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Journal Article

Treatment of Young Rams with an Agonist of GnRH Delays Reproductive Development

Tilbrook, AJ, Galloway, DB, Williams, AH and Clarke, IJ (1993). Treatment of Young Rams with an Agonist of GnRH Delays Reproductive Development. Hormones and Behavior, 27 (1), 5-28. doi: 10.1006/hbeh.1993.1002

Treatment of Young Rams with an Agonist of GnRH Delays Reproductive Development


Journal Article

Short-Term Reduction in Egg Production in Laying Hens Treated with an Agonist of GNRH

Tilbrook, AJ, Johnson, RJ, Eason, PJ, Walsh, JD, Trigg, TE and Clarke, IJ (1992). Short-Term Reduction in Egg Production in Laying Hens Treated with an Agonist of GNRH. British Poultry Science, 33 (3), 621-638. doi: 10.1080/00071669208417501

Short-Term Reduction in Egg Production in Laying Hens Treated with an Agonist of GNRH


Journal Article

A role for inhibin in the regulation of the secretion of follicle stimulating hormone in male domestic animals

Tilbrook, AJ, Dekretser, DM and Clarke, IJ (1992). A role for inhibin in the regulation of the secretion of follicle stimulating hormone in male domestic animals. Domestic Animal Endocrinology, 9 (4), 243-260. doi: 10.1016/0739-7240(92)90013-N

A role for inhibin in the regulation of the secretion of follicle stimulating hormone in male domestic animals


Journal Article

Evidence that Dopaminergic Neurons are not Involved in the Negative Feedback Effect of Testosterone on Luteinizing Hormone in Rams in the Non‐Breeding Season

Tilbrook, AJ and Clarke, IJ (1992). Evidence that Dopaminergic Neurons are not Involved in the Negative Feedback Effect of Testosterone on Luteinizing Hormone in Rams in the Non‐Breeding Season. Journal of Neuroendocrinology, 4 (3), 365-374. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2826.1992.tb00181.x

Evidence that Dopaminergic Neurons are not Involved in the Negative Feedback Effect of Testosterone on Luteinizing Hormone in Rams in the Non‐Breeding Season


Journal Article

Influence of non-photoperiodic environmental factors on reproduction in domestic animals

Clarke, IJ and Tilbrook, AJ (1992). Influence of non-photoperiodic environmental factors on reproduction in domestic animals. Animal Reproduction Science, 28 (1-4), 219-228. doi: 10.1016/0378-4320(92)90108-P

Influence of non-photoperiodic environmental factors on reproduction in domestic animals


Journal Article

Influence of the sexual motivation of the boar on the sexual partner preferences of oestrous gilts

Hemsworth, PH, Price, EO and Tilbrook, AJ (1992). Influence of the sexual motivation of the boar on the sexual partner preferences of oestrous gilts. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 33 (2-3), 209-215. doi: 10.1016/S0168-1591(05)80008-5

Influence of the sexual motivation of the boar on the sexual partner preferences of oestrous gilts


Journal Article

The Negative Feedback Effects of Testicular-Steroids Are Predominantly At the Hypothalamus in the Ram

Tilbrook, AJ, Dekretser, DM, Cummins, JT and Clarke, IJ (1991). The Negative Feedback Effects of Testicular-Steroids Are Predominantly At the Hypothalamus in the Ram. Endocrinology, 129 (6), 3080-3092. doi: 10.1210/endo-129-6-3080

The Negative Feedback Effects of Testicular-Steroids Are Predominantly At the Hypothalamus in the Ram


Journal Article

Studies On the Testicular Source of Inhibin and its Route of Secretion in Rams - Failure of the Leydig-Cell to Secrete Inhibin in Response to a Human Chorionic-Gonadotropin Lh Stimulus

Tilbrook, AJ, Dekretser, DM and Clarke, IJ (1991). Studies On the Testicular Source of Inhibin and its Route of Secretion in Rams - Failure of the Leydig-Cell to Secrete Inhibin in Response to a Human Chorionic-Gonadotropin Lh Stimulus. Journal of Endocrinology, 130 (1), 107-114. doi: 10.1677/joe.0.1300107

Studies On the Testicular Source of Inhibin and its Route of Secretion in Rams - Failure of the Leydig-Cell to Secrete Inhibin in Response to a Human Chorionic-Gonadotropin Lh Stimulus


Journal Article

Inhibin in Rams

Clarke, IJ, Tilbrook, AJ, Galloway, DB, Earl, CR, Findlay, JK and Dekretser, DM (1991). Inhibin in Rams. Journal of Reproduction and Fertility, 43, 163-170.

Inhibin in Rams


Journal Article

Parallel changes in the proceptive and receptive behaviour of the ewe

Tilbrook, AJ, Hemsworth, PH, Topp, JS and Cameron, Awn (1990). Parallel changes in the proceptive and receptive behaviour of the ewe. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 27 (1-2), 73-92. doi: 10.1016/0168-1591(90)90008-2

Parallel changes in the proceptive and receptive behaviour of the ewe


Journal Article

Detection of oestrus in gilts housed adjacent or opposite boars or exposed to exogenous boar stimuli

Tilbrook, AJ and Hemsworth, PH (1990). Detection of oestrus in gilts housed adjacent or opposite boars or exposed to exogenous boar stimuli. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 28 (3), 233-245. doi: 10.1016/0168-1591(90)90102-J

Detection of oestrus in gilts housed adjacent or opposite boars or exposed to exogenous boar stimuli


Journal Article

Effect of Shearing On Estrus and Ovulation in Sheep

Parr, RA, Davis, IF and Tilbrook, AJ (1989). Effect of Shearing On Estrus and Ovulation in Sheep. Journal of Agricultural Science, 113 (3), 411-412. doi: 10.1017/S0021859600070143

Effect of Shearing On Estrus and Ovulation in Sheep


Journal Article

An investigation of the social behaviour and response to humans of young cattle

Tilbrook, AJ, Hemsworth, PH, Barnett, JL and Skinner, A (1989). An investigation of the social behaviour and response to humans of young cattle. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 23 (1-2), 107-116. doi: 10.1016/0168-1591(89)90011-7

An investigation of the social behaviour and response to humans of young cattle


Journal Article

The effects of handling by humans at calving and during milking on the behaviour and milk cortisol concentrations of primiparous dairy cows

Hemsworth, PH, Barnett, JL, Tilbrook, AJ and Hansen, C (1989). The effects of handling by humans at calving and during milking on the behaviour and milk cortisol concentrations of primiparous dairy cows. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 22 (3-4), 313-326. doi: 10.1016/0168-1591(89)90026-9

The effects of handling by humans at calving and during milking on the behaviour and milk cortisol concentrations of primiparous dairy cows


Journal Article

Ram mating preferences for woolly rather than recently shorn ewes

Tilbrook, AJ and Cameron, Awn (1989). Ram mating preferences for woolly rather than recently shorn ewes. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 24 (4), 301-312. doi: 10.1016/0168-1591(89)90058-0

Ram mating preferences for woolly rather than recently shorn ewes


Journal Article

Habituation to boar stimuli: Possible mechanism responsible for the reduced detection rate of oestrous gilts housed adjacent to boars

Hemsworth, PH, Winfield, CG, Tilbrook, AJ, Hansen, C and Barnett, JL (1988). Habituation to boar stimuli: Possible mechanism responsible for the reduced detection rate of oestrous gilts housed adjacent to boars. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 19 (3-4), 255-264. doi: 10.1016/0168-1591(88)90006-8

Habituation to boar stimuli: Possible mechanism responsible for the reduced detection rate of oestrous gilts housed adjacent to boars


Journal Article

The number of spermatozoa required by naturally mated ewes and the ability of rams to meet these requirements

Cameron, Awn, Tilbrook, AJ, Lindsay, DR, Fairnie, IJ and Keogh, EJ (1987). The number of spermatozoa required by naturally mated ewes and the ability of rams to meet these requirements. Animal Reproduction Science, 13 (2), 91-104. doi: 10.1016/0378-4320(87)90122-9

The number of spermatozoa required by naturally mated ewes and the ability of rams to meet these requirements


Journal Article

The influence of ram mating preferences and social interaction between rams on the proportion of ewes mated at field joining

Tilbrook, AJ, Cameron, Awn and Lindsay, DR (1987). The influence of ram mating preferences and social interaction between rams on the proportion of ewes mated at field joining. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 18 (2), 173-184. doi: 10.1016/0168-1591(87)90191-2

The influence of ram mating preferences and social interaction between rams on the proportion of ewes mated at field joining


Journal Article

Physical and behavioural factors affecting the sexual "attractiveness" of the ewe

Tilbrook, AJ (1987). Physical and behavioural factors affecting the sexual "attractiveness" of the ewe. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 17 (1-2), 109-115. doi: 10.1016/0168-1591(87)90013-X

Physical and behavioural factors affecting the sexual "attractiveness" of the ewe


Journal Article

Differences in the sexual "attractiveness" of oestrous ewes to rams

Tilbrook, AJ and Lindsay, DR (1987). Differences in the sexual "attractiveness" of oestrous ewes to rams. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 17 (1-2), 129-138. doi: 10.1016/0168-1591(87)90015-3

Differences in the sexual "attractiveness" of oestrous ewes to rams