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Dr Heidi Staudacher

Heidi Staudacher




Dr Heidi Staudacher is:
Available for supervision


Search Professor Heidi Staudacher’s works on UQ eSpace

93 works between 2001 and 2024

21 - 40 of 93 works


Journal Article

Effects of a low FODMAP diet on the colonic microbiome in irritable bowel syndrome: a systematic review with meta-analysis

So, Daniel, Loughman, Amy and Staudacher, Heidi M. (2022). Effects of a low FODMAP diet on the colonic microbiome in irritable bowel syndrome: a systematic review with meta-analysis. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 116 (4) ARTN nqac176, 943-952. doi: 10.1093/ajcn/nqac176

Effects of a low FODMAP diet on the colonic microbiome in irritable bowel syndrome: a systematic review with meta-analysis


Journal Article

Diet, digestion, and the dietitian: a survey of clinicians’ knowledge, attitudes and practices to advance the treatment of gastrointestinal disturbances in individuals with anorexia nervosa

West, Madeline L., McMaster, Caitlin, Young, Claire L., Mohebbi, Mohammadreza, Hart, Susan, Staudacher, Heidi M., Loughman, Amy, Ruusunen, Anu and Rocks, Tetyana (2022). Diet, digestion, and the dietitian: a survey of clinicians’ knowledge, attitudes and practices to advance the treatment of gastrointestinal disturbances in individuals with anorexia nervosa. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 11 (19) 5833, 1-12. doi: 10.3390/jcm11195833

Diet, digestion, and the dietitian: a survey of clinicians’ knowledge, attitudes and practices to advance the treatment of gastrointestinal disturbances in individuals with anorexia nervosa


Journal Article

Low FODMAP diet in irritable bowel syndrome: a review of recent clinical trials and meta-Analyses

Whelan, Kevin and Staudacher, Heidi (2022). Low FODMAP diet in irritable bowel syndrome: a review of recent clinical trials and meta-Analyses. Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolic Care, 25 (5), 341-347. doi: 10.1097/MCO.0000000000000854

Low FODMAP diet in irritable bowel syndrome: a review of recent clinical trials and meta-Analyses


Journal Article

Nonfermented dairy intake, but not fermented dairy intake, associated with a higher risk of depression in middle-age and older Finnish men

Hockey, Meghan, Hoare, Erin, Mohebbi, Mohammadreza, Tolmunen, Tommi, Hantunen, Sari, Tuomainen, Tomi-Pekka, Macpherson, Helen, Staudacher, Heidi, Jacka, Felice N., Virtanen, Jykri K., Rocks, Tetyana and Ruusunen, Anu (2022). Nonfermented dairy intake, but not fermented dairy intake, associated with a higher risk of depression in middle-age and older Finnish men. The Journal of Nutrition, 152 (8), 1916-1926. doi: 10.1093/jn/nxac128

Nonfermented dairy intake, but not fermented dairy intake, associated with a higher risk of depression in middle-age and older Finnish men


Journal Article

A coordinated multipronged attack: integrated care is the future for gastroenterology

Staudacher, Heidi M and Segal, Jonathan (2022). A coordinated multipronged attack: integrated care is the future for gastroenterology. The Lancet Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 7 (8), 710. doi: 10.1016/S2468-1253(22)00207-2

A coordinated multipronged attack: integrated care is the future for gastroenterology


Journal Article

Traditional Dietary Advice, Low FODMAP Diet, or Gluten-Free Diet for IBS: Growing Understanding but Uncertainties Remain

Staudacher, Heidi M. and Gibson, Peter R. (2022). Traditional Dietary Advice, Low FODMAP Diet, or Gluten-Free Diet for IBS: Growing Understanding but Uncertainties Remain. Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 21 (4), 1119-1120. doi: 10.1016/j.cgh.2022.05.051

Traditional Dietary Advice, Low FODMAP Diet, or Gluten-Free Diet for IBS: Growing Understanding but Uncertainties Remain


Journal Article

Efficacy of a low FODMAP diet in irritable bowel syndrome: systematic review and network meta-analysis

Black, Christopher J., Staudacher, Heidi M. and Ford, Alexander C. (2022). Efficacy of a low FODMAP diet in irritable bowel syndrome: systematic review and network meta-analysis. Gut, 71 (6), 1117-1126. doi: 10.1136/gutjnl-2021-325214

Efficacy of a low FODMAP diet in irritable bowel syndrome: systematic review and network meta-analysis


Journal Article

Optimal design of clinical trials of dietary interventions in disorders of gut-brain interaction

Staudacher, Heidi M., Yao, Chu Kion, Chey, William D. and Whelan, Kevin (2022). Optimal design of clinical trials of dietary interventions in disorders of gut-brain interaction. American Journal of Gastroenterology, 117 (6), 973-984. doi: 10.14309/ajg.0000000000001732

Optimal design of clinical trials of dietary interventions in disorders of gut-brain interaction


Journal Article

Psychobiotics: feeding the gut to nurture the brain

Berding, Kirsten and Staudacher, Heidi M (2022). Psychobiotics: feeding the gut to nurture the brain. The Lancet Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 7 (5). doi: 10.1016/S2468-1253(22)00097-8

Psychobiotics: feeding the gut to nurture the brain


Journal Article

U-DECIDE: Utilising Technology for Diet & Exercise change in complex chronic conditions across diverse environments: protocol for a randomised controlled trial (Preprint)

Brown, Riley C. C., Jegatheesan, Dev K., Conley, Marguerite M, Mayr, Hannah M, Kelly, Jaimon T, Webb, Lindsey, Barnett, Amandine, Staudacher, Heidi M., Burton, Nicola W., Isbel, Nicole M., Macdonald, Graeme A., Campbell, Katrina L., Coombes, Jeff S., Keating, Shelley E. and Hickman, Ingrid J. (2022). U-DECIDE: Utilising Technology for Diet & Exercise change in complex chronic conditions across diverse environments: protocol for a randomised controlled trial (Preprint). JMIR Research Protocols, 11 (7) e37556, e37556. doi: 10.2196/37556

U-DECIDE: Utilising Technology for Diet & Exercise change in complex chronic conditions across diverse environments: protocol for a randomised controlled trial (Preprint)


Journal Article

Diet and depression: future needs to unlock the potential

Marx, Wolfgang, Lane, Melissa M, Hockey, Meghan, Aslam, Hajara, Walder, Ken, Borsini, Alessandra, Firth, Joseph, Pariante, Carmine M, Berding, Kirsten, Cryan, John F, Clarke, Gerard, Craig, Jeffrey M, Su, Kuan-Pin, Mischoulon, David, Gomez-Pinilla, Fernando, Foster, Jane A, Cani, Patrice D, Thuret, Sandrine, Staudacher, Heidi M, Sánchez-Villegas, Almudena, Arshad, Husnain, Akbaraly, Tasnime, O'Neil, Adrienne and Jacka, Felice N (2022). Diet and depression: future needs to unlock the potential. Molecular psychiatry, 27 (2), 778-780. doi: 10.1038/s41380-021-01360-2

Diet and depression: future needs to unlock the potential


Journal Article

The role of diet quality and dietary patterns in predicting muscle mass and function in men over a 15-year period

Davis, J. A., Mohebbi, M., Collier, F., Loughman, A., Staudacher, H., Shivappa, N., Hébert, J. R., Pasco, J. A. and Jacka, F. N. (2021). The role of diet quality and dietary patterns in predicting muscle mass and function in men over a 15-year period. Osteoporosis International, 32 (11), 2193-2203. doi: 10.1007/s00198-021-06012-3

The role of diet quality and dietary patterns in predicting muscle mass and function in men over a 15-year period


Journal Article

Long-term personalized low FODMAP diet improves symptoms and maintains luminal Bifidobacteria abundance in irritable bowel syndrome

Staudacher, Heidi M, Rossi, Megan, Kaminski, Thomas, Dimidi, Eirini, Ralph, Frances S E, Wilson, Bridgette, Martin, Lee D, Louis, Petra, Lomer, Miranda C E, Irving, Peter M and Whelan, Kevin (2021). Long-term personalized low FODMAP diet improves symptoms and maintains luminal Bifidobacteria abundance in irritable bowel syndrome. Neurogastroenterology and motility, 34 (4) ARTN e14241, e14241. doi: 10.1111/nmo.14241

Long-term personalized low FODMAP diet improves symptoms and maintains luminal Bifidobacteria abundance in irritable bowel syndrome


Journal Article

Conducting research on diet–microbiome interactions: a review of current challenges, essential methodological principles, and recommendations for best practice in study design

Shanahan, Erin R., McMaster, Jessica J. and Staudacher, Heidi M. (2021). Conducting research on diet–microbiome interactions: a review of current challenges, essential methodological principles, and recommendations for best practice in study design. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, 34 (4), 631-644. doi: 10.1111/jhn.12868

Conducting research on diet–microbiome interactions: a review of current challenges, essential methodological principles, and recommendations for best practice in study design


Journal Article

Assessing the feasibility of an m-Health intervention for changing diet quality and mood in individuals with depression: the My Food & Mood program

Young, Claire L, Mohebbi, Mohammadreza, Staudacher, Heidi, Berk, Michael, Jacka, Felice N. and O'Neil, Adrienne (2021). Assessing the feasibility of an m-Health intervention for changing diet quality and mood in individuals with depression: the My Food & Mood program. International Review of Psychiatry, 33 (3), 266-279. doi: 10.1080/09540261.2020.1854193

Assessing the feasibility of an m-Health intervention for changing diet quality and mood in individuals with depression: the My Food & Mood program


Journal Article

Common mental disorders in irritable bowel syndrome: pathophysiology, management, and considerations for future randomised controlled trials

Staudacher, Heidi M., Mikocka-Walus, Antonina and Ford, Alexander C. (2021). Common mental disorders in irritable bowel syndrome: pathophysiology, management, and considerations for future randomised controlled trials. The Lancet Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 6 (5), 401-410. doi: 10.1016/S2468-1253(20)30363-0

Common mental disorders in irritable bowel syndrome: pathophysiology, management, and considerations for future randomised controlled trials


Journal Article

Epigastric symptom response to low FODMAP dietary advice compared with standard dietetic advice in individuals with functional dyspepsia

Staudacher, Heidi M., Nevin, Amy N., Duff, Christopher, Kendall, Bradley J. and Holtmann, Gerald J. (2021). Epigastric symptom response to low FODMAP dietary advice compared with standard dietetic advice in individuals with functional dyspepsia. Neurogastroenterology and Motility, 33 (11) e14148, e14148. doi: 10.1111/nmo.14148

Epigastric symptom response to low FODMAP dietary advice compared with standard dietetic advice in individuals with functional dyspepsia


Journal Article

Gut health: definitions and determinants

Staudacher, Heidi M. and Loughman, Amy (2021). Gut health: definitions and determinants. The Lancet Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 6 (4), 269-269. doi: 10.1016/S2468-1253(21)00071-6

Gut health: definitions and determinants


Journal Article

Optimizing engagement in an online dietary intervention for depression (My Food & Mood Version 3.0): cohort study

Young, Claire Louise, Mohebbi, Mohammadreza, Staudacher, Heidi M, Kay-Lambkin, Frances, Berk, Michael, Jacka, Felice Nellie and O'Neil, Adrienne (2021). Optimizing engagement in an online dietary intervention for depression (My Food & Mood Version 3.0): cohort study. JMIR mental health, 8 (3) e24871, e24871. doi: 10.2196/24871

Optimizing engagement in an online dietary intervention for depression (My Food & Mood Version 3.0): cohort study


Journal Article

Gastrointestinal symptoms following treatment for anorexia nervosa: a systematic literature review

West, Madeline, McMaster, Caitlin M, Staudacher, Heidi M, Hart, Susan, Jacka, Felice N, Stewart, Tim, Loughman, Amy, Rocks, Tetyana and Ruusunen, Anu (2021). Gastrointestinal symptoms following treatment for anorexia nervosa: a systematic literature review. The International journal of eating disorders, 54 (6), 936-951. doi: 10.1002/eat.23469

Gastrointestinal symptoms following treatment for anorexia nervosa: a systematic literature review



Dr Heidi Staudacher is:
Available for supervision

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Supervision history

Current supervision

  • Doctor Philosophy

    Virtually delivered dietary and lifestyle behaviour change support for people living with irritable bowel syndrome in Australia

    Associate Advisor

    Other advisors: Dr Jaimon Kelly



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