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Book Chapter

De novo plant transcriptome assembly and annotation using illumina RNA-seq reads

Kerr, Stephanie C., Gaiti, Federico and Tanurdzic, Milos (2019). De novo plant transcriptome assembly and annotation using illumina RNA-seq reads. Plant long non-coding RNAs: methods and protocols. (pp. 265-275) edited by Julia A. Chekanova and Hsiao-Lin V. Wang. New York, NY, United States: Springer Nature. doi: 10.1007/978-1-4939-9045-0_16

De novo plant transcriptome assembly and annotation using illumina RNA-seq reads


Book Chapter

Origins of novel phenotypic variation in polyploids

Finigan, Patrick, Tanurdzic, Milos and Martienssen, Robert A. (2012). Origins of novel phenotypic variation in polyploids. Polyploidy and Genome Evolution. (pp. 57-76) edited by Pamela S. Soltis and Douglas E. Soltis. Heidelberg, Germany: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-31442-1_4

Origins of novel phenotypic variation in polyploids


Book Chapter

Reverse Genetic Analyses of Gene Function in Fern Gametophytes

Rutherford, George, Tanurdzic, Milos, Hasebe, Mitsuyasu and Banks, Jo Ann (2012). Reverse Genetic Analyses of Gene Function in Fern Gametophytes. Vascular Plants and Paleobotany. (pp. 54-66) edited by Philip Stewart and Sabine Globig. Point Pleasant, NJ, United States: CRC Press. doi: 10.1201/b12226-6

Reverse Genetic Analyses of Gene Function in Fern Gametophytes