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Other Outputs

Coastal change in an uncertain future: historic geomorphic change in tropical northeastern Australia and implications for the next century

Cowley, Dylan (2023). Coastal change in an uncertain future: historic geomorphic change in tropical northeastern Australia and implications for the next century. PhD Thesis, School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, The University of Queensland. doi: 10.14264/0d0c520

Coastal change in an uncertain future: historic geomorphic change in tropical northeastern Australia and implications for the next century


Other Outputs

Why some beaches, including in Queensland, are getting bigger despite rising sea levels

Harris, Daniel, Cowley, Dylan and Mao, Yongjing (2022, 05 02). Why some beaches, including in Queensland, are getting bigger despite rising sea levels The Conversation

Why some beaches, including in Queensland, are getting bigger despite rising sea levels


Other Outputs

SMMBAS Question Sets by Category

Scott, Joel, Cowley, Dylan and Bell, Rianna (2022). SMMBAS Question Sets by Category. The University of Queensland. (Dataset) doi: 10.48610/ac0af91

SMMBAS Question Sets by Category