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Conference Publication

Formation and evolution of massive black holes in star clusters

Baumgardt, Holger, Makino, Junichiro and Zwart, Simon Portegies (2005). Formation and evolution of massive black holes in star clusters. IAU XXVth General Assembly, Sydney, Australia, 13-26 July 2003. San Francisco, CA, U.S.A.: Astronomical Society of the Pacific.

Formation and evolution of massive black holes in star clusters


Conference Publication

Black holes in massive star clusters

McMillan, S, Baumgardt, H, Zwart, SIP, Hut, P and Makino, J (2004). Black holes in massive star clusters. Workshop on the Formation and Evolution of Massive Young Star Clusters, Cancun Mexico, Nov 17-21, 2003. SAN FRANCISCO: ASTRONOMICAL SOC PACIFIC.

Black holes in massive star clusters


Conference Publication

Intermediate mass black holes in star clusters

Baumgardt, H and Makino, J (2004). Intermediate mass black holes in star clusters. International Workshop on Stellar-Mass, International-Mass, and Supermassive Black Holes, Kyoto Japan, Oct 28-31, 2003. KYOTO: PROGRESS THEORETICAL PHYSICS PUBLICATION OFFICE.

Intermediate mass black holes in star clusters


Conference Publication

Theoretical and observational agreement on mass dependence of cluster life times

Gieles, M, Baumgardt, H, Bastian, N and Lamers, H (2004). Theoretical and observational agreement on mass dependence of cluster life times. Workshop on the Formation and Evolution of Massive Young Star Clusters, Cancun Mexico, Nov 17-21, 2003. SAN FRANCISCO: ASTRONOMICAL SOC PACIFIC.

Theoretical and observational agreement on mass dependence of cluster life times


Conference Publication

Life and death of young dense star clusters near the galactic center

Zwart, Sfp, McMillan, SLW and Baumgardt, H (2004). Life and death of young dense star clusters near the galactic center. Workshop on the Formation and Evolution of Massive Young Star Clusters, Cancun Mexico, Nov 17-21, 2003. SAN FRANCISCO: ASTRONOMICAL SOC PACIFIC.

Life and death of young dense star clusters near the galactic center


Conference Publication

Dynamics of intermediate mass black holes in star clusters

Baumgardt, H, Zwart, SFP, McMillan, SLW, Makino, J and Ebisuzaki, T (2004). Dynamics of intermediate mass black holes in star clusters. Workshop on the Formation and Evolution of Massive Young Star Clusters, Cancun Mexico, Nov 17-21, 2003. SAN FRANCISCO: ASTRONOMICAL SOC PACIFIC.

Dynamics of intermediate mass black holes in star clusters


Conference Publication

Evolution of star clusters moving on elliptic orbits

Baumgardt, H (2003). Evolution of star clusters moving on elliptic orbits. 208th Symposium of the International Astronomical Union, Tokyo Japan, Jul 10-13, 2001. SAN FRANCISCO: ASTRONOMICAL SOC PACIFIC.

Evolution of star clusters moving on elliptic orbits


Conference Publication

The stellar mass-function of globular clusters

Baumgardt, H (2003). The stellar mass-function of globular clusters. Conference on New Horizons in Globular Cluster Astronomy, Padua Italy, Jun 24-28, 2002. SAN FRANCISCO: ASTRONOMICAL SOC PACIFIC.

The stellar mass-function of globular clusters


Conference Publication

Collisional dynamics of black holes, star clusters and galactic nuclei

Hemsendorf, M, Baumgardt, H, Boily, C, Spurzem, R and Sigurdsson, S (2002). Collisional dynamics of black holes, star clusters and galactic nuclei. 4th Workshop on High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering, Stuttgart Germany, Oct 08-09, 2001. BERLIN: SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN.

Collisional dynamics of black holes, star clusters and galactic nuclei


Conference Publication

Merging timescales and merger rates of star clusters in dense star cluster complexes

Fellhauer, M, Baumgardt, H, Kroupa, P and Spurzem, R (2002). Merging timescales and merger rates of star clusters in dense star cluster complexes. NATO Advances Study Institute Conference on RestlessUniverse, Blair Atholl Scotland, Jul 23-Aug 05, 2000. DORDRECHT: KLUWER ACADEMIC PUBL. doi: 10.1023/A:1014597702936

Merging timescales and merger rates of star clusters in dense star cluster complexes


Conference Publication

Halo enrichment by disrupted globular clusters

Baumgardt, H (2002). Halo enrichment by disrupted globular clusters. Workshop on Modes of Star Formation and the Origin of Field Populations, Heidelberg Germany, Oct 09-13, 2000. SAN FRANCISCO: ASTRONOMICAL SOC PACIFIC.

Halo enrichment by disrupted globular clusters


Conference Publication

Lifetimes of star clusters and dynamical relaxation

Baumgardt, H (2001). Lifetimes of star clusters and dynamical relaxation. Conference on Dynamics of Star Clusters and the Milky Way, Heidelberg Germany, Mar 20-24, 2000. SAN FRANCISCO: ASTRONOMICAL SOC PACIFIC.

Lifetimes of star clusters and dynamical relaxation


Conference Publication

A comparison of ground-based Cepheid P-L relations with HIPPARCOS parallaxes

Baumgardt, H, Dettbarn, C, Fuchs, B, Rockmann, J and Wielen, R (1999). A comparison of ground-based Cepheid P-L relations with HIPPARCOS parallaxes. Colloquium on Harmonizing Cosmic Distance Scales in a Post-Hipparcos Era, Haguenau France, Sep 14-16, 1998. SAN FRANCISCO: ASTRONOMICAL SOC PACIFIC.

A comparison of ground-based Cepheid P-L relations with HIPPARCOS parallaxes