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Conference Publication

Mechanisms and kinetics of nickel oxide reduction in hydrogen and implications for industrial practice

Hidayat, T., Rhamdhani, M. A., Jak, E. and Hayes, P. C. (2009). Mechanisms and kinetics of nickel oxide reduction in hydrogen and implications for industrial practice. The 48th Conference of Metallurgists, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada, 23-26. Sudbury, Ontario, Canada: The Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum.

Mechanisms and kinetics of nickel oxide reduction in hydrogen and implications for industrial practice


Conference Publication

Fundamental Studies in Ironmaking Slags to Lower Operating Temperatures and to Recover Titania from Slag

Zhao, Baojun, Jak, Evgueni and Hayes, Peter C. (2009). Fundamental Studies in Ironmaking Slags to Lower Operating Temperatures and to Recover Titania from Slag. International Congress on the Science and Technology of Ironmaking - ICSTI 09, Shanghai, China, October 2009.

Fundamental Studies in Ironmaking Slags to Lower Operating Temperatures and to Recover Titania from Slag


Conference Publication

Liquidus temperatures in calcium ferrite slags equilibriated with molten copper and their industrial application to copper coverting

Nikolic, S., Alvear, G., Hayes, P. C. and Jak, E. (2009). Liquidus temperatures in calcium ferrite slags equilibriated with molten copper and their industrial application to copper coverting. VIII International Conference on Molten Slages, Fluxes and Salt, Santiago, Chile, 18-21 January 2009. Santiago, Chile: GECAMIN Ltd.

Liquidus temperatures in calcium ferrite slags equilibriated with molten copper and their industrial application to copper coverting


Conference Publication

Investigation of phase equilibira of copper smelting slags in the FeO-Fe2O3-SiO2-CaO-MgO-Al2O3 system at fixed oxygen potential

Henao, H., Hayes, P., Jak, E., George-Kennedy, D. and Nexhip, C. (2009). Investigation of phase equilibira of copper smelting slags in the FeO-Fe2O3-SiO2-CaO-MgO-Al2O3 system at fixed oxygen potential. VIII International Conference on Molten Slages, Fluxes and Salt, Santiago, Chile, 18-21 January 2009. Santiago, Chile: GECAMIN Ltd.

Investigation of phase equilibira of copper smelting slags in the FeO-Fe2O3-SiO2-CaO-MgO-Al2O3 system at fixed oxygen potential


Conference Publication

Factors affecting nickel extraction from the reduction roasting of saprolite ore in the Caron process

Chen, J., Jak, E. and Hayes, P. C. (2009). Factors affecting nickel extraction from the reduction roasting of saprolite ore in the Caron process. The 48th Conference of Metallurgists, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada, 23-26 August 2009. Sudbury, Ontario, Canada: The Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum.

Factors affecting nickel extraction from the reduction roasting of saprolite ore in the Caron process


Conference Publication

High temperature viscosity measurements for slags at controlled oxygen potential

Zhao, B., Jak, Evgueni and Hayes, P. C. (2009). High temperature viscosity measurements for slags at controlled oxygen potential. VIII International Conference on Molten Slages, Fluxes and Salt, Santiago, Chile, 18-21 January 2009. Santiago, Chile: Gecamin Ltd.

High temperature viscosity measurements for slags at controlled oxygen potential


Conference Publication

Thermodynamic modelling of the A12O3-CaO-FeO-Fe2O3-PbO-SiO2-ZnO system with addition of K and Na with metallurgical applications

Jak, E., Hayes, P. C., Pelton, A. D. and Decterov, S. A. (2009). Thermodynamic modelling of the A12O3-CaO-FeO-Fe2O3-PbO-SiO2-ZnO system with addition of K and Na with metallurgical applications. VIII International Conference on Molten Slages, Fluxes and Salt, Santiago, Chile, 18-21 January 2009. Santiago, Chile: Gecamin Ltd.

Thermodynamic modelling of the A12O3-CaO-FeO-Fe2O3-PbO-SiO2-ZnO system with addition of K and Na with metallurgical applications


Conference Publication

Investigation and Applications of Phase Equilibria of Ti-containing Blast Furnace Slags

Zhao, B., Jak, E. and Hayes, P.C. (2009). Investigation and Applications of Phase Equilibria of Ti-containing Blast Furnace Slags. 7th Annual Meeting of the Chinese Society for Metals, Beijing, China, 10-13 Nov 2009.

Investigation and Applications of Phase Equilibria of Ti-containing Blast Furnace Slags


Conference Publication

Advances in research on nickel production through the Caron Process

Rhamdhani, M. A., Chen, J., Hidayat, T., Jak, E. and Hayes, P. C. (2009). Advances in research on nickel production through the Caron Process. European Metallurgical Conference 2009, Inssbruck, Austria, 28 June - 1 July 2009. Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Germany: GDMB Informationsgesellschaft mbH.

Advances in research on nickel production through the Caron Process


Conference Publication

The use of thermodynamic modelling to examine alkali recirculation in the iron blast furnace

Jak, E. and Hayes, P. C. (2008). The use of thermodynamic modelling to examine alkali recirculation in the iron blast furnace. Japan-Australia-China Workshop on Iron and Steelmaking, Kyoto, University, Metallurgy Department, April 2008. Japan:

The use of thermodynamic modelling to examine alkali recirculation in the iron blast furnace


Conference Publication

Phase equilibria studies in ironmaking slags to lower energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions

Zhao, B., Jak, E. and Hayes, P. C. (2008). Phase equilibria studies in ironmaking slags to lower energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions. The 2nd Australia-China Symposium on Science, Technology and Education, Gold Coast, Qld, Australia, 15-18 October, 2008. The Federation of Chinese Scholars in Australia.

Phase equilibria studies in ironmaking slags to lower energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions


Conference Publication

The role of slag chemistry in the design of freeze linings for zinc slag fuming

Jak, E. and Hayes, P. C. (2008). The role of slag chemistry in the design of freeze linings for zinc slag fuming. Zinc Processing’08, Brisbane, QLD, Australia, 25-26 August 2008.

The role of slag chemistry in the design of freeze linings for zinc slag fuming


Conference Publication

Microstructures and softening behaviours of lead sinters and their correlation to sintering temperatures in Mount Isa lead smelter

Zhao, B., Burrows, A., Jak, E. and Hayes, P.C. (2008). Microstructures and softening behaviours of lead sinters and their correlation to sintering temperatures in Mount Isa lead smelter. COM 2008 Winnipeg Conference of Metallurgists, Canada, 24-27 August 2008. Canada: Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum.

Microstructures and softening behaviours of lead sinters and their correlation to sintering temperatures in Mount Isa lead smelter


Conference Publication

Gaseous reduction of isasmelt lead slag and lead blast furnace sinters

Zhao, B., Errington, B., Jak, E. and Hayes, Peter C. (2008). Gaseous reduction of isasmelt lead slag and lead blast furnace sinters. International Symposium on Lead and Zinc Processing, South Africa, 25-29 February 2008. South Africa: The Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy.

Gaseous reduction of isasmelt lead slag and lead blast furnace sinters


Conference Publication

Development and applications of the thermodynamic and viscosity models for complex coal ash slag systems

Jak, E., Kondratiev, A., Saulov, D. and Hayes, P. C. (2007). Development and applications of the thermodynamic and viscosity models for complex coal ash slag systems. 21st Annual International Pittsburgh Coal Conference, Osaka, Japan, 13-17 September, 2007. Pittsburgh, PA: Pittsburgh Coal Conference.

Development and applications of the thermodynamic and viscosity models for complex coal ash slag systems


Conference Publication

Experimental investigations of phase equilibria for copper smelting and converting silicate slags in the "Cu2O" -FeO-Fe2O3-CaO-SiO2 system at controlled oxygen partial pressures

Jak, E., Nikolic, S., Zhao, B., Henao, H. M. and Hayes, P.C. (2007). Experimental investigations of phase equilibria for copper smelting and converting silicate slags in the "Cu2O" -FeO-Fe2O3-CaO-SiO2 system at controlled oxygen partial pressures. The Carlos Diaz Symposium on Pyrometallurgy, Toronto, Canada, 25-30 August 2007. Montreal, Canada: Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum,.

Experimental investigations of phase equilibria for copper smelting and converting silicate slags in the "Cu2O" -FeO-Fe2O3-CaO-SiO2 system at controlled oxygen partial pressures


Conference Publication

Viscosity measurements in the 'FeO' - SiO2 and Al2O3 - 'FeO' - SiO2 systems

Raghunath, S., Hayes, P. C. and Jak, E. (2007). Viscosity measurements in the 'FeO' - SiO2 and Al2O3 - 'FeO' - SiO2 systems. International Conference on Advanced Materials and Composites (IMAC 2007), Thiruvananthapuram, India, 24-26 October, 2007.

Viscosity measurements in the 'FeO' - SiO2 and Al2O3 - 'FeO' - SiO2 systems


Conference Publication

New tools for viscosity measurement and modelling of fully liquid and partly crystallised slags

Kondratiev, A., Zhao, B., Raghunath, S., Hayes, P. C. and Jak, E. (2007). New tools for viscosity measurement and modelling of fully liquid and partly crystallised slags. European Metallurgical Conference (EMC 2007), Dusseldorf, Germany, 11-14 June 2007. Germany: Die Deutsche Bibliothek.

New tools for viscosity measurement and modelling of fully liquid and partly crystallised slags


Conference Publication

Experimental measurement and prediction of complex phase equilibria in industrial non-ferrous slag systems

Jak, E., Zhao, B., Nikolic, S. and Hayes, P. C. (2007). Experimental measurement and prediction of complex phase equilibria in industrial non-ferrous slag systems. European Metallurgical Conference, EMC 2007, Dusseldorf, Germany, 11-14 June 2007. Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Germany: GDMB.

Experimental measurement and prediction of complex phase equilibria in industrial non-ferrous slag systems


Conference Publication

Phase equilibria in K2O-containing manganese smelting slags

Zhao, B., Ganguly, S., Jak, E. and Hayes, P. (2007). Phase equilibria in K2O-containing manganese smelting slags. Eleventh International Ferroalloys Congress (INFACON XI), New Delhi, India, 18-21 February 2007. India: The Indian Ferro Alloy Producers' Association.

Phase equilibria in K2O-containing manganese smelting slags