2019 Journal Article RACI Awards 2017-19Wentrup, Curt (2019). RACI Awards 2017-19. Australian Journal of Chemistry, 72 (8), 561-562. doi: 10.1071/CHv72n8_FO |
2018 Journal Article Phenylnitrene radical cation rearrangementsBégué, Didier, Dargelos, Alain and Wentrup, Curt (2018). Phenylnitrene radical cation rearrangements. Journal of Physical Chemistry A: Molecules, Spectroscopy, Kinetics, Environment and General Theory, 122 (43) acs.jpca.8b08480, 8490-8496. doi: 10.1021/acs.jpca.8b08480 |
2018 Journal Article Triplet states of tetrazoles, nitrenes, and carbenes from matrix photolysis of tetrazoles, and phenylcyanamide as a source of phenylnitreneAbe, Manabu, Bégué, Didier, Silva, Hugo Santos, Dargelos, Alain and Wentrup, Curt (2018). Triplet states of tetrazoles, nitrenes, and carbenes from matrix photolysis of tetrazoles, and phenylcyanamide as a source of phenylnitrene. Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 122 (37), 7276-7283. doi: 10.1021/acs.jpca.8b06960 |
2018 Journal Article Carbene und Nitrene: aktuelle Entwicklungen in der GrundlagenchemieWentrup, Curt (2018). Carbene und Nitrene: aktuelle Entwicklungen in der Grundlagenchemie. Angewandte Chemie, 130 (36), 11680-11693. doi: 10.1002/ange.201804863 |
2018 Journal Article Trimethylsilylnitrene and its surprising rearrangement to N-(Dimethylsilyl)methanimine via silaziridine and silaazomethine ylideWentrup, Curt, Lüerssen, Holger, Silva, Hugo Santos, Dargelos, Alain and Bégué, Didier (2018). Trimethylsilylnitrene and its surprising rearrangement to N-(Dimethylsilyl)methanimine via silaziridine and silaazomethine ylide. Chemistry: A European Journal, 24 (54), 14547-14553. doi: 10.1002/chem.201803245 |
2018 Journal Article Direct observation of an imidoylnitrene: photochemical formation of PhC(=NMe)−N and Me−N from 1-methyl-5-phenyltetrazoleAbe, Manabu, Bégué, Didier, Santos-Silva, Hugo, Dargelos, Alain and Wentrup, Curt (2018). Direct observation of an imidoylnitrene: photochemical formation of PhC(=NMe)−N and Me−N from 1-methyl-5-phenyltetrazole. Angewandte Chemie, 130 (12), 3266-3270. doi: 10.1002/ange.201712689 |
2018 Journal Article First Direct Observation of an Imidoylnitrene. Photochemical Formation of PhC(=NMe)-N and Me-N from 1-Methyl-5-phenyltetrazoleWentrup, Curt, Abe, Manabu, Bégué, Didier, Santos-Silva, Hugo and Dargelos, Alain (2018). First Direct Observation of an Imidoylnitrene. Photochemical Formation of PhC(=NMe)-N and Me-N from 1-Methyl-5-phenyltetrazole. Angewandte Chemie (International ed. in English), 57 (12), 3212-3216. doi: 10.1002/anie.201712689 |
2018 Journal Article From dipivaloylketene to tetraoxaadamantanesKollenz, Gert and Wentrup, Curt (2018). From dipivaloylketene to tetraoxaadamantanes. Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry, 14 (1), 1-10. doi: 10.3762/bjoc.14.1 |
2018 Journal Article RACI and academy of science awards 2017-18Wentrup, Curt (2018). RACI and academy of science awards 2017-18. Australian Journal of Chemistry, 71 (10), 721-722. doi: 10.1071/CHv71n10_FO |
2017 Journal Article Flash-Vakuumpyrolyse - Techniken und ReaktionenWentrup, Curt (2017). Flash-Vakuumpyrolyse - Techniken und Reaktionen. Angewandte Chemie, 129 (47), 15002-15031. doi: 10.1002/ange.201705118 |
2017 Journal Article Pyrolysis of benzotriazoles. 1-Acyl- and 1-alkoxycarbonylbenzotriazoles: Hetero-Wolff rearrangement to N-acyl- and N-alkoxycarbonyl-fulvenimines and free radical routes to cyanocyclopentadienesWentrup, Curt, Freiermuth, Beat and Aylward, Nigel (2017). Pyrolysis of benzotriazoles. 1-Acyl- and 1-alkoxycarbonylbenzotriazoles: Hetero-Wolff rearrangement to N-acyl- and N-alkoxycarbonyl-fulvenimines and free radical routes to cyanocyclopentadienes. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 128, 187-195. doi: 10.1016/j.jaap.2017.10.011 |
2017 Journal Article Celebrating RACI and Academy of Science AwardsWentrup, Curt (2017). Celebrating RACI and Academy of Science Awards. Australian Journal of Chemistry, 70 (11), 1159-1160. doi: 10.1071/CHv70n11_FO |
2017 Journal Article Imidoylnitrenes R'C(═NR)-N, Nitrile Imines, 1H-Diazirines, and Carbodiimides: Interconversions and Rearrangements, Structures, and Energies at DFT and CASPT2 Levels of TheoryBégué, Didier, Santos-Silva, Hugo, Dargelos, Alain and Wentrup, Curt (2017). Imidoylnitrenes R'C(═NR)-N, Nitrile Imines, 1H-Diazirines, and Carbodiimides: Interconversions and Rearrangements, Structures, and Energies at DFT and CASPT2 Levels of Theory. The journal of physical chemistry. A, 121 (43), 8227-8235. doi: 10.1021/acs.jpca.7b08445 |
2017 Journal Article Iminocyclohexadienylidenes: carbenes or diradicals? the hetero-Wolff rearrangement of benzotriazoles to cyanocyclopentadienes and 1H-benzo[b]azirinesBegue, Didier, Santos-Silva, Hugo, Dargelos, Alain and Wentrup, Curt (2017). Iminocyclohexadienylidenes: carbenes or diradicals? the hetero-Wolff rearrangement of benzotriazoles to cyanocyclopentadienes and 1H-benzo[b]azirines. Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 121 (32), 5998-6003. doi: 10.1021/acs.jpca.7b05325 |
2017 Journal Article Pyrolysis of hydrazine derivatives and related compounds with N-N single bondsGaber, Abdel-Aal M. and Wentrup, Curt (2017). Pyrolysis of hydrazine derivatives and related compounds with N-N single bonds. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 125, 258-278. doi: 10.1016/j.jaap.2017.03.016 |
2017 Journal Article New, simple and efficient method for the synthesis of imidazo-azines by flash vacuum thermolysis of tert-butylimines of pyrimidine-2-, pyrazine-2-, quinoline-2-, quinoxaline-2- and isoquinoline-1-carbaldehydesJustyna, Katarzyna , Chrostowska, Anna , Leśniak, Stanisław , Darrigan, Clovis , Baylère, Patrick , Khayar, Saïd and Wentrup, Curt (2017). New, simple and efficient method for the synthesis of imidazo-azines by flash vacuum thermolysis of tert-butylimines of pyrimidine-2-, pyrazine-2-, quinoline-2-, quinoxaline-2- and isoquinoline-1-carbaldehydes. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 125, 335-346. doi: 10.1016/j.jaap.2017.02.028 |
2016 Journal Article A thermally populated, perpendicularly twisted alkene triplet diradicalWentrup, Curt, Regimbald-Krnel, Michèle J., Müller, Dennis and Comba, Peter (2016). A thermally populated, perpendicularly twisted alkene triplet diradical. Angewandte Chemie, 128 (47), 14820-14825. doi: 10.1002/ange.201607415 |
2016 Journal Article A Thermally Populated, Perpendicularly Twisted Alkene Triplet DiradicalWentrup, Curt, Regimbald-Krnel, Michele J., Müller, Dennis and Comba, Peter (2016). A Thermally Populated, Perpendicularly Twisted Alkene Triplet Diradical. Angewandte Chemie, 55 (47), 14600-14605. doi: 10.1002/anie.201607415 |
2016 Journal Article Twisted C=C double bonds with very low rotational barriers in dioxanediones and isoxazolones determined by low-temperature dynamic NMR spectroscopy and computational chemistryWentrup, Curt, Koch, Rainer and Kleinpeter, Erich (2016). Twisted C=C double bonds with very low rotational barriers in dioxanediones and isoxazolones determined by low-temperature dynamic NMR spectroscopy and computational chemistry. European Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2016 (29), 4985-4990. doi: 10.1002/ejoc.201600931 |
2016 Journal Article Azulene–naphthalene-type rearrangements in Benz[a]azulene and Cyclohepta[b]indoleWentrup, Curt and Becker, Jürgen (2016). Azulene–naphthalene-type rearrangements in Benz[a]azulene and Cyclohepta[b]indole. Chemistry - A European Journal, 22 (39), 13835-13839. doi: 10.1002/chem.201603389 |