2007 Other Outputs Yirra and her deadly dog, DemonHeiss, Anita and Students at La Perouse Public School (2007). Yirra and her deadly dog, Demon. Sydney, Australia: ABC Books. |
2006 Journal Article Black poeticsHeiss, Anita (2006). Black poetics. Meanjin, 65 (1), 180-191. |
2005 Book Chapter O is for o-literatureHeiss, Anita (2005). O is for o-literature. The Ideas Book. (pp. 170-178) edited by Dale Spender and Phillip Adams. Brisbane, QLD Australia: UQP. |
2003 Other Outputs Me and My MumHeiss, Anita (2003). Me and My Mum. North Sydney, NSW, Australia: Indij Readers. |
2003 Book Dhuuluu Yala: publishing Aboriginal LiteratureHeiss, Anita (2003). Dhuuluu Yala: publishing Aboriginal Literature. Canberra, Australia: Aboriginal Studies Press. |
2002 Book Life in Gadigal CountryAnita Heiss ed. (2002). Life in Gadigal Country. Sydney, NSW, Australia: Gadigal Information Service. |
2002 Book Stories without end: Southerly seriesAnita Heiss and Penny van Toorn eds. (2002). Stories without end: Southerly series. Ultimo, NSW, Australia: Halstead Press. |
2001 Other Outputs Who Am I? The diary of Mary Talence: Sydney, 1937Heiss, Anita (2001). Who Am I? The diary of Mary Talence: Sydney, 1937. Sydney, NSW, Australia: Scholastic Press. |
2001 Book Chapter Aboriginal Identity and Its Effects on WritingHeiss, Anita (2001). Aboriginal Identity and Its Effects on Writing. (Ad)ressing Our Words: Aboriginal Perspectives on Aboriginal Literatures. (pp. 205-232) edited by Armand Garnet Ruffi. Penticton, BC Canada: Theytus Books. |
1998 Other Outputs Token KooriHeiss, Anita (1998). Token Koori. Sydney, NSW, Australia: Curringa Communications. |
1996 Other Outputs Sacred CowsHeiss, Anita (1996). Sacred Cows. Broome, WA, Australia: Magabala Books. |