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Conference Publication

Spectral Performance of RKDG methods for Ideal MHD

Wheatley, V., Kumar, H. and Jeltsch, R. (2011). Spectral Performance of RKDG methods for Ideal MHD. Mathematics in Industry 2010, Sofia, Bulgaria, 11-13 July 2010. Sofia, Bulgaria: Bulgarska Akademiya na Naukite * Institute of Mathematics and Informatics.

Spectral Performance of RKDG methods for Ideal MHD


Conference Publication

Hypersonic inlet for a laser powered propulsion system

Harrland, Alan, Doolan, Con, Wheatley, Vincent and Froning, Dave (2011). Hypersonic inlet for a laser powered propulsion system. 7th International Symposium on Beamed Energy Propulsion, Ludwigsburg, Germany, 10 -14 April 2011. College Park, MD, United States: American Institute of Physics. doi: 10.1063/1.3657023

Hypersonic inlet for a laser powered propulsion system


Conference Publication

Aeolian tones generated by a square cylinder with a splitter plate

Ali, Mohamed Sukri Mat, Doolan, Con J. and Wheatley, Vincent (2010). Aeolian tones generated by a square cylinder with a splitter plate.

Aeolian tones generated by a square cylinder with a splitter plate


Conference Publication

Aeolian tones generated by a square cylinder with a splitter plate

Ali, Mohamed Sukri Mat, Doolan, Con J. and Wheatley, Vincent (2010). Aeolian tones generated by a square cylinder with a splitter plate. 20th International Congress on Acoustics, Sydney, NSW, Australia, 23-27 August 2010. NSW, Australia: Australian Acoustical Society.

Aeolian tones generated by a square cylinder with a splitter plate


Conference Publication

Simulation of hypervelocity scramjet combustion with oxygen enrichment

Petty, D., Smart, M. K., Wheatley, V. and Razzaqi, S. A. (2010). Simulation of hypervelocity scramjet combustion with oxygen enrichment. 10th Australian Space Sciences Conference, Brisbane, Australia, 27-30 September 2010. Sydney, Australia: National Space Society of Australia.

Simulation of hypervelocity scramjet combustion with oxygen enrichment


Conference Publication

Flow around a square cylinder with a detached downstream flat plate at a low Reynolds number

Ali, Mohamed Sukri Mat, Doolan, Con J. and Wheatley, Vincent (2010). Flow around a square cylinder with a detached downstream flat plate at a low Reynolds number. 17th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, Auckland, New Zealand, 5-9 December 2010. Aukland, New Zealand: University of Auckland, Deptartment of Mechanical Engineering.

Flow around a square cylinder with a detached downstream flat plate at a low Reynolds number


Conference Publication

Hypersonic inlet for a laser powered propulsion system and its interaction with an idealized laser induced detonation wave

Harrland, Alan, Doolan, Con and Wheatley, Vincent (2010). Hypersonic inlet for a laser powered propulsion system and its interaction with an idealized laser induced detonation wave. 10th Australian Space Sciences Conference, Brisbane, Australia, 27-30 September 2010. Sydney, Australia: National Space Society of Australia.

Hypersonic inlet for a laser powered propulsion system and its interaction with an idealized laser induced detonation wave


Conference Publication

Fuel injection via rectangular cross-section injectors for mixing enhancement in scramjets

Wheatley, V. and Jacobs, P. A. (2010). Fuel injection via rectangular cross-section injectors for mixing enhancement in scramjets. 17th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, Auckland, New Zealand, 5-9 December 2010. Auckland, New Zealand: The University of Auckland.

Fuel injection via rectangular cross-section injectors for mixing enhancement in scramjets


Conference Publication

Hypersonic Vehicle Control Using External Burning

Doolan, C.J. and Vincent Wheatley (2009). Hypersonic Vehicle Control Using External Burning. Australian Combustion Symposium, University of Queensland Brisbane, Dec 2 -4, 2009. Brisbane: The University of Queensland.

Hypersonic Vehicle Control Using External Burning


Conference Publication

Grid convergence study for a two-dimensional simulation of flow around a square cylinder at low Reynolds number

Ali, Mohamed Sukri Mat, Doolan, Con J. and Wheatley, Vincent (2009). Grid convergence study for a two-dimensional simulation of flow around a square cylinder at low Reynolds number. The 7th International Conference on CFD in the Minerals and Process Industries, Melbourne , Australia, 9-11 December, 2009. Melbourne, Vic., Australia: CSIRO.

Grid convergence study for a two-dimensional simulation of flow around a square cylinder at low Reynolds number


Conference Publication

Promotion of open and efficient communication in tutorials

Mattner, Trent and Wheatley, Vincent (2008). Promotion of open and efficient communication in tutorials. Education Research Group of Adelaide 2008 Conference, Adelaide, SA, Australia, 24-25 September 2008. Adelaide, SA, Australia: The University of Adelaide.

Promotion of open and efficient communication in tutorials


Conference Publication

Numerical simulations of high current arc in circuit breakers

Huguenot, P., Kumar, H., Wheatley, V., Jeltsch, R. and Schwab, C. (2008). Numerical simulations of high current arc in circuit breakers. 24th International Conference on Electrical Contacts, Saint-Malo, France, 9-12 June 2008.

Numerical simulations of high current arc in circuit breakers


Conference Publication

Numerical simulation of compressible magnetohydrodynamic plasma flow in a circuit breaker

Hiptmair, R., Hugueniot, P., Jeltsch, R., Kumar, H., Schwab, C., Torrilhon, M. and Wheatley, V. (2008). Numerical simulation of compressible magnetohydrodynamic plasma flow in a circuit breaker. International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics, Psalidi, Greece, 16-20 September 2008. College Park, MD, United States: Springer New York LLC. doi: 10.1063/1.2990896

Numerical simulation of compressible magnetohydrodynamic plasma flow in a circuit breaker