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Journal Article

Separating component processes of theory of mind in schizophrenia

Bailey, Phoebe E. and Henry, Julie D. (2010). Separating component processes of theory of mind in schizophrenia. British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 49 (1), 43-52. doi: 10.1348/014466509X425086

Separating component processes of theory of mind in schizophrenia


Journal Article

Stereotype threat contributes to social difficulties in people with schizophrenia

Henry, JD, von Hippel, C and Shapiro, L (2010). Stereotype threat contributes to social difficulties in people with schizophrenia. British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 49 (1), 31-41. doi: 10.1348/014466509X421963

Stereotype threat contributes to social difficulties in people with schizophrenia


Journal Article

Socioemotional deficits associated with obsessive-compulsive symptomatology

Grisham, Jessica R., Henry, Julie D., Williams, Alishia D. and Bailey, Phoebe E. (2010). Socioemotional deficits associated with obsessive-compulsive symptomatology. Psychiatry Research, 175 (3), 256-259. doi: 10.1016/j.psychres.2009.01.028

Socioemotional deficits associated with obsessive-compulsive symptomatology


Journal Article

Prospective memory function in mild cognitive impairment and early dementia

Thompson, Claire, Henry, Julie D., Rendell, Peter G., Withall, Adrienne and Brodaty, Henry (2010). Prospective memory function in mild cognitive impairment and early dementia. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 16 (2), 318-325. doi: 10.1017/S1355617709991354

Prospective memory function in mild cognitive impairment and early dementia


Journal Article

Emotional target cues eliminate age differences in prospective memory

Altgassen, Mareike, Phillips, Louise H., Henry, Julie D., Rendell, Peter G. and Kliegel, Matthias (2010). Emotional target cues eliminate age differences in prospective memory. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 63 (6), 1057-1064. doi: 10.1080/17470211003770920

Emotional target cues eliminate age differences in prospective memory


Journal Article

Subconscious facial expression mimicry is preserved in older adulthood

Bailey, Phoebe E. and Henry, Julie D. (2009). Subconscious facial expression mimicry is preserved in older adulthood. Psychology and Aging, 24 (4), 995-1000. doi: 10.1037/a0015789

Subconscious facial expression mimicry is preserved in older adulthood


Journal Article

Cognitively impaired older adults exhibit comparable difficulties on naturalistic and laboratory prospective memory tasks

Will, Christine M., Rendell, Peter G., Ozgis, Sesil, Pierson, Jane M., Ong, Ben and Henry, Julie D. (2009). Cognitively impaired older adults exhibit comparable difficulties on naturalistic and laboratory prospective memory tasks. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 23 (6), 804-812. doi: 10.1002/acp.1514

Cognitively impaired older adults exhibit comparable difficulties on naturalistic and laboratory prospective memory tasks


Journal Article

Threat perception in mild cognitive impairment and early dementia

Henry, Julie D., Thompson, Claire, Ruffman, Ted, Leslie, Felicity, Withall, Adrienne, Sachdev, Perminder and Brodaty, Henry (2009). Threat perception in mild cognitive impairment and early dementia. The Journals of Gerontology. Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, 64 (5), 603-607. doi: 10.1093/geronb/gbp064

Threat perception in mild cognitive impairment and early dementia


Journal Article

Social-cognitive difficulties in former users of methamphetamine

Henry, Julie D., Mazur, Magdalena and Rendell, Peter G. (2009). Social-cognitive difficulties in former users of methamphetamine. British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 48 (3), 323-327. doi: 10.1348/000712609X435742

Social-cognitive difficulties in former users of methamphetamine


Journal Article

A convenient method of obtaining percentile norms and accompanying interval estimates for self-report mood scales (DASS, DASS-21, HADS, PANAS, and sAD)

Crawford, John R., Garthwaite, Paul H., Lawrie, Caroline J., Henry, Julie D., MacDonald, Marie A., Sutherland, Jane and Sinha, Priyanka (2009). A convenient method of obtaining percentile norms and accompanying interval estimates for self-report mood scales (DASS, DASS-21, HADS, PANAS, and sAD). British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 48 (2), 163-180. doi: 10.1348/014466508X377757

A convenient method of obtaining percentile norms and accompanying interval estimates for self-report mood scales (DASS, DASS-21, HADS, PANAS, and sAD)


Journal Article

A review of virtual week for prospective memory assessment: Clinical implications

Rendell, Peter G. and Henry, Julie D. (2009). A review of virtual week for prospective memory assessment: Clinical implications. Brain Impairment, 10 (1), 14-22. doi: 10.1375/brim.10.1.14

A review of virtual week for prospective memory assessment: Clinical implications


Journal Article

Aversive Pavlovian conditioning in childhood anxiety disorders: impaired response inhibition and resistance to extinction

Waters, Allison M., Henry, Julie and Neumann, David L. (2009). Aversive Pavlovian conditioning in childhood anxiety disorders: impaired response inhibition and resistance to extinction. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 118 (2), 311-321. doi: 10.1037/a0015635

Aversive Pavlovian conditioning in childhood anxiety disorders: impaired response inhibition and resistance to extinction


Journal Article

Emotion dysregulation and schizotypy

Henry, Julie D., Green, Melissa J., Restuccia, Corrine, de Lucia, Amber, Rendell, Peter G., McDonald, Skye and Grisham, Jessica R. (2009). Emotion dysregulation and schizotypy. Psychiatry Research, 166 (2-3), 116-124. doi: 10.1016/j.psychres.2008.01.007

Emotion dysregulation and schizotypy


Journal Article

Prospective memory impairment in former users of methamphetamine

Rendell, Peter G., Mazur, Magdalena and Henry, Julie D. (2009). Prospective memory impairment in former users of methamphetamine. Psychopharmacology, 203 (3), 609-616. doi: 10.1007/s00213-008-1408-0

Prospective memory impairment in former users of methamphetamine


Journal Article

Social Inappropriateness, Executive Control, and Aging

Henry, JD, von Hippel, W and Baynes, K (2009). Social Inappropriateness, Executive Control, and Aging. Psychology and Aging, 24 (1), 239-244. doi: 10.1037/a0013423

Social Inappropriateness, Executive Control, and Aging


Journal Article

Training adult novices to use computers: Effects of different types of illustrations

Kehoe, E. James, Bednall, Timothy C., Yin, Leon, Olsen, Kirk N., Pitts, Claudia, Henry, Julie D. and Bailey, Phoebe E. (2009). Training adult novices to use computers: Effects of different types of illustrations. Computers in Human Behavior, 25 (2), 275-283. doi: 10.1016/j.chb.2008.12.005

Training adult novices to use computers: Effects of different types of illustrations


Journal Article

Electromyographic evidence for age-related differences in the mimicry of anger

Bailey, Phoebe E., Henry, Julie D. and Nangle, Matthew R. (2009). Electromyographic evidence for age-related differences in the mimicry of anger. Psychology and Aging, 24 (1), 224-229. doi: 10.1037/a0014112

Electromyographic evidence for age-related differences in the mimicry of anger


Journal Article

Spaced retrieval significantly improves prospective memory performance of cognitively impaired older adults

Ozgis, Sesil, Rendell, Peter G. and Henry, Julie D. (2009). Spaced retrieval significantly improves prospective memory performance of cognitively impaired older adults. Gerontology, 55 (2), 229-232. doi: 10.1159/000163446

Spaced retrieval significantly improves prospective memory performance of cognitively impaired older adults


Journal Article

Attentional lapses, emotional regulation and quality of life in multiple sclerosis

Phillips, Louise H., Saldias, Amber, McCarrey, Anna, Henry, Julie D., Scott, Clare, Summers, Fiona and Whyte, Maggie (2009). Attentional lapses, emotional regulation and quality of life in multiple sclerosis. British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 48 (1), 101-106. doi: 10.1348/014466508X379566

Attentional lapses, emotional regulation and quality of life in multiple sclerosis


Journal Article

Emotion experience, expression, and regulation in Alzheimer's disease

Henry, Julie D., Rendell, Peter G., Scicluna, Amanda, Jackson, Michelle and Phillips, Louise H. (2009). Emotion experience, expression, and regulation in Alzheimer's disease. Psychology and Aging, 24 (1), 252-257. doi: 10.1037/a0014001

Emotion experience, expression, and regulation in Alzheimer's disease