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Journal Article

How much traffic stress can cyclists endure?

Halefom, Tmnit H., Pullar, David, Pojani, Dorina and Asamoah, Ernest Frimpong (2022). How much traffic stress can cyclists endure?. Case Studies on Transport Policy, 10 (4), 2251-2261. doi: 10.1016/j.cstp.2022.10.008

How much traffic stress can cyclists endure?


Journal Article

Sensitivity of streamflow patterns to river regulation and climate change and its implications for ecological and environmental management

Patil, Rupesh, Wei, Yongping, Pullar, David and Shulmeister, James (2022). Sensitivity of streamflow patterns to river regulation and climate change and its implications for ecological and environmental management. Journal of Environmental Management, 319 115680, 1-14. doi: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2022.115680

Sensitivity of streamflow patterns to river regulation and climate change and its implications for ecological and environmental management


Journal Article

Accuracy issues for spatial update of digital cadastral maps

Pullar, David and Donaldson, Stephen (2022). Accuracy issues for spatial update of digital cadastral maps. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 11 (4) 221, 1-14. doi: 10.3390/ijgi11040221

Accuracy issues for spatial update of digital cadastral maps


Journal Article

Effects of change in streamflow patterns on water quality

Patil, Rupesh, Wei, Yongping, Pullar, David and Shulmeister, James (2022). Effects of change in streamflow patterns on water quality. Journal of Environmental Management, 302 (Part A) 113991, 113991. doi: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2021.113991

Effects of change in streamflow patterns on water quality


Journal Article

Why firewood? Exploring the co-benefits, socio-ecological interactions and indigenous knowledge surrounding cooking practice in rural Nepal

Bharadwaj, Bishal, Pullar, David, Seng To, Long and Leary, Jon (2021). Why firewood? Exploring the co-benefits, socio-ecological interactions and indigenous knowledge surrounding cooking practice in rural Nepal. Energy Research and Social Science, 75 101932, 101932. doi: 10.1016/j.erss.2021.101932

Why firewood? Exploring the co-benefits, socio-ecological interactions and indigenous knowledge surrounding cooking practice in rural Nepal


Journal Article

Evolution of streamflow patterns in Goulburn-Broken catchment during 1884–2018 and its implications for floodplain management

Patil, Rupesh, Wei, Yongping, Pullar, David and Shulmeister, Jamie (2020). Evolution of streamflow patterns in Goulburn-Broken catchment during 1884–2018 and its implications for floodplain management. Ecological Indicators, 113 106277, 106277. doi: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2020.106277

Evolution of streamflow patterns in Goulburn-Broken catchment during 1884–2018 and its implications for floodplain management


Conference Publication

Modelling the impacts of current patterns of urban form expansion in Kuwait with the use of ABM and GIS

Alghais, N. and Pullar, D. (2020). Modelling the impacts of current patterns of urban form expansion in Kuwait with the use of ABM and GIS. International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, Gold Coast, Australia, 29 November to 4 December 2015. Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand Inc. (MSSANZ). doi: 10.36334/MODSIM.2015.L17.nasrin

Modelling the impacts of current patterns of urban form expansion in Kuwait with the use of ABM and GIS


Journal Article

Accounting for peoples’ preferences in establishing new cities: a spatial model of population migration in Kuwait

Alghais, Nayef, Pullar, David and Charles-Edwards, Elin (2018). Accounting for peoples’ preferences in establishing new cities: a spatial model of population migration in Kuwait. PLoS ONE, 13 (12) e0209065, e0209065. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0209065

Accounting for peoples’ preferences in establishing new cities: a spatial model of population migration in Kuwait


Journal Article

Understanding hydro-ecological surprises for riverine ecosystem management

Patil, Rupesh, Wei, Yongping, Pullar, David and Shulmeister, James (2018). Understanding hydro-ecological surprises for riverine ecosystem management. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 33, 142-150. doi: 10.1016/j.cosust.2018.05.021

Understanding hydro-ecological surprises for riverine ecosystem management


Journal Article

Projection for new city future scenarios – a case study for Kuwait

Alghais, Nayef and Pullar, David (2018). Projection for new city future scenarios – a case study for Kuwait. Heliyon, 4 (3) e00590, e00590. doi: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2018.e00590

Projection for new city future scenarios – a case study for Kuwait


Journal Article

Modelling future impacts of urban development in Kuwait with the use of ABM and GIS

Alghais, Nayef and Pullar, David (2018). Modelling future impacts of urban development in Kuwait with the use of ABM and GIS. Transactions in GIS, 22 (1), 20-42. doi: 10.1111/tgis.12293

Modelling future impacts of urban development in Kuwait with the use of ABM and GIS


Journal Article

Will the future maps for Australia be published by ‘nobodies’

Pullar, David and Hayes, Samantha (2017). Will the future maps for Australia be published by ‘nobodies’. Journal of Spatial Science, 64 (1), 3-10. doi: 10.1080/14498596.2017.1361873

Will the future maps for Australia be published by ‘nobodies’


Journal Article

An empirical evaluation of spatial value transfer methods for identifying cultural ecosystem services

Brown, Greg, Pullar, David and Hausner, Vera Helene (2016). An empirical evaluation of spatial value transfer methods for identifying cultural ecosystem services. Ecological Indicators, 69, 1-11. doi: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2016.03.053

An empirical evaluation of spatial value transfer methods for identifying cultural ecosystem services


Book Chapter

Forecasting patterns of metropolitan growth using an optimised allocation procedure

Pullar, David, Bell, Martin, Cooper, Jim, Stimson, Robert and Corcoran, Jonathan (2016). Forecasting patterns of metropolitan growth using an optimised allocation procedure. Demography for planning and policy: Australian case studies. (pp. 109-129) edited by Tom Wilson, Elin Charles-Edwards and Martin Bell. Cham, Switzerland: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-22135-9_7

Forecasting patterns of metropolitan growth using an optimised allocation procedure


Journal Article

Drivers of coastal shoreline change: case study of Hon Dat Coast, Kien Giang, Vietnam.

Nguyen, Hai-Hoa, McAlpine, Clive, Pullar, David, Leisz, Stephen Joseph and Galina, Gramotnev (2015). Drivers of coastal shoreline change: case study of Hon Dat Coast, Kien Giang, Vietnam.. Environmental Management, 55 (5), 1093-1108. doi: 10.1007/s00267-015-0455-7

Drivers of coastal shoreline change: case study of Hon Dat Coast, Kien Giang, Vietnam.


Journal Article

Facilitating access to the algal economy: mapping waste resources to identify suitable locations for algal farms in Queensland

Prasad, Penny, Pullar, David and Pratt, Steven (2014). Facilitating access to the algal economy: mapping waste resources to identify suitable locations for algal farms in Queensland. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 86, 47-52. doi: 10.1016/j.resconrec.2014.01.008

Facilitating access to the algal economy: mapping waste resources to identify suitable locations for algal farms in Queensland


Journal Article

An empirical evaluation of workshop versus survey PPGIS methods

Brown, Greg, Donovan, Shannon, Pullar, David, Pocewicz, Amy, Toohey, Ryan and Ballesteros-Lopez, Renata (2014). An empirical evaluation of workshop versus survey PPGIS methods. Applied Geography, 48, 42-51. doi: 10.1016/j.apgeog.2014.01.008

An empirical evaluation of workshop versus survey PPGIS methods


Journal Article

The relationship of spatial-temporal changes in fringe mangrove extent and adjacent land-use: case study of Kien Giang coast, Vietnam

Nguyen, Hai-Hoa, McAlpine, Clive, Pullar, David, Johansen, Kasper and Duke, Norman C. (2013). The relationship of spatial-temporal changes in fringe mangrove extent and adjacent land-use: case study of Kien Giang coast, Vietnam. Ocean & Coastal Management, 76, 12-22. doi: 10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2013.01.003

The relationship of spatial-temporal changes in fringe mangrove extent and adjacent land-use: case study of Kien Giang coast, Vietnam


Journal Article

Using a large scale urban model to test planning scenarios in the Brisbane-South East Queensland region

Stimson, Robert, Bell, Martin, Corcoran, Jonathan and Pullar, David (2012). Using a large scale urban model to test planning scenarios in the Brisbane-South East Queensland region. Regional Science Policy and Practice, 4 (4), 373-392. doi: 10.1111/j.1757-7802.2012.01082.x

Using a large scale urban model to test planning scenarios in the Brisbane-South East Queensland region


Journal Article

An evaluation of the use of points versus polygons in Public Participation Geographic Information Systems (PPGIS) using quasi-experimental design and Monte Carlo simulation

Brown, Greg G. and Pullar, David V. (2012). An evaluation of the use of points versus polygons in Public Participation Geographic Information Systems (PPGIS) using quasi-experimental design and Monte Carlo simulation. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 26 (2), 231-246. doi: 10.1080/13658816.2011.585139

An evaluation of the use of points versus polygons in Public Participation Geographic Information Systems (PPGIS) using quasi-experimental design and Monte Carlo simulation