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Journal Article

Engineering error correcting dynamics in nanomechanical systems

Jin, Xiaoya, Baker, Christopher G., Romero, Erick, Mauranyapin, Nicolas P., Hirsch, Timothy M. F., Bowen, Warwick P. and Harris, Glen I. (2024). Engineering error correcting dynamics in nanomechanical systems. Scientific Reports, 14 (1) 20431. doi: 10.1038/s41598-024-71679-7

Engineering error correcting dynamics in nanomechanical systems


Journal Article

Fast biological imaging with quantum-enhanced Raman microscopy

Terrasson, Alex, Mauranyapin, Nicolas, Casacio, Catxere, Grim, Joel, Barnscheidt, Kai, Hage, Boris, Taylor, Michael and Bowen, Warwick (2024). Fast biological imaging with quantum-enhanced Raman microscopy. Optics Express, 32 (21), 36193-36206. doi: 10.1364/oe.523956

Fast biological imaging with quantum-enhanced Raman microscopy


Journal Article

Acoustically driven single-frequency mechanical logic

Romero, Erick, Mauranyapin, Nicolas P., Hirsch, Timothy M. F., Kalra, Rachpon, Baker, Christopher G., Harris, Glen I. and Bowen, Warwick P. (2024). Acoustically driven single-frequency mechanical logic. Physical Review Applied, 21 (5) 054029, 1-19. doi: 10.1103/physrevapplied.21.054029

Acoustically driven single-frequency mechanical logic


Journal Article

Directional emission in an on-chip acoustic waveguide

Hirsch, T. M. F., Mauranyapin, N. P., Romero, E., Jin, X., Harris, G., Baker, C. G. and Bowen, W. P. (2024). Directional emission in an on-chip acoustic waveguide. Applied Physics Letters, 124 (1) 013504. doi: 10.1063/5.0180794

Directional emission in an on-chip acoustic waveguide


Journal Article

Cascading of Nanomechanical Resonator Logic

Jin, X., Baker, C. G., Romero, E., Mauranyapin, N. P., Hirsch, T. M.F., Bowen, W. P. and Harris, G. I. (2023). Cascading of Nanomechanical Resonator Logic. International Journal of Unconventional Computing, 18 (1), 49-66.

Cascading of Nanomechanical Resonator Logic


Journal Article

Quantum biotechnology

Mauranyapin, Nicolas P., Terrasson, Alex and Bowen, Warwick P. (2022). Quantum biotechnology. Advanced Quantum Technologies, 5 (9) 2100139, 1-19. doi: 10.1002/qute.202100139

Quantum biotechnology


Journal Article

Modelling of the dynamic polarizability of macromolecules for single-molecule optical biosensing

Booth, Larnii S., Browne, Eloise V., Mauranyapin, Nicolas P., Madsen, Lars S., Barfoot, Shelley, Mark, Alan and Bowen, Warwick P. (2022). Modelling of the dynamic polarizability of macromolecules for single-molecule optical biosensing. Scientific Reports, 12 (1) 1995. doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-05586-0

Modelling of the dynamic polarizability of macromolecules for single-molecule optical biosensing


Journal Article

Tunneling of transverse acoustic waves on a silicon chip

Mauranyapin, Nicolas P., Romero, Erick, Kalra, Rachpon, Harris, Glen, Baker, Christopher G. and Bowen, Warwick P. (2021). Tunneling of transverse acoustic waves on a silicon chip. Physical Review Applied, 15 (5) 054036, 1-9. doi: 10.1103/physrevapplied.15.054036

Tunneling of transverse acoustic waves on a silicon chip


Journal Article

Quantum noise limited nanoparticle detection with exposed-core fiber

Mauranyapin, Nicolas P., Madsen, Lars S., Booth, Larnii, Peng, Lu, Warren-Smith, Stephen C., Schartner, Erik P., Ebendorff-Heidepriem, Heike and Bowen, Warwick P. (2019). Quantum noise limited nanoparticle detection with exposed-core fiber. Optics Express, 27 (13), 18601-18611. doi: 10.1364/OE.27.018601

Quantum noise limited nanoparticle detection with exposed-core fiber


Journal Article

Propagation and imaging of mechanical waves in a highly stressed single-mode acoustic waveguide

Romero, E., Kalra, R., Mauranyapin, N. P., Baker, C.G., Meng, C. and Bowen, W. P. (2019). Propagation and imaging of mechanical waves in a highly stressed single-mode acoustic waveguide. Physical Review Applied, 11 (6) 064035. doi: 10.1103/physrevapplied.11.064035

Propagation and imaging of mechanical waves in a highly stressed single-mode acoustic waveguide


Journal Article

Evanescent single-molecule biosensing with quantum-limited precision

Mauranyapin, N. P., Madsen, L. S., Taylor, M. A., Waleed, M. and Bowen, W. P. (2017). Evanescent single-molecule biosensing with quantum-limited precision. Nature Photonics, 11 (8), 477-481. doi: 10.1038/nphoton.2017.99

Evanescent single-molecule biosensing with quantum-limited precision