2003 Conference Publication An overview prospective collaborative research projects in Natural Resources Processing at The University of QueenslandRudolph, V., Cameron, I. T., Lu, M.G., Diniz da Costa, J. C., Litster, J. D., White, E. T., Wang, F., Li, Q., Liu, L. X., Massarotto, P. and Wang, G. (2003). An overview prospective collaborative research projects in Natural Resources Processing at The University of Queensland. International Sysmposium on Natural Resources Processing - Science and Technology, China, 24-26 October 2003. China: Tianjin University. |
2003 Conference Publication Dynamic capture of fine particles under multiphase flow conditionsWang, G., Rudolph, V. and Litster, J. D. (2003). Dynamic capture of fine particles under multiphase flow conditions. CHEMCA 2003 Products and Processes for the 21st Century, Adelaide, South Australia, 28 September - 1 October 2003. Australia: The Institute of Engineers, Australia. |
2002 Conference Publication Disposal and Utilization of Iron-bearing Wastes in Steelworks with Pre-reduction MethodWang, G., Yang, J.L. and Rudolph, V. (2002). Disposal and Utilization of Iron-bearing Wastes in Steelworks with Pre-reduction Method. 9th APPChE Congress & Chemeca 2002, Christchurch, 29 September - 3rd October. Christchurch: University of Canterbury. |
2002 Conference Publication Simulation of Powder Capture in Packed Beds of Coarse ParticlesWang, G., Rudolph, V. and Litster, J. D. (2002). Simulation of Powder Capture in Packed Beds of Coarse Particles. Proceedings of 17th International Symposium on Chemical ReactE, Hong Kong, 25-28 August. Hong Kong: ISRE Inc.. |
2000 Conference Publication Regulation of intracellular calcium by a signaling complex of IRAG, IP3 receptor and cGMP kinaseSchlossmann, J, Ammendola, A, Ashman, K, Huber, A, Neubauer, G, Wang, GX, Korth, M, Wilm, M, Hofmann, F and Ruth, P (2000). Regulation of intracellular calcium by a signaling complex of IRAG, IP3 receptor and cGMP kinase. |
2000 Conference Publication Numerical Simulation of Granular Flow under Gravity Using Discrete TreatmentWang, G. X., Rudolph, V and Litster, J. D. (2000). Numerical Simulation of Granular Flow under Gravity Using Discrete Treatment. Third Joint China/USA Chemical Engineering Conference, Beijing, China, 25-28 September. Beijing: Tsinghua University Press. |
1999 Conference Publication A predictor model for evaluating pulverized coal injection in blast furnacesWang, G. X. and Litster, J. D. (1999). A predictor model for evaluating pulverized coal injection in blast furnaces. 58th Ironmaking Conference Proceedings, Illinois, USA, 21-24 March. USA: Iron & Steel Society. |
1997 Conference Publication Experimental and numerical simulation of discrete liquid flow in a packed bedWang, G. X., Liu, D. Y., Litster, J. D., Yu, A. B., Chew, S. J. and Zulli, P. (1997). Experimental and numerical simulation of discrete liquid flow in a packed bed. Third International Conference on Gas-Liquid-Solid Reactor Engineering, Kanagawa, Japan, 7-10 December 1997. Kidlington, Oxford, United Kingdom: Pergamon Press. doi: 10.1016/S0009-2509(97)00244-3 |