2024 Journal Article Eco-driving strategies using reinforcement learning for mixed traffic in the vicinity of signalized intersectionsYang, Zhiwei, Zheng, Zuduo, Kim, Jiwon and Rakha, Hesham (2024). Eco-driving strategies using reinforcement learning for mixed traffic in the vicinity of signalized intersections. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 165 104683, 1-35. doi: 10.1016/j.trc.2024.104683 |
2023 Journal Article Toward data-driven simulation of network-wide traffic: a multi-agent imitation learning approach using urban vehicle trajectory dataSun, Jie and Kim, Jiwon (2023). Toward data-driven simulation of network-wide traffic: a multi-agent imitation learning approach using urban vehicle trajectory data. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 25 (7), 6645-6657. doi: 10.1109/tits.2023.3343452 |
2023 Journal Article Variables affecting the risk of vehicle collisions in Australian road tunnelsHidayat, Edwin, Lange, David, Karlovsek, Jurij and Kim, Jiwon (2023). Variables affecting the risk of vehicle collisions in Australian road tunnels. Journal of Road Safety, 34 (4), 20-30. doi: 10.33492/JACRS-D-22-00032 |
2023 Journal Article MSGNN: A Multi-structured Graph Neural Network model for real-time incident prediction in large traffic networksTran, Thanh, He, Dan, Kim, Jiwon and Hickman, Mark (2023). MSGNN: A Multi-structured Graph Neural Network model for real-time incident prediction in large traffic networks. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 156 104354. doi: 10.1016/j.trc.2023.104354 |
2023 Journal Article Multivariate time-varying Kalman filter approach for cycle-based maximum queue length estimationAbewickrema, Wanuji, Yildirimoglu, Mehmet and Kim, Jiwon (2023). Multivariate time-varying Kalman filter approach for cycle-based maximum queue length estimation. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 154 104238, 1-19. doi: 10.1016/j.trc.2023.104238 |
2023 Journal Article A hierarchical multinomial logit model to examine the effects of signal strategies on right-turn crash injury severity at signalised intersectionsIslam, Sheikh Manirul, Washington, Simon, Kim, Jiwon and Haque, Md Mazharul (2023). A hierarchical multinomial logit model to examine the effects of signal strategies on right-turn crash injury severity at signalised intersections. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 188 107091, 1-14. doi: 10.1016/j.aap.2023.107091 |
2023 Journal Article A Hierarchical Multinomial Logit model to examine the effects of signal strategies on right-turn crash risks by crash movement configurationIslam, Sheikh Manirul, Washington, Simon, Kim, Jiwon and Haque, Md. Mazharul (2023). A Hierarchical Multinomial Logit model to examine the effects of signal strategies on right-turn crash risks by crash movement configuration. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 184 106993, 106993. doi: 10.1016/j.aap.2023.106993 |
2023 Journal Article Autonomous anomaly detection on traffic flow time series with reinforcement learningHe, Dan, Kim, Jiwon, Shi, Hua and Ruan, Boyu (2023). Autonomous anomaly detection on traffic flow time series with reinforcement learning. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 150 104089, 1-21. doi: 10.1016/j.trc.2023.104089 |
2023 Journal Article Estimating link flows in road networks with synthetic trajectory data generation: inverse reinforcement learning approachZhong, Miner, Kim, Jiwon and Zheng, Zuduo (2023). Estimating link flows in road networks with synthetic trajectory data generation: inverse reinforcement learning approach. IEEE Open Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems, 4, 14-29. doi: 10.1109/ojits.2022.3233904 |
2022 Journal Article An efficient algorithm for maximum trajectory coverage query with approximation guaranteeHe, Dan, Zhou, Thomas, Zhou, Xiaofang and Kim, Jiwon (2022). An efficient algorithm for maximum trajectory coverage query with approximation guarantee. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, PP (99), 1-13. doi: 10.1109/tits.2022.3207499 |
2022 Journal Article Transformer-based map-matching model with limited labeled data using transfer-learning approachJin, Zhixiong, Kim, Jiwon, Yeo, Hwasoo and Choi, Seongjin (2022). Transformer-based map-matching model with limited labeled data using transfer-learning approach. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 140 103668, 103668. doi: 10.1016/j.trc.2022.103668 |
2022 Journal Article A comprehensive analysis on the effects of signal strategies, intersection geometry, and traffic operation factors on right-turn crashes at signalised intersections: an application of hierarchical crash frequency modelManirul Islam, Sheikh, Washington, Simon, Kim, Jiwon and Haque, Mazharul (2022). A comprehensive analysis on the effects of signal strategies, intersection geometry, and traffic operation factors on right-turn crashes at signalised intersections: an application of hierarchical crash frequency model. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 171 106663, 106663. doi: 10.1016/j.aap.2022.106663 |
2022 Journal Article Targeted advertising in the public transit network using smart card dataFaroqi, Hamed, Mesbah, Mahmoud, Kim, Jiwon and Khodaii, Ali (2022). Targeted advertising in the public transit network using smart card data. Networks and Spatial Economics, 22 (1), 97-124. doi: 10.1007/s11067-022-09558-9 |
2021 Journal Article TrajGAIL: Generating urban vehicle trajectories using generative adversarial imitation learningChoi, Seongjin, Kim, Jiwon and Yeo, Hwasoo (2021). TrajGAIL: Generating urban vehicle trajectories using generative adversarial imitation learning. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 128 103091, 103091. doi: 10.1016/j.trc.2021.103091 |
2021 Journal Article Joint prediction of next location and travel time from urban vehicle trajectories using long short-term memory neural networksSun, Jie and Kim, Jiwon (2021). Joint prediction of next location and travel time from urban vehicle trajectories using long short-term memory neural networks. Transportation Research. Part C: Emerging Technologies, 128 103114, 103114. doi: 10.1016/j.trc.2021.103114 |
2021 Journal Article Assessing traffic disturbance, efficiency, and safety of the mixed traffic flow of connected vehicles and traditional vehicles by considering human factorsSharma, Anshuman, Zheng, Zuduo, Kim, Jiwon, Bhaskar, Ashish and Mazharul Haque, Md. (2021). Assessing traffic disturbance, efficiency, and safety of the mixed traffic flow of connected vehicles and traditional vehicles by considering human factors. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 124 102934, 1-21. doi: 10.1016/j.trc.2020.102934 |
2020 Journal Article Activity-trip based model for friend recommendation with transit smart card recordsFaroqi, Hamed, Mesbah, Mahmoud and Kim, Jiwon (2020). Activity-trip based model for friend recommendation with transit smart card records. Journal of Urban Planning and Development, 146 (4) 04020041, 04020041. doi: 10.1061/(asce)up.1943-5444.0000624 |
2020 Journal Article Is an informed driver a better decision maker? A grouped random parameters with heterogeneity-in-means approach to investigate the impact of the connected environment on driving behaviour in safety-critical situationsSharma, Anshuman, Zheng, Zuduo, Kim, Jiwon, Bhaskar, Ashish and Haque, Mazharul (2020). Is an informed driver a better decision maker? A grouped random parameters with heterogeneity-in-means approach to investigate the impact of the connected environment on driving behaviour in safety-critical situations. Analytic Methods in Accident Research, 27 100127, 100127. doi: 10.1016/j.amar.2020.100127 |
2020 Journal Article Modelling socioeconomic attributes of public transit passengersFaroqi, Hamed, Mesbah, Mahmoud and Kim, Jiwon (2020). Modelling socioeconomic attributes of public transit passengers. Journal of Geographical Systems, 22 (4), 519-543. doi: 10.1007/s10109-020-00328-0 |
2019 Journal Article Deep-learning based urban vehicle trajectory predictionChoi, Seongjin, Kim, Jiwon, Yu, Hwapyeong, Ka, Dongho and Yeo Hwasoo (2019). Deep-learning based urban vehicle trajectory prediction. Journal of Korean Society of Transportation, 37 (5), 422-429. doi: 10.7470/jkst.2019.37.5.422 |