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Conference Publication

Quantifying non-API proppant transport and fracture permeability as a function of solids loading and particle shape

Leonardi, C. R., Laniewski-Wollk, L. and Di Vaira, N. J. (2024). Quantifying non-API proppant transport and fracture permeability as a function of solids loading and particle shape. 58th U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, Golden, CO, United States, 23-26 June 2024. ARMA. doi: 10.56952/arma-2024-0718

Quantifying non-API proppant transport and fracture permeability as a function of solids loading and particle shape


Conference Publication

Characterization of Anisotropic Geomechanical Properties of Australian Bowen Basin Coals Through Nanoindentation and Upscaling Approaches

Shi, Zhang, Huang, Yixiao, Flottman, Thomas, Leonardi, Christopher, Lu, Mingyuan and Chen, Zhongwei (2023). Characterization of Anisotropic Geomechanical Properties of Australian Bowen Basin Coals Through Nanoindentation and Upscaling Approaches. Asia Pacific Unconventional Resources Symposium APUR 2023, Brisbane, QLD Australia, 14–15 November 2023. Richardson, TX United States: Society of Petroleum Engineers. doi: 10.2118/217274-MS

Characterization of Anisotropic Geomechanical Properties of Australian Bowen Basin Coals Through Nanoindentation and Upscaling Approaches


Conference Publication

Computational analysis of proppant transport and screen-out in natural and induced fractures

Leonardi, Christopher R., Di Vaira, Nathan J., Laniewski-Wollk, Lukasz, Ganpule, Sameer and Flottmann, Thomas (2023). Computational analysis of proppant transport and screen-out in natural and induced fractures. Asia Pacific Unconventional Resources Symposium, Brisbane, QLD, Australia, 14-15 November 2023. Richardson, TX, United States: Society of Petroleum Engineers. doi: 10.2118/217348-ms

Computational analysis of proppant transport and screen-out in natural and induced fractures


Conference Publication

Understanding compressibility coefficients in heterogeneous fractured rocks and implications for CSG reservoir simulation

Santiago, V., Rodger, I., Hayes, P., Leonardi, C. and Deisman, N. (2023). Understanding compressibility coefficients in heterogeneous fractured rocks and implications for CSG reservoir simulation. Asia Pacific Unconventional Resources Symposium, Brisbane, QLD Australia, 14-15 November 2023. Richardson, TX USA: Society of Petroleum Engineers. doi: 10.2118/217281-MS

Understanding compressibility coefficients in heterogeneous fractured rocks and implications for CSG reservoir simulation


Conference Publication

Towards a statistical framework to upscale fracture flows with quantifiable uncertainty

Mitchell, T., Sashko, D., Łaniewski-Wołłk, Ł. and Leonardi, C. (2023). Towards a statistical framework to upscale fracture flows with quantifiable uncertainty. 2nd EAGE Workshop on Fluid Flow in Faults and Fracture - Modelling, Uncertainty and Risk, Canberra, ACT Australia, 15-16 August 2023. Bunnik, Netherlands: European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers. doi: 10.3997/2214-4609.202373012

Towards a statistical framework to upscale fracture flows with quantifiable uncertainty


Conference Publication

Probabilistic quantification of size segregation and screen-out of microparticles subject to electrostatic forces

Leonardi, Christopher R., Di Vaira, Nathan J., Laniewski-Wollk, Lukasz, Aminossadati, Saiied M. and Johnson, Raymond L. (2023). Probabilistic quantification of size segregation and screen-out of microparticles subject to electrostatic forces. SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference and Exhibition 2023, HFTC 2023, The Woodlands, TX, United States, 31 January– 2 February 2023. Richardson, TX, United States: Society of Petroleum Engineers. doi: 10.2118/212379-ms

Probabilistic quantification of size segregation and screen-out of microparticles subject to electrostatic forces


Conference Publication

Co-Application of Indirect Hydraulic Fracturing and Micro-Proppants with Existing Surface-to-Inseam Wells to Improve Pre-Drainage of Low Permeability Coals in Mining Areas

Ramanandraibe, H. M., Johnson, R. L., Sedaghat, M. and Leonardi, C. R. (2023). Co-Application of Indirect Hydraulic Fracturing and Micro-Proppants with Existing Surface-to-Inseam Wells to Improve Pre-Drainage of Low Permeability Coals in Mining Areas. Society of Petroleum Engineers. doi: 10.2118/216613-MS

Co-Application of Indirect Hydraulic Fracturing and Micro-Proppants with Existing Surface-to-Inseam Wells to Improve Pre-Drainage of Low Permeability Coals in Mining Areas


Conference Publication

Implications of recent research into the application of graded particles or micro-proppants for coal seam gas and shale hydraulic fracturing

Johnson, Raymond Leslie, Ramanandraibe, Honja Miharisoa, Di Vaira, Nathan, Leonardi, Chris, You, Zhenjiang, Santiago, Vanessa, Ribeiro, Ayrton, Badalyan, Alexander, Bedrikovetsky, Pavel, Zeinijahromi, Abbas, Carageorgos, Themis, Sanchez-Barr, Angel, Chalaturnyk, Rick and Deisman, Nathan (2022). Implications of recent research into the application of graded particles or micro-proppants for coal seam gas and shale hydraulic fracturing. SPE Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition, Adelaide, SA, Australia, 17-19 October 2022. Society of Petroleum Engineers. doi: 10.2118/210628-ms

Implications of recent research into the application of graded particles or micro-proppants for coal seam gas and shale hydraulic fracturing


Conference Publication

A novel methodology for predicting micro-proppant screenout in hydraulic fracturing treatments

Di Vaira, Nathan J., Łaniewski-Wołłk, Łukasz, Johnson Jr., Raymond L., Aminossadati, Saiied M. and Leonardi, Christopher R. (2021). A novel methodology for predicting micro-proppant screenout in hydraulic fracturing treatments. Asia Pacific Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, Virtual, 16–18 November 2021. Tulsa, OK, United States: Society of Exploration Geophysicists. doi: 10.15530/ap-urtec-2021-208342

A novel methodology for predicting micro-proppant screenout in hydraulic fracturing treatments


Conference Publication

A new approach for measuring the shear strength of cleated coal

Chen, Z., Mondal, S., Leonardi, C. R. and Flottmann, T. (2021). A new approach for measuring the shear strength of cleated coal. 55th U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, Houston, TX United States, 18-25 June 2021. Alexandria, VA United States: The American Rock Mechanics Association (ARMA).

A new approach for measuring the shear strength of cleated coal


Conference Publication

Analytical and numerical assessment of the influence of bulk coal strength on drilling operations in unconventional coal seam gas wells

Leonardi, C. R., Zhong, R., Mitchell, T. R., Chen, Z., Johnson, R. L., O'Hagan, D. and Flottmann, T. (2021). Analytical and numerical assessment of the influence of bulk coal strength on drilling operations in unconventional coal seam gas wells. 55th US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, Houston, TX USA, 20-23 June 2021. Alexandria, VA USA: American Rock Mechanics Association.

Analytical and numerical assessment of the influence of bulk coal strength on drilling operations in unconventional coal seam gas wells


Conference Publication

Wellbore stability analysis of horizontal drilling in Bowen and Surat coal seam gas wells

Zhong, Ruizhi, Leonardi, Christopher R., Mitchell, Travis R. and Johnson, Ray L. (2021). Wellbore stability analysis of horizontal drilling in Bowen and Surat coal seam gas wells. SPE/AAPG/SEG Asia Pacific Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, Virtual, 16-18 November 2021. Tulsa, OK, United States: Unconventional Resources Technology Conference. doi: 10.15530/ap-urtec-2021-208399

Wellbore stability analysis of horizontal drilling in Bowen and Surat coal seam gas wells


Conference Publication

Experimental Study of Coal Directional Sorption-Induced Strain Under Different Temperatures

Huang, Yixiao, Shi, Zhang, Flottmann, Thomas, Kuznetsov, Dan, Rudolph, Victor, Leonardi, Christopher and Chen, Zhongwei (2021). Experimental Study of Coal Directional Sorption-Induced Strain Under Different Temperatures. SPE/AAPG/SEG Asia Pacific Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, Online, 16–18 November 2021. Tulsa, OK United States: Unconventional Resources Technology Conference. doi: 10.15530/ap-urtec-2021-208345

Experimental Study of Coal Directional Sorption-Induced Strain Under Different Temperatures


Conference Publication

Numerical evaluation of bulk geomechanical properties of fractured coal with changing net effective stress conditions

Mitchell, Travis R., Zhong, Ruizhi, Johnson, Ray and Leonardi, Christopher R. (2021). Numerical evaluation of bulk geomechanical properties of fractured coal with changing net effective stress conditions. SPE/AAPG/SEG Asia Pacific Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, Virtual, 16-18 November 2021. Tulsa, OK, United States: Unconventional Resources Technology Conference. doi: 10.15530/ap-urtec-2021-208346

Numerical evaluation of bulk geomechanical properties of fractured coal with changing net effective stress conditions


Conference Publication

Lattice Boltzmann modelling of a regularised Kuang-Luo fluid in a carotid artery

Hill, Bryce, Mitchell, Travis and Leonardi, Christopher (2020). Lattice Boltzmann modelling of a regularised Kuang-Luo fluid in a carotid artery. 22nd Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference AFMC2020, Brisbane, QLD Australia, 7-10 December 2020. Brisbane, QLD Australia: The University of Queensland. doi: 10.14264/cf18781

Lattice Boltzmann modelling of a regularised Kuang-Luo fluid in a carotid artery


Conference Publication

Analysis of Taylor bubble dynamics via high-fidelity numerical modelling

Mitchell, Travis and Leonardi, Christopher (2020). Analysis of Taylor bubble dynamics via high-fidelity numerical modelling. 22nd Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference AFMC2020, Brisbane, Australia, 7-10 December 2020. Brisbane, Australia: The University of Queensland. doi: 10.14264/4181c21

Analysis of Taylor bubble dynamics via high-fidelity numerical modelling


Conference Publication

Modelling of selective nanofluids under radiation in a CPV/T collector

Mojumder, Juwel Chandra, Aminossadati, Saiied and Leonardi, Christopher R. (2020). Modelling of selective nanofluids under radiation in a CPV/T collector. 22nd Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference AFMC2020, Brisbane, QLD Australia, 7-10 December 2020. Brisbane, QLD Australia: The University of Queensland. doi: 10.14264/d43e050

Modelling of selective nanofluids under radiation in a CPV/T collector


Conference Publication

Hydrodynamic and electrostatic jamming of microparticles in narrow channels

Di Vaira, Nathan J., Łaniewski-Wołłk, Łukasz, Johnson, Raymond L., Aminossadati, Saiied M. and Leonardi, Christopher R. (2020). Hydrodynamic and electrostatic jamming of microparticles in narrow channels. 22nd Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference AFMC2020, Brisbane, QLD Australia, 7-10 December 2020. Brisbane, QLD Australia: The University of Queensland. doi: 10.14264/8d34dcf

Hydrodynamic and electrostatic jamming of microparticles in narrow channels


Conference Publication

Modelling micro-proppant transport in stress-sensitive naturally-fractured reservoirs

Di Vaira, Nathan, Leonardi, Christopher and Johnson, Raymond, Jr (2020). Modelling micro-proppant transport in stress-sensitive naturally-fractured reservoirs. SPE Europec (Society of Petroleum Engineers Europe Energy Conference), Virtual/Online, 1-3 December 2020. Richardson, Texas, United States: Society of Petroleum Engineers. doi: 10.2118/200600-MS

Modelling micro-proppant transport in stress-sensitive naturally-fractured reservoirs


Conference Publication

Modelling Micro-Proppant Transport in Stress-Sensitive Naturally-Fractured Reservoirs

Di Vaira, Nathan, Leonardi, Christopher and Johnson Jr., Raymond (2020). Modelling Micro-Proppant Transport in Stress-Sensitive Naturally-Fractured Reservoirs. 82nd EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 8-11 December. Richardson, TX United States: Society of Petroleum Engineers. doi: 10.2118/200600-ms

Modelling Micro-Proppant Transport in Stress-Sensitive Naturally-Fractured Reservoirs