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Conference Publication

Acquired language disorders in children following treatment for intracranial tumour.

Docking, K. M., Murdoch, B. E. and Ward, E. C. (2000). Acquired language disorders in children following treatment for intracranial tumour.. 2nd Asia Pacific Conference on Speech, Language and Hearing, Gold Coast, Qld, 4 - 7 July 2000.

Acquired language disorders in children following treatment for intracranial tumour.


Conference Publication

Speech outcomes following treatment for posterior fossa tumors: Case study reports.

Cornwell, P., Murdoch, B. E. and Ward, E. C. (2000). Speech outcomes following treatment for posterior fossa tumors: Case study reports.. 2nd Asia Pacific Conference on Speech, Language and Hearing, Gold Coast, Qld, 4 - 7 July 2000.

Speech outcomes following treatment for posterior fossa tumors: Case study reports.


Conference Publication

The effects of the Lee Silverman Voice Treatment program on motor speech function in Parkinson disease following thalamotomy and pallidotomy surgery: A case study

Theodoros, Deborah G., Thompson-Ward, Elizabeth C., Murdoch, Bruce E., Lethlean, Jennifer and Silburn, Peter (1999). The effects of the Lee Silverman Voice Treatment program on motor speech function in Parkinson disease following thalamotomy and pallidotomy surgery: A case study.

The effects of the Lee Silverman Voice Treatment program on motor speech function in Parkinson disease following thalamotomy and pallidotomy surgery: A case study


Conference Publication

Speech outcomes in post-pallidotomy patients following the LSVT Program

Theodoros, D. G., Ward, E. C. and Murdoch, B. E. (1999). Speech outcomes in post-pallidotomy patients following the LSVT Program. Annual Convention American Speech, Language & Hearing Assoc., San Francisco, 18-21 November 1999.

Speech outcomes in post-pallidotomy patients following the LSVT Program


Conference Publication

Articulatory dysfunction in multiple sclerosis: An electropalatographic study

Gardiner, F., Murdoch, B. E., Theodoros, D. G., Goozee, J. V. and Ward, E. C. (1999). Articulatory dysfunction in multiple sclerosis: An electropalatographic study. 17th International A'asian Winter Conf. on Brain Research, Queenstown, NZ, 30 August - 3 Septtember, 1999.

Articulatory dysfunction in multiple sclerosis: An electropalatographic study


Conference Publication

Phonatory characteristics in Australian and Swedish individuals with multiple sclerosis

Hartelius, L. L., Murdoch, B. E., Theodoros, D. G., Ward, E. C. and Buder, E. H. (1999). Phonatory characteristics in Australian and Swedish individuals with multiple sclerosis. Annual Convention of the American Speech, Language & Hearing, San Francisco, USA, 18-21 November 1999.

Phonatory characteristics in Australian and Swedish individuals with multiple sclerosis


Conference Publication

Physiological biofeedback in the treatment of speech breathing disorders following childhood traumatic brain injury: Report of one case

Murdoch, B. E., Pitt, G., Theodoros, D. G. and Ward, E. C. (1999). Physiological biofeedback in the treatment of speech breathing disorders following childhood traumatic brain injury: Report of one case. 24th IALP Congress, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 23-27 August 1999. The Netherlands: Nijmegen Univ. Press.

Physiological biofeedback in the treatment of speech breathing disorders following childhood traumatic brain injury: Report of one case


Conference Publication

Impact of pallidotomy surgery and the Lee Silvermann Voice Treatment Program on motor speech function in Parkinson's Disease: A case study

Theodoros, D.G., Ward, E. C., Murdoch, B. E., Silburn, P. and Lethlean, J. (1999). Impact of pallidotomy surgery and the Lee Silvermann Voice Treatment Program on motor speech function in Parkinson's Disease: A case study. 5th Multi Disciplinary Conference on Parkinson's Disease, Sydney, 22-24 August 1999.

Impact of pallidotomy surgery and the Lee Silvermann Voice Treatment Program on motor speech function in Parkinson's Disease: A case study


Conference Publication

Lip and tongue function in multiple sclerosis: A physiological analysis

Murdoch, B. E., Spencer, T., Theodoros, D. G. and Ward, E. C. (1998). Lip and tongue function in multiple sclerosis: A physiological analysis. Brain Research Conference, NZ, 1997. Reading, UK: Gordon and Breach.

Lip and tongue function in multiple sclerosis: A physiological analysis


Conference Publication

Computer assisted analysis of oro-motor movements in neurologically impaired adults

Ward, E. C., Murdoch, B. E., Theodoros, D.G. and Stokes, P. D. (1998). Computer assisted analysis of oro-motor movements in neurologically impaired adults. Brain Research Conference, NZ, 1997. Reading, UK: Gordon and Breach.

Computer assisted analysis of oro-motor movements in neurologically impaired adults