2018 Other Outputs Indigenous employment futures in an automated mining industry: an issues paper and a case for researchHolcombe, S. and Kemp, D. (2018). Indigenous employment futures in an automated mining industry: an issues paper and a case for research. University of Queensland, Brisbane: Centre for Social Resonsibility in Mining, Sustainable Minerals Institute. |
2018 Other Outputs The social aspects of mine closure: a global literature reviewBainton, Nicholas and Holcombe, Sarah (2018). The social aspects of mine closure: a global literature review. St Lucia, QLD, Australia: Centre for Social Responsibility in Mining, The University of Queensland. |
2009 Other Outputs Guidelines for Indigenous ecological knowledge (including archiving and repatriation)Holcombe, Sarah (2009). Guidelines for Indigenous ecological knowledge (including archiving and repatriation). Canberra, ACT, Australia: National Centre for Indigenous Studies, ANU, Jumbunna UTS and Terri Janke and Company . |
2007 Other Outputs Community governance: the Ti Tree Creek camp studyHolcombe, Sarah and Sanders, Will (2007). Community governance: the Ti Tree Creek camp study. Desert Knowledge CRC: The Working Paper Series. 10. Centre for Aboriginal Economic Policy Research, Australian National University. |
2005 Other Outputs Anmatjere: Representation in an early regional structureHolcombe, Sarah and Sanders, Will (2005). Anmatjere: Representation in an early regional structure . Indigenous Community Governance Project Occasional Paper . 5. Centre for Aboriginal Economic Policy Research, ANU . |