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Conference Publication

Evaluating the performance impact of protocol parameters on ad-hoc network routing protocols

Azzuhri, Saaidal R., Portmann, Marius and Tan, Wee Lum (2012). Evaluating the performance impact of protocol parameters on ad-hoc network routing protocols. 2012 Australasian Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conference (ATNAC 2012), Brisbane, Australia, 7-9 November 2012. New York, United States: IEEE. doi: 10.1109/ATNAC.2012.6398062

Evaluating the performance impact of protocol parameters on ad-hoc network routing protocols


Conference Publication

Experimental evaluation of measurement-based SINR interference models

Tan, Wee Lum, Hu, Peizhao and Portmann, Marius (2012). Experimental evaluation of measurement-based SINR interference models. IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM), San Francisco, CA, United States, 25-28 June 2012. Piscataway, NJ, United States: IEEE (Institute for Electrical and Electronic Engineers). doi: 10.1109/WoWMoM.2012.6263695

Experimental evaluation of measurement-based SINR interference models


Conference Publication

Automated analysis of AODV using UPPAAL

Fehnker, Ansgar, van Glabbeek, Rob, Hofner, Peter, McIver, Annabelle, Portmann, Marius and Tan, Wee Lum (2012). Automated analysis of AODV using UPPAAL. International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems (TACAS 2012), Tallinn, Estonia, 24 March - 1 April 2012. Heidelberg, Germany: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-28756-5_13

Automated analysis of AODV using UPPAAL


Conference Publication

SNR-based link quality estimation

Tan, Wee Lum, Hu, Peizhao and Portmann, Marius (2012). SNR-based link quality estimation. 2012 IEEE 75th Vehicular Technology Conference: VTC2012-Spring, Yokohama, Japan, 6 - 9 May 2012. Piscataway, NJ, United States: IEEE (Institute for Electrical and Electronic Engineers). doi: 10.1109/VETECS.2012.6239865

SNR-based link quality estimation


Conference Publication

Robust MAC-layer rate control mechanism for 802.11 wireless networks

Yin, Wei, Hu, Peizhao, Indulska, Jadwiga I and Portmann, Marius (2012). Robust MAC-layer rate control mechanism for 802.11 wireless networks. 37th Annual IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN 2012), Clearwater, FL, United States, 22-25 October 2012. Washington, DC, United States: IEEE. doi: 10.1109/LCN.2012.6423656

Robust MAC-layer rate control mechanism for 802.11 wireless networks


Conference Publication

A rigorous analysis of AODV and its variants

Hoefner, Peter, van Glabbeek, Robert J., Tan, Wee Lum, Portmann, Marius, McIver, Annabelle and Fehnker, Ansgar (2012). A rigorous analysis of AODV and its variants. 15th ACM International Conference on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems (MSWiM '12), Paphos, Cyprus, 21-25 October 2012. New York, United States: ACM. doi: 10.1145/2387238.2387274

A rigorous analysis of AODV and its variants


Conference Publication

Time-based and low-cost bandwidth estimation for IEEE 802.11 links

Guerin, Jonathan, Glass, Steve, Hu, Peizhao, Tan, Wee Lum and Portmann, Marius (2012). Time-based and low-cost bandwidth estimation for IEEE 802.11 links. 8th International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (IWCMC) Conference, Limassol, Cyprus, 27-31 August 2012. Piscataway, NJ, United States: IEEE (Institute for Electrical and Electronic Engineers). doi: 10.1109/IWCMC.2012.6314212

Time-based and low-cost bandwidth estimation for IEEE 802.11 links


Conference Publication

Insecurity in public-safety communications: APCO project 25

Glass, Stephen, Vallipuram, Muthukkumarasamy, Portmann, Marius and Robert, Matthew (2011). Insecurity in public-safety communications: APCO project 25. 7th International International Conference on Security and Privacy Conference (SecureComm 2011), London, United Kingdom, 7-9 September 2011. Heidelberg, Germany: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-31909-9_7

Insecurity in public-safety communications: APCO project 25


Conference Publication

A systematic evaluation of interference characteristics in 802.11-based wireless networks

Tan, Wee Lum, Portmann, Marius and Hu, Peizhao (2011). A systematic evaluation of interference characteristics in 802.11-based wireless networks. 25th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA 2011), Biopolis, Singapore, 22 - 25 March 2011. Washington, DC, United States: IEEE Computer Society. doi: 10.1109/AINA.2011.19

A systematic evaluation of interference characteristics in 802.11-based wireless networks


Conference Publication

Analysis of link break detection using HELLO messages

Zaidi, Zainab R., Portmann, Marius and Tan, Wee Lum (2011). Analysis of link break detection using HELLO messages. 14th ACM International Conference on Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems, Miami Beach, FL, United States, 31 October - 4 November 2011. New York, United States: Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). doi: 10.1145/2068897.2068924

Analysis of link break detection using HELLO messages


Conference Publication

Modelling and Analysis of AODV in UPPAAL

Fehnker, Ansgar, van Glabbeek, Rob, Höfner, Peter, McIver, Annabelle, Portmann, Marius and Tan, Wee Lum (2011). Modelling and Analysis of AODV in UPPAAL. International Workshop on Rigorous Protocol Engineering, Vancouver, Canada, 17 October 2011.

Modelling and Analysis of AODV in UPPAAL


Conference Publication

Low-cost wireless link capacity estimation

Guerin, Jonathan, Portmann, Marius, Bialkowski, Konstanty, Tan, Wee Lum and Glass, Steve (2010). Low-cost wireless link capacity estimation. 5th IEEE International Symposium on Wireless Pervasive Computing (ISWPC), Modena, Italy, 5-7 May, 2010. Piscataway, NJ, U.S.A.: IEEE Press. doi: 10.1109/ISWPC.2010.5483796

Low-cost wireless link capacity estimation


Conference Publication

Evaluating adjacent channel interference in IEEE 802.11 networks

Tan, Wee Lum, Bialkowski, K. and Portmann, M. (2010). Evaluating adjacent channel interference in IEEE 802.11 networks. IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference: VTC2010-Spring, Taipei, Taiwan, 16-19 May, 2010. United States: IEEE - Computer Society. doi: 10.1109/VETECS.2010.5493635

Evaluating adjacent channel interference in IEEE 802.11 networks


Conference Publication

Investigations into a slotted ALOHA protocol for a mimo system operating under Rician channel conditions

Hunchangsith, Konglit, Liu, Xia, Bialkowski, Marek E. and Portmann, Marius (2010). Investigations into a slotted ALOHA protocol for a mimo system operating under Rician channel conditions. International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication Systems, Gold Coast , QLD, Australia, 13-15 December 2010. Piscataway, NJ, USA: IEEE (Institute for Electrical and Electronic Engineers). doi: 10.1109/ICSPCS.2010.5709666

Investigations into a slotted ALOHA protocol for a mimo system operating under Rician channel conditions


Conference Publication

The insecurity of time-of-arrival distance-ranging in IEEE 802.11 wireless networks

Glass, Steve, Muthukkumarasamy, Vallipuram and Portmann, Marius (2010). The insecurity of time-of-arrival distance-ranging in IEEE 802.11 wireless networks. IEEE 30th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems Workshops (ICDCSW), Genova, Italy, 21-25 June, 2010. United States: IEEE Computer Society. doi: 10.1109/ICDCSW.2010.59

The insecurity of time-of-arrival distance-ranging in IEEE 802.11 wireless networks


Conference Publication

Evaluation of parameterised route repair in AODV

Azzuhri, Saaidal R., Portmann, Marius and Tan, Wee Lum (2010). Evaluation of parameterised route repair in AODV. 4th International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication Systems, ICSPCS'2010, Gold Coast , Qld, Australia, 13-15 December 2010. Piscataway, NJ, United States: IEEE. doi: 10.1109/ICSPCS.2010.5709663

Evaluation of parameterised route repair in AODV


Conference Publication

Using CAPTCHAs to mitigate the VoIP spam problem

Ahmedy, Ismail and Portmann, Marius (2010). Using CAPTCHAs to mitigate the VoIP spam problem. The 2nd International Conference on Computer Research and Development (ICCRD 2010), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 7-10 May 2010. Los Alamitos, CA, U.S.A.: Institute for Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE). doi: 10.1109/ICCRD.2010.85

Using CAPTCHAs to mitigate the VoIP spam problem


Conference Publication

Design of testbed for wireless mesh networks

Bialkowski, Konstanty and Portmann, Marius (2010). Design of testbed for wireless mesh networks. IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and CNC-USNC/URSI Radio Science Meeting - Leading the Wave, AP-S/URSI 2010, Toronto, Canada, 11-17 July, 2010. United States: IEEE. doi: 10.1109/APS.2010.5562247

Design of testbed for wireless mesh networks


Conference Publication

Adaptive wireless mesh networks routing protocols

Azzuhri, Saaidal, Portmann, Marius and Tan, Wee Lum (2010). Adaptive wireless mesh networks routing protocols. International Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence & Computing (UIC), Xian, China, 26-29 October, 2010. Piscatawa, NJ, U.S.A.: IEEE. doi: 10.1109/UIC-ATC.2010.28

Adaptive wireless mesh networks routing protocols


Conference Publication

Evaluation of commercial wireless mesh technologies in a public safety context: Methodology, analysis and experience

Hu, Peizhao, Bialkowski, K., Tan, Wee Lum and Portmann, M. (2010). Evaluation of commercial wireless mesh technologies in a public safety context: Methodology, analysis and experience. IEEE International Conference on Mobile Adhoc and Sensor Systems (MASS), San Francisco, CA, U.S.A, 8-12 November 2010. United States: IEEE - Computer Society. doi: 10.1109/MASS.2010.5663873

Evaluation of commercial wireless mesh technologies in a public safety context: Methodology, analysis and experience