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Other Outputs

Meningkatkan pemasukan dalam rantai nilai rumput laut di Takalar, Sulawesi Selatan

Komarek, Adam M., Cahyadi, Eko Ruddy, Zhang, Jing, Fariyanti, Anna, Julianto, Boedi, Arsyi, Risya, Lapong, Imran, Langford, Alexandra, Waldron, Scott and Grist, Madeline (2023). Meningkatkan pemasukan dalam rantai nilai rumput laut di Takalar, Sulawesi Selatan. Melbourne, VIC Australia: Australia-Indonesia Centre.

Meningkatkan pemasukan dalam rantai nilai rumput laut di Takalar, Sulawesi Selatan


Other Outputs

The policy landscape and supply chain governance of the Indonesian seaweed industry: A focus on South Sulawesi

Risti Permani, Yanti Nuraeni Muflikh, Fikri Sjahruddin, Nunung Nuryartono, Scott Waldron, Alexandra Langford and Syamsul Pasaribu (2023). The policy landscape and supply chain governance of the Indonesian seaweed industry: A focus on South Sulawesi. Caulfield East: The Australia-Indonesia Centre.

The policy landscape and supply chain governance of the Indonesian seaweed industry: A focus on South Sulawesi


Other Outputs

Lanskap kebijakan dan tata Kelola rantai pasok industri rumput laut Indonesia: sebuah fokus pada Sulawesi Selatan

Permani, Risti, Muflikh, Yanti Nuraeni, Sjahruddin, Fikri, Nuryartono, Nunung, Waldron, Scott, Langford, Alexandra and Pasaribu, Syamsul H. (2023). Lanskap kebijakan dan tata Kelola rantai pasok industri rumput laut Indonesia: sebuah fokus pada Sulawesi Selatan. Melbourne, VIC, Australia: Australia-Indonesia Centre.

Lanskap kebijakan dan tata Kelola rantai pasok industri rumput laut Indonesia: sebuah fokus pada Sulawesi Selatan


Journal Article

China’s growing influence in the global carrageenan industry and implications for Indonesia

Zhang, Jing, Waldron, Scott, Langford, Zannie, Julianto, Boedi and Komarek, Adam Martin (2023). China’s growing influence in the global carrageenan industry and implications for Indonesia. Journal of Applied Phycology, 36 (2), 1-22. doi: 10.1007/s10811-023-03004-0

China’s growing influence in the global carrageenan industry and implications for Indonesia


Conference Publication

Source of Finance and Factors Considered by Banks in the Provision of Credit for Cattle Fattening in East Java Province, Indonesia

Gusti Ayu Putu Mahendri, I., Waldron, Scott, Cramb, Rob and Wegener, Malcolm (2023). Source of Finance and Factors Considered by Banks in the Provision of Credit for Cattle Fattening in East Java Province, Indonesia. 4th International Conference of Animal Science and Technology (ICAST) 2021, South Sulawesi, Indonesia, 9-10 November 2021. Melville, NY United States: American Institute of Physics. doi: 10.1063/5.0143949

Source of Finance and Factors Considered by Banks in the Provision of Credit for Cattle Fattening in East Java Province, Indonesia


Journal Article

Interventionist industry policy to support local value-adding: evidence from the Eastern Indonesian seaweed industry

Langford, Alexandra, Turupadang, Welem and Waldron, Scott (2023). Interventionist industry policy to support local value-adding: evidence from the Eastern Indonesian seaweed industry. Marine Policy, 151 105561, 1-11. doi: 10.1016/j.marpol.2023.105561

Interventionist industry policy to support local value-adding: evidence from the Eastern Indonesian seaweed industry


Conference Publication

The connection between seaweed farming practices and local marketing systems in two Indonesian villages

Langford, Zannie, Ruhon, Radhiyah, Walyandra, Zulung Zach, Arsyi, Risya, Waldron, Scott and Julianto, Boedi (2023). The connection between seaweed farming practices and local marketing systems in two Indonesian villages. International Seaweed Symposium, Hobart, TAS, Australia, 19-25 February 2023.

The connection between seaweed farming practices and local marketing systems in two Indonesian villages


Journal Article

Measuring transaction costs of grassland eco-compensation policies: the case of the Compensation and Rewards Policy for Grassland Protection in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region

Zhang, Bao, Waldron, Scott, Brown, Colin, Zhang, Jing and Qiao, Guanghua (2023). Measuring transaction costs of grassland eco-compensation policies: the case of the Compensation and Rewards Policy for Grassland Protection in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. Rangeland Journal, 45 (5), 202-209. doi: 10.1071/RJ23046

Measuring transaction costs of grassland eco-compensation policies: the case of the Compensation and Rewards Policy for Grassland Protection in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region


Journal Article

Heterogeneity in agricultural households and transition paths in southern Tibet

Zhang, Jing, Brown, Colin, Waldron, Scott, Yadav, Lava and Zhuoga, De-qing (2022). Heterogeneity in agricultural households and transition paths in southern Tibet. Journal of Mountain Science, 19 (5), 1386-1403. doi: 10.1007/s11629-021-7154-z

Heterogeneity in agricultural households and transition paths in southern Tibet


Journal Article

Price analysis of the Indonesian carrageenan seaweed industry

Langford, Alexandra, Zhang, Jing, Waldron, Scott, Julianto, Boedi, Siradjuddin, Irsyadi, Neish, Iain and Nuryartono, Nunung (2022). Price analysis of the Indonesian carrageenan seaweed industry. Aquaculture, 550 737828, 737828. doi: 10.1016/j.aquaculture.2021.737828

Price analysis of the Indonesian carrageenan seaweed industry


Other Outputs

Indonesia is the world’s largest seaweed producer, but why are prices so volatile?

Langford, Alexandra, Zhang, Jing, Waldron, Scott, Siradjuddin, Irsyadi and Nuryartono, Nunung (2022, 01 14). Indonesia is the world’s largest seaweed producer, but why are prices so volatile? The Conversation

Indonesia is the world’s largest seaweed producer, but why are prices so volatile?


Other Outputs

Harga rumput laut yang fluktuatif pengaruhi Indonesia sebagai produsen terbesar dunia. Apa saja penyebabnya?

Langford, Alexandra, Zhang, Jing, Waldron, Scott, Siradjuddin, Irsyadi and Nuryartono, Nunung (2022, 01 14). Harga rumput laut yang fluktuatif pengaruhi Indonesia sebagai produsen terbesar dunia. Apa saja penyebabnya? The Conversation Indonesia

Harga rumput laut yang fluktuatif pengaruhi Indonesia sebagai produsen terbesar dunia. Apa saja penyebabnya?


Other Outputs

Market adjustments to import sanctions: lessons from Chinese restrictions on Australian trade

Waldron, Scott, Ferguson, Victor and Lim, Darren (2021). Market adjustments to import sanctions: lessons from Chinese restrictions on Australian trade. SSRN. Scool of Agriculture and Food Sciences, University of Queensland.

Market adjustments to import sanctions: lessons from Chinese restrictions on Australian trade


Conference Publication

Trends in agricultural and rural development in Indonesia

Waldron, Scott, Nuryartono, Nunung, Rammohan, Anu, Dressler, Wolfram, Langford, Zannie and Pasaribu, Syamsul (2021). Trends in agricultural and rural development in Indonesia. Indonesia Council Open Conference, Brisbane, Australia, 1-2 July 2021.

Trends in agricultural and rural development in Indonesia


Journal Article

Monitoring the COVID-19-affected Indonesian seaweed industry using remote sensing data

Langford, Alexandra, Waldron, Scott, Sulfahri, and Saleh, Hasnawati (2021). Monitoring the COVID-19-affected Indonesian seaweed industry using remote sensing data. Marine Policy, 127 104431, 104431. doi: 10.1016/j.marpol.2021.104431

Monitoring the COVID-19-affected Indonesian seaweed industry using remote sensing data


Other Outputs

An analysis of the South Sulawesi seaweed industry

Nuryartono, Nunung, Waldron, Scott, Tarman, Kustiariyah, Siregar, Ulfah J., Pasaribu, Syamsul H., Langford, Alexandra, Farid, Muhammad and Sulfahri (2021). An analysis of the South Sulawesi seaweed industry. PAIR Pilot Project Melbourne, VIC, Australia: Australia-Indonesia Centre.

An analysis of the South Sulawesi seaweed industry


Other Outputs

Ketika industry perikanan terpuruk selama pandemic, riset ungkap budi daya rumput laut Indonesia justru berkembang pesat

Langford, Alexandra, Saleh, Hasnawati, Waldron, Scott and Sulfahri (2021, 03 15). Ketika industry perikanan terpuruk selama pandemic, riset ungkap budi daya rumput laut Indonesia justru berkembang pesat The Conversation Indonesia

Ketika industry perikanan terpuruk selama pandemic, riset ungkap budi daya rumput laut Indonesia justru berkembang pesat


Other Outputs

One Indonesian industry has boomed during the pandemic: seaweed farming

Langford, Alexandra, Hasnawati Saleh, Waldron, Scott and Sulfahri (2021, 03 15). One Indonesian industry has boomed during the pandemic: seaweed farming The Conversation

One Indonesian industry has boomed during the pandemic: seaweed farming


Other Outputs

Chinese tariffs on Australian wine in 2020: the domestic drivers of international coercion

Waldron, Scott and Zhang, Jing (2021). Chinese tariffs on Australian wine in 2020: the domestic drivers of international coercion. Associate Paper Online: Future Directions International.

Chinese tariffs on Australian wine in 2020: the domestic drivers of international coercion


Conference Publication

Price analysis of the Indonesian seaweed industry

Langford, Alexandra , Zhang, Jing, Waldron, Scott and Nuryartono, Nunung (2021). Price analysis of the Indonesian seaweed industry. Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society, Sydney, Australia, 8-12 February 2021. Sydney, Australia:

Price analysis of the Indonesian seaweed industry