2015 Conference Publication Is ‘corporate tax maximisation’ an unthinkable?Anesa, Mattia, Sadiq, Kerrie, Gillespie, Nicole and Spee, Paul (2015). Is ‘corporate tax maximisation’ an unthinkable?. 27th Australasian Tax Teachers’ Association Conference - Tax: ‘It’s time’ for change, Adelaide SA, Australia, 19-21 January 2015. |
2014 Journal Article Charting new territory for organizational ethnography: insights from a team-based video ethnographySmets, Michael, Burke, Gary, Jarzabkowski, Paula and Spee, Paul (2014). Charting new territory for organizational ethnography: insights from a team-based video ethnography. Journal of Organizational Ethnography, 3 (1), 10-26. doi: 10.1108/JOE-12-2012-0056 |
2013 Journal Article Material artifacts: practices for doing strategy with 'stuff'Jarzabkowski, Paula, Spee, Andreas Paul and Smets, Michael (2013). Material artifacts: practices for doing strategy with 'stuff'. European Management Journal, 31 (1), 41-54. doi: 10.1016/j.emj.2012.09.001 |
2013 Journal Article Institutional ambidexterity: leveraging institutional complexity in practiceJarzabkowski, Paula, Smets, Michael, Bednarek, Rebecca, Burke, Gary and Spee, Paul (2013). Institutional ambidexterity: leveraging institutional complexity in practice. Research in the Sociology of Organizations, 39 B, 37-61. doi: 10.1108/S0733-558X(2013)0039AB015 |
2012 Conference Publication Reinsurance trading in Lloyd's of London: Balancing conflicting-yet-complementary logics in practiceSmets, Michael, Jarzabkowski, Paula, Burke, Gary T. and Spee, Paul (2012). Reinsurance trading in Lloyd's of London: Balancing conflicting-yet-complementary logics in practice. 72nd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, AOM 2012, Boston, MA, 7-10 August 2012. Briarcliff Manor, NY, United States: Academy of Management. doi: 10.5465/AMBPP.2012.246 |
2012 Book Chapter Leveraging relationships to get ready for changeJarzabkowski, Paula, Smets Michael and Spee, Paul (2012). Leveraging relationships to get ready for change. Ready for change? : transition through turbulence to reformation and transformation. (pp. 165-184) edited by Cora Lynn Heimer Rathbone. Basomgstple: Palgrave MacMillan. doi: 10.1057/9781137008404 |
2012 Conference Publication Material artifacts: Practices for doing strategy with 'Stuff'Spee, Andreas Paul, Jarzabkowski, Paula and Smets, Michael (2012). Material artifacts: Practices for doing strategy with 'Stuff'. Academy of Management 2012 Annual Meeting, AOM 2012, Boston, MA United States, 3-7 August 2012. Briarcliff Manor, NY, United States: Academy of Management. doi: 10.5465/AMBPP.2012.250 |
2011 Journal Article Strategic planning as communicative processSpee, A. Paul and Jarzabkowski, Paula (2011). Strategic planning as communicative process. Organization Studies, 32 (9), 1217-1245. doi: 10.1177/0170840611411387 |
2010 Other Outputs Trading risk: The value of relationships, models and face-to-face interaction in the global reinsurance marketJarzabkowski, Paula, Smets, Michael and Spee, Paul (2010). Trading risk: The value of relationships, models and face-to-face interaction in the global reinsurance market. Birmingham, West Midlands, United Kingdom: Aston Business School. |
2009 Journal Article Strategy tools as boundary objectsSpee, Andreas Paul and Jarzabkowski, Paula (2009). Strategy tools as boundary objects. Strategic Organization, 7 (2), 223-232. doi: 10.1177/1476127009102674 |
2009 Journal Article Strategy-as-practice: a review and future directions for the fieldJarzabkowski, Paula and Spee, Andreas Paul (2009). Strategy-as-practice: a review and future directions for the field. International Journal of Management Reviews, 11 (1), 69-95. doi: 10.1111/j.1468-2370.2008.00250.x |