata species-group (Hemiptera: Coccidea)


Journal Article

Phylogeny and higher classification of the scale insects (Hemiptera : Sternorrhyncha : Coccoidea)

Gullan, P. J. and Cook, L. G. (2007). Phylogeny and higher classification of the scale insects (Hemiptera : Sternorrhyncha : Coccoidea). Zootaxa, 1668 (1668), 413-425. doi: 10.11646/zootaxa.1668.1.22

Phylogeny and higher classification of the scale insects (Hemiptera : Sternorrhyncha : Coccoidea)


Journal Article

Genetic diversity, host-specificity and unusual phylogeography of a cryptic, host-associated species complex of gall-inducing scale insects

Cook, Lyn G. and Rowell, David M. (2007). Genetic diversity, host-specificity and unusual phylogeography of a cryptic, host-associated species complex of gall-inducing scale insects. Ecological Entomology, 32 (5), 506-515. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2311.2007.00893.x

Genetic diversity, host-specificity and unusual phylogeography of a cryptic, host-associated species complex of gall-inducing scale insects


Journal Article

A congruent molecular signature of vicariance across multiple plant linages

Crisp, M. D. and Cook, L. G. (2007). A congruent molecular signature of vicariance across multiple plant linages. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 43 (3), 1106-1117. doi: 10.1016/j.ympev.2007.02.030

A congruent molecular signature of vicariance across multiple plant linages


Journal Article

Description of two new genera and species of Eriococcidae (Hemiptera: Coccoidea) from southern South America

Kondo, Takumasa, Hardy, Nate, Cook, Lyn and Gullan, Penny (2006). Description of two new genera and species of Eriococcidae (Hemiptera: Coccoidea) from southern South America. Zootaxa, 1349 (1349), 19-36. doi: 10.11646/zootaxa.1349.1.2

Description of two new genera and species of Eriococcidae (Hemiptera: Coccoidea) from southern South America


Journal Article

The systematics and biology of the south African gall-inducing scale insect, Calycicoccus merwei brain (Hemiptera : Coccoidea : Eriococcidae)

Gullan, P. J., Giliomee, J. H., Hodgson, C. J. and Cook, L. G. (2006). The systematics and biology of the south African gall-inducing scale insect, Calycicoccus merwei brain (Hemiptera : Coccoidea : Eriococcidae). African Entomology, 14 (1), 13-33.

The systematics and biology of the south African gall-inducing scale insect, Calycicoccus merwei brain (Hemiptera : Coccoidea : Eriococcidae)


Journal Article

Not so ancient: the extant crown group of Nothofagus represents a post-Gondwanan radiation

Cook, Lyn G. and Crisp, Michael D. (2005). Not so ancient: the extant crown group of Nothofagus represents a post-Gondwanan radiation. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 272 (1580), 2535-2544. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2005.3219

Not so ancient: the extant crown group of Nothofagus represents a post-Gondwanan radiation


Journal Article

Directional asymmetry of long-distance dispersal and colonization could mislead reconstructions of biogeography

Cook, Lyn G. and Crisp, Michael D. (2005). Directional asymmetry of long-distance dispersal and colonization could mislead reconstructions of biogeography. Journal of Biogeography, 32 (5), 741-754. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2699.2005.01261.x

Directional asymmetry of long-distance dispersal and colonization could mislead reconstructions of biogeography


Journal Article

Do early branching lineages signify ancestral traits?

Crisp, Michael D. and Cook, Lyn G. (2005). Do early branching lineages signify ancestral traits?. Trends In Ecology & Evolution, 20 (3), 122-128. doi: 10.1016/j.tree.2004.11.010

Do early branching lineages signify ancestral traits?