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Journal Article

Do founding families downgrade corporate governance? The roles of intra-family enforcement

Fan, Joseph P.H. and Yu, Xin (2022). Do founding families downgrade corporate governance? The roles of intra-family enforcement. Journal of Corporate Finance, 73 102190, 1-16. doi: 10.1016/j.jcorpfin.2022.102190

Do founding families downgrade corporate governance? The roles of intra-family enforcement


Journal Article

Collectivist Cultures and the Emergence of Family Firms

Fan, Joseph P. H., Gu, Qiankun and Yu, Xin (2022). Collectivist Cultures and the Emergence of Family Firms. Journal of Law and Economics, 65 (S1), S293-S325. doi: 10.1086/718853

Collectivist Cultures and the Emergence of Family Firms


Journal Article

Bureaucrats as managers and their roles in corporate diversification

Fan, Joseph P. H., Huang, Jun, Oberholzer-Gee, Felix and Zhao, Mengxin (2020). Bureaucrats as managers and their roles in corporate diversification. Journal of Corporate Finance, 63 101171, 101171. doi: 10.1016/j.jcorpfin.2017.03.006

Bureaucrats as managers and their roles in corporate diversification


Journal Article

The impact of ownership transferability on family firm governance and performance: the case of family trusts

Fan, Joseph P. H. and Leung, Winnie S. C. (2020). The impact of ownership transferability on family firm governance and performance: the case of family trusts. Journal of Corporate Finance, 61 101409. doi: 10.1016/j.jcorpfin.2018.09.004

The impact of ownership transferability on family firm governance and performance: the case of family trusts


Journal Article

Institutional determinants of vertical integration in China

Fan, Joseph P. H., Huang, Jun, Morck, Randall and Yeung, Bernard (2017). Institutional determinants of vertical integration in China. Journal of Corporate Finance, 44, 524-539. doi: 10.1016/j.jcorpfin.2014.05.013

Institutional determinants of vertical integration in China


Journal Article

The family business map: framework, selective survey, and evidence from Chinese family firm succession

Bennedsen, Morten, Fan, Joseph P. H., Jian, Ming and Yeh, Yin-Hua (2015). The family business map: framework, selective survey, and evidence from Chinese family firm succession. Journal of Corporate Finance, 33, 212-226. doi: 10.1016/j.jcorpfin.2015.01.008

The family business map: framework, selective survey, and evidence from Chinese family firm succession


Journal Article

Relationship networks and earnings informativeness: evidence from corruption cases

Fan, Joseph P. H., Guan, Feng, Li, Zengquan and Yang, Yong George (2014). Relationship networks and earnings informativeness: evidence from corruption cases. Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, 41 (7-8), 831-866. doi: 10.1111/jbfa.12078

Relationship networks and earnings informativeness: evidence from corruption cases


Journal Article

Politically connected CEOs, corporate governance, and the post-IPO performance of China's partially privatized firms

Fan, Joseph P. H., Wong, T. J. and Zhang, Tianyu (2014). Politically connected CEOs, corporate governance, and the post-IPO performance of China's partially privatized firms. Journal of Applied Corporate Finance, 26 (3), 85-+. doi: 10.1111/jacf.12084

Politically connected CEOs, corporate governance, and the post-IPO performance of China's partially privatized firms


Journal Article

Institutions, ownership structures, and distress resolution in China

Fan, Joseph P. H., Huang, Jun and Zhu, Ning (2013). Institutions, ownership structures, and distress resolution in China. Journal of Corporate Finance, 23, 71-87. doi: 10.1016/j.jcorpfin.2013.07.005

Institutions, ownership structures, and distress resolution in China


Journal Article

Institutions and organizational structure: the case of state-owned corporate pyramids

Fan, Joseph P. H., Wong, T. J. and Zhang, Tianyu (2013). Institutions and organizational structure: the case of state-owned corporate pyramids. Journal of Law Economics and Organization, 29 (6), 1217-1252. doi: 10.1093/jleo/ews028

Institutions and organizational structure: the case of state-owned corporate pyramids


Journal Article

Innovation or imitation? The role of intellectual property rights protections

Fan, Joseph P. H., Gillan, Stuart L. and Yu, Xin (2013). Innovation or imitation? The role of intellectual property rights protections. Journal of Multinational Financial Management, 23 (3), 208-234. doi: 10.1016/j.mulfin.2013.03.001

Innovation or imitation? The role of intellectual property rights protections


Journal Article

The value of marriage to family firms

Bunkanwanicha, Pramuan, Fan, Joseph P. H. and Wiwattanakantang, Yupana (2013). The value of marriage to family firms. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 48 (2), 611-636. doi: 10.1017/S0022109013000148

The value of marriage to family firms


Journal Article

Founder succession and accounting properties*

Fan, Joseph P. H., Wong, T. J. and Zhang, Tianyu (2012). Founder succession and accounting properties*. Contemporary Accounting Research, 29 (1), 283-311. doi: 10.1111/j.1911-3846.2011.01099.x

Founder succession and accounting properties*


Journal Article

An international comparison of capital structure and debt maturity choices

Fan, Joseph P. H., Titman, Sheridan and Twite, Garry (2012). An international comparison of capital structure and debt maturity choices. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 47 (1), 23-56. doi: 10.1017/s0022109011000597

An international comparison of capital structure and debt maturity choices


Journal Article

Corporate finance and governance in emerging markets: a selective review and an agenda for future research

Fan, Joseph P. H., Wei, K. C. John and Xu, Xinzhong (2011). Corporate finance and governance in emerging markets: a selective review and an agenda for future research. Journal of Corporate Finance, 17 (2), 207-214. doi: 10.1016/j.jcorpfin.2010.12.001

Corporate finance and governance in emerging markets: a selective review and an agenda for future research


Journal Article

Institutions and foreign direct investment: China versus the rest of the world

Fan, Joseph P. H., Morck, Randall, Xu, Lixin Colin and Yeung, Bernard (2009). Institutions and foreign direct investment: China versus the rest of the world. World Development, 37 (4), 852-865. doi: 10.1016/j.worlddev.2008.07.016

Institutions and foreign direct investment: China versus the rest of the world


Journal Article

Public governance and corporate finance: evidence from corruption cases

Fan, Joseph P.H., Rui, Oliver Meng and Zhao, Mengxin (2008). Public governance and corporate finance: evidence from corruption cases. Journal of Comparative Economics, 36 (3), 343-364. doi: 10.1016/j.jce.2008.05.001

Public governance and corporate finance: evidence from corruption cases


Journal Article

Diversification of Chinese companies: an international comparison

Fan, Joseph P. H., Huang, Jun, Oberholzer-Gee, Felix, Smith, Troy D. and Zhao, Mengxin (2008). Diversification of Chinese companies: an international comparison. Chinese Management Studies, 2 (1), 6-13. doi: 10.1108/17506140810866223

Diversification of Chinese companies: an international comparison


Journal Article

Politically connected CEOs, corporate governance, and Post-IPO performance of China's newly partially privatized firms

Fan, Joseph P. H., Wong, T. J. and Zhang, Tianyu (2007). Politically connected CEOs, corporate governance, and Post-IPO performance of China's newly partially privatized firms. Journal of Financial Economics, 84 (2), 330-357. doi: 10.1016/j.jfineco.2006.03.008

Politically connected CEOs, corporate governance, and Post-IPO performance of China's newly partially privatized firms


Journal Article

On the patterns and wealth effects of vertical mergers

Fan, Joseph P.H. and Goyal, Vidhan K. (2006). On the patterns and wealth effects of vertical mergers. Journal of Business, 79 (2), 877-902. doi: 10.1086/499141

On the patterns and wealth effects of vertical mergers