2012 Journal Article The failed securitization of climate change in AustraliaMcDonald, Matt (2012). The failed securitization of climate change in Australia. Australian Journal of Political Science, 47 (4), 579-592. doi: 10.1080/10361146.2012.731487 |
2012 Book Chapter Australia and global climate changeMcDonald, Matt (2012). Australia and global climate change. Foreign policy: theories, actors, cases. (pp. 384-399) edited by Steve Smith, Amelia Hadfield and Tim Dunne. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. |
2012 Book Chapter Human security and the politics of securityMcDonald, Matt (2012). Human security and the politics of security. Why human security matters. (pp. 107-126) edited by Dennis Altman, Joseph A. Camilleri, Robyn Eckersley and Gerhard Hoffstaedter. Crows Nest, NSW, Australia: Allen & Unwin. doi: 10.4324/9781003118398-6 |
2011 Journal Article Deliberation and resecuritization: Australia, asylum-seekers and the normative limits of the Copenhagen SchoolMcDonald, Matt (2011). Deliberation and resecuritization: Australia, asylum-seekers and the normative limits of the Copenhagen School. Australian Journal of Political Science, 46 (2), 281-295. doi: 10.1080/10361146.2011.568471 |
2010 Journal Article "Lest We Forget": The politics of memory and Australian military interventionMcDonald, Matt (2010). "Lest We Forget": The politics of memory and Australian military intervention. International Political Sociology, 4 (3), 287-302. doi: 10.1111/j.1749-5687.2010.00106.x |
2010 Journal Article How was Howard's war possible? Winning the war of position over IraqMcDonald, Matt and Merefield, Matt (2010). How was Howard's war possible? Winning the war of position over Iraq. Australian Journal of International Affairs, 64 (2), 186-204. doi: 10.1080/10357710903544346 |
2010 Book Chapter The environment and global securityMcDonald, Matt (2010). The environment and global security. Global security and international political economy. (pp. 283-305) edited by Pinar Bilgin and Paul D. Williams. Oxford, U.K.: UNESCO; EOLSS Publishers. |
2010 Book Chapter Australian identity, interventionism and the War on TerrorHolland, Jack and McDonald, Matt (2010). Australian identity, interventionism and the War on Terror. International Terrorism Post-9/11. (pp. 184-206) edited by Asaf Siniver. London & New York: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9780203852002 |
2009 Journal Article Security and environmental changeMcDonald, Matt (2009). Security and environmental change. International Affairs, 85 (6), 1262-1263. |
2009 Book Chapter Emancipation and critical terrorism studiesMcDonald, Matt (2009). Emancipation and critical terrorism studies. Critical Terrorism Studies: A New Research Agenda. (pp. 109-123) edited by Richard Jackson, Marie Breen Smyth and Jeroen Gunning. London: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9780203880227 |
2009 Book Chapter Constructivism, US foreign policy and the 'war on terror'Jackson, Richard and McDonald, Matt (2009). Constructivism, US foreign policy and the 'war on terror'. New directions in US foreign policy. (pp. 18-31) edited by Inderjeet Parmar, Linda B. Miller and Mark Ledwidge. London: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9780203878811 |
2009 Journal Article Constructivism, US foreign policy and the 'war on terror'Jackson, Richard and McDonald, Matt (2009). Constructivism, US foreign policy and the 'war on terror'. New Directions in Us Foreign Policy, 18-31. |
2009 Journal Article Emancipation and critical terrorism studiesMcDonald, Matt (2009). Emancipation and critical terrorism studies. Critical Terrorism Studies, 109-123. |
2008 Book Chapter ConstructivismMcDonald, Matt (2008). Constructivism. Security studies: An introduction. (pp. 59-72) edited by Paul D. Williams. Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon, U.K.: Routledge. |
2008 Book Chapter Global security after September 11 2001McDonald, Matt (2008). Global security after September 11 2001. Security: Sociology and Social Worlds. (pp. 47-80) edited by Simon Carter, Tim Jordan and Sophie Watson. Manchester: Manchester University Press. |
2007 Journal Article Emancipation and critical terrorism studiesMcDonald, Matt (2007). Emancipation and critical terrorism studies. European Political Science, 6 (3), 252-259. doi: 10.1057/palgrave.eps.2210142 |
2007 Book Chapter US Hegemony, the War on Terror and the Asia-PacificMcDonald, Matt (2007). US Hegemony, the War on Terror and the Asia-Pacific. Critical security in the Asia Pacific. (pp. 198-211) edited by Anthony Burke and Matt McDonald. Manchester: Manchester University Press. |
2007 Book Chapter Introduction: Asia-Pacific security legacies and futuresBurke, Anthony and McDonald, Matt (2007). Introduction: Asia-Pacific security legacies and futures. Critical Security in the Asia-Pacific. (pp. 1-9) edited by Anthony Burke and Matt McDonald. Manchester, U.K.: Manchester University Press. |
2006 Journal Article Ethics and exclusion: Representations of sovereignty in Australia's approach to asylum-seekersGelber, Katharine and McDonald, Matt (2006). Ethics and exclusion: Representations of sovereignty in Australia's approach to asylum-seekers. Review of International Studies, 32 (2), 269-289. doi: 10.1017/S0260210506007029 |
2005 Journal Article Constructing insecurity: Australian security discourse and policy post-2001McDonald, Matt (2005). Constructing insecurity: Australian security discourse and policy post-2001. International Relations Journal, 19 (3), 297-320. doi: 10.1177/0047117805055408 |