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Journal Article

Data use as the heart of data literacy: an exploration of pre-service teachers’ data literacy practices in a teaching performance assessment

McDowall, Ailie, Mills, Carmen, Cawte, Katie and Miller, Jodie (2021). Data use as the heart of data literacy: an exploration of pre-service teachers’ data literacy practices in a teaching performance assessment. Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education, 49 (5), 487-502. doi: 10.1080/1359866x.2020.1777529

Data use as the heart of data literacy: an exploration of pre-service teachers’ data literacy practices in a teaching performance assessment


Journal Article

Activist dispositions for social justice in advantaged and disadvantaged contexts of schooling

Mills, Carmen, Gale, Trevor, Parker, Stephen, Smith, Catherine and Cross, Russell (2019). Activist dispositions for social justice in advantaged and disadvantaged contexts of schooling. British Journal of Sociology of Education, 40 (5), 614-630. doi: 10.1080/01425692.2019.1582322

Activist dispositions for social justice in advantaged and disadvantaged contexts of schooling


Journal Article

Socially inclusive teaching: belief, design, action as pedagogic work

Gale, Trevor, Mills, Carmen and Cross, Russell (2017). Socially inclusive teaching: belief, design, action as pedagogic work. Journal of Teacher Education, 68 (3), 345-356. doi: 10.1177/0022487116685754

Socially inclusive teaching: belief, design, action as pedagogic work


Journal Article

Metaphor as a methodological tool: identifying teachers' social justice dispositions across diverse secondary school settings

Mills, Carmen, Molla, Tebeje, Gale, Trevor, Cross, Russell, Parker, Stephen and Smith, Catherine (2017). Metaphor as a methodological tool: identifying teachers' social justice dispositions across diverse secondary school settings. British Journal of Sociology of Education, 38 (6), 856-871. doi: 10.1080/01425692.2016.1182009

Metaphor as a methodological tool: identifying teachers' social justice dispositions across diverse secondary school settings


Journal Article

Social justice and teacher education: a systematic review of empirical work in the field

Mills, Carmen and Ballantyne, Julie (2016). Social justice and teacher education: a systematic review of empirical work in the field. Journal of Teacher Education, 67 (4), 263-276. doi: 10.1177/0022487116660152

Social justice and teacher education: a systematic review of empirical work in the field


Journal Article

Implications of the My School website for disadvantaged communities: a Bourdieuian analysis

Mills, Carmen (2015). Implications of the My School website for disadvantaged communities: a Bourdieuian analysis. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 47 (2), 146-158. doi: 10.1080/00131857.2013.793927

Implications of the My School website for disadvantaged communities: a Bourdieuian analysis


Journal Article

Developing pedagogies in pre-service teachers to cater for diversity: Challenges and ways forward in initial teacher education

Mills, Carmen (2013). Developing pedagogies in pre-service teachers to cater for diversity: Challenges and ways forward in initial teacher education. International Journal of Pedagogies and Learning, 8 (3), 219-228. doi: 10.5172/ijpl.2013.8.3.219

Developing pedagogies in pre-service teachers to cater for diversity: Challenges and ways forward in initial teacher education


Journal Article

A Bourdieuian analysis of teachers' changing dispositions towards social justice: the limitations of practicum placements in pre-service teacher education

Mills, Carmen (2013). A Bourdieuian analysis of teachers' changing dispositions towards social justice: the limitations of practicum placements in pre-service teacher education. Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education, 41 (1), 41-54. doi: 10.1080/1359866X.2012.753985

A Bourdieuian analysis of teachers' changing dispositions towards social justice: the limitations of practicum placements in pre-service teacher education


Journal Article

Creating spaces in higher education for marginalised Australians: Principles for socially inclusive pedagogies

Gale, Trevor and Mills, Carmen (2013). Creating spaces in higher education for marginalised Australians: Principles for socially inclusive pedagogies. Enhanced Learning in the Social Sciences, 5 (2), 7-19. doi: 10.11120/elss.2013.00008

Creating spaces in higher education for marginalised Australians: Principles for socially inclusive pedagogies


Journal Article

'Fixing' student deficit in contexts of diversity: another cautionary tale for pre-service teacher education

Mills, Carmen and Keddie, Amanda (2012). 'Fixing' student deficit in contexts of diversity: another cautionary tale for pre-service teacher education. International Journal of Pedagogies and Learning, 7 (1), 9-19. doi: 10.5172/ijpl.2012.7.1.9

'Fixing' student deficit in contexts of diversity: another cautionary tale for pre-service teacher education


Journal Article

When ‘picking the right people’ is not enough: a Bourdieuian analysis of social justice and dispositional change in pre-service teachers

Mills, Carmen (2012). When ‘picking the right people’ is not enough: a Bourdieuian analysis of social justice and dispositional change in pre-service teachers. International Journal of Educational Research, 53, 269-277. doi: 10.1016/j.ijer.2012.04.001

When ‘picking the right people’ is not enough: a Bourdieuian analysis of social justice and dispositional change in pre-service teachers


Journal Article

Re-asserting the place of context in explaining student (under-)achievement

Mills, Carmen and Gale, Trevor (2011). Re-asserting the place of context in explaining student (under-)achievement. British Journal of Sociology of Education, 32 (2), 239-256. doi: 10.1080/01425692.2011.547309

Re-asserting the place of context in explaining student (under-)achievement


Journal Article

Pre-service teachers' dispositions towards diversity: Arguing for a developmental hierarchy of change

Mills, Carmen and Ballantyne, Julie (2010). Pre-service teachers' dispositions towards diversity: Arguing for a developmental hierarchy of change. Teaching and Teacher Education, 26 (3), 447-454. doi: 10.1016/j.tate.2009.05.012

Pre-service teachers' dispositions towards diversity: Arguing for a developmental hierarchy of change


Journal Article

Making sense of pre-service teachers' dispositions towards social justice: Can teacher education make a difference?

Mills, Carmen (2009). Making sense of pre-service teachers' dispositions towards social justice: Can teacher education make a difference?. Critical Studies in Education, 50 (3), 277-288. doi: 10.1080/17508480903156862

Making sense of pre-service teachers' dispositions towards social justice: Can teacher education make a difference?


Journal Article

Review of: Grenfell, M. (2007). ‘Pierre Bourdieu: Education and Training’. London: Continuum. Teachers College Record

Mills, Carmen (2008). Review of: Grenfell, M. (2007). ‘Pierre Bourdieu: Education and Training’. London: Continuum. Teachers College Record. Teachers College Record

Review of: Grenfell, M. (2007). ‘Pierre Bourdieu: Education and Training’. London: Continuum. Teachers College Record


Journal Article

Promoting socially just and inclusive music teacher education: Exploring perceptions of early-career teachers

Ballantyne, Julie and Mills, Carmen (2008). Promoting socially just and inclusive music teacher education: Exploring perceptions of early-career teachers. Research Studies in Music Education, 30 (1), 77-91. doi: 10.1177/1321103X08089891

Promoting socially just and inclusive music teacher education: Exploring perceptions of early-career teachers


Journal Article

Making a difference: moving beyond the superficial treatment of diversity

Mills, C. (2008). Making a difference: moving beyond the superficial treatment of diversity. Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education, 36 (4), 261-275. doi: 10.1080/13598660802375925

Making a difference: moving beyond the superficial treatment of diversity


Journal Article

"I don't have much of an ethnic background": Exploring changes in dispositions towards diversity in pre-service teachers

Mills, C. (2008). "I don't have much of an ethnic background": Exploring changes in dispositions towards diversity in pre-service teachers. International Journal of Pedagogies and Learning, 4 (3), 49-58. doi: 10.5172/ijpl.4.3.49

"I don't have much of an ethnic background": Exploring changes in dispositions towards diversity in pre-service teachers


Journal Article

Opportunity and resignation within marginalised students: Towards a theorisation of the reproductive and transformative habitus

Mills, Carmen (2008). Opportunity and resignation within marginalised students: Towards a theorisation of the reproductive and transformative habitus. Critical Studies in Education, 49 (2), 99-111. doi: 10.1080/17508480802040191

Opportunity and resignation within marginalised students: Towards a theorisation of the reproductive and transformative habitus


Journal Article

Struggles to subvert the gendered field: Issues of masculinity, rurality and class

Keddie, Amanda, Mills, Carmen and Mills, Martin (2008). Struggles to subvert the gendered field: Issues of masculinity, rurality and class. Pedagogy, Culture and Society, 16 (2), 193-205. doi: 10.1080/14681360802142161

Struggles to subvert the gendered field: Issues of masculinity, rurality and class