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Journal Article

Influence of spatial variation in sap flux density on estimates of whole-tree water use in Avicennia marina

Van de Wal, B. A. E., Guyot, A., Lovelock, C. E., Lockington, D. A. and Steppe, K. (2013). Influence of spatial variation in sap flux density on estimates of whole-tree water use in Avicennia marina. Acta Horticulturae, 991 (991), 101-106. doi: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2013.991.12

Influence of spatial variation in sap flux density on estimates of whole-tree water use in Avicennia marina


Journal Article

Macroalgal species richness and assemblage composition of the Great Barrier Reef seabed

Hurrey, Lucy P., Pitcher, C. Roland, Lovelock, Catherine E. and Schmidt, Susanne (2013). Macroalgal species richness and assemblage composition of the Great Barrier Reef seabed. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 492, 69-83. doi: 10.3354/meps10366

Macroalgal species richness and assemblage composition of the Great Barrier Reef seabed


Journal Article

Integrating climate and ocean change vulnerability into conservation planning

McLeod, Elizabeth, Green, Alison, Game, Edward, Anthony, Kenneth, Cinner, Joshua, Heron, Scott F., Kleypas, Joanie, Lovelock, Catherine E., Pandolfi, John M., Pressey, Robert L., Salm, Rodney, Schill, Steve and Woodroffe, Colin (2012). Integrating climate and ocean change vulnerability into conservation planning. Coastal Management, 40 (6), 651-672. doi: 10.1080/08920753.2012.728123

Integrating climate and ocean change vulnerability into conservation planning


Journal Article

Variation in wood density and anatomy in a widespread mangrove species

Santini, Nadia S., Schmitz, Nele and Lovelock, Catherine E. (2012). Variation in wood density and anatomy in a widespread mangrove species. Trees, 26 (5), 1555-1563. doi: 10.1007/s00468-012-0729-0

Variation in wood density and anatomy in a widespread mangrove species


Journal Article

Integration, synthesis and climate change adaptation: A narrative based on coastal wetlands at the regional scale

Burley, Jennifer G., McAllister, Ryan R. J., Collins, Kerry A. and Lovelock, Catherine E. (2012). Integration, synthesis and climate change adaptation: A narrative based on coastal wetlands at the regional scale. Regional Environmental Change, 12 (3), 581-593. doi: 10.1007/s10113-011-0271-4

Integration, synthesis and climate change adaptation: A narrative based on coastal wetlands at the regional scale


Journal Article

Terrestrial–marine connectivity: patterns of terrestrial soil carbon deposition in coastal sediments determined by analysis of glomalin related soil protein

Adame, Maria Fernanda, Wright, Sara F., Grinham, Alistair, Lobb, Kellie, Reymond, Claire E. and Lovelock, Catherine E. (2012). Terrestrial–marine connectivity: patterns of terrestrial soil carbon deposition in coastal sediments determined by analysis of glomalin related soil protein. Limnology and Oceanography, 57 (5), 1492-1502. doi: 10.4319/lo.2012.57.5.1492

Terrestrial–marine connectivity: patterns of terrestrial soil carbon deposition in coastal sediments determined by analysis of glomalin related soil protein


Journal Article

The effect of nutrient enrichment on the growth, nucleic acid concentrations, and elemental stoichiometry of coral reef macroalgae

Reef, Ruth, Pandolfi, John M. and Lovelock, Catherine E. (2012). The effect of nutrient enrichment on the growth, nucleic acid concentrations, and elemental stoichiometry of coral reef macroalgae. Ecology and Evolution, 2 (8), 1985-1995. doi: 10.1002/ece3.330

The effect of nutrient enrichment on the growth, nucleic acid concentrations, and elemental stoichiometry of coral reef macroalgae


Journal Article

Light-dependent maintenance of hydraulic function in mangrove branches: do xylary chloroplasts play a role in embolism repair?

Schmitz, N., Egerton, J.J.G., Lovelock, C.E. and Ball, M.C. (2012). Light-dependent maintenance of hydraulic function in mangrove branches: do xylary chloroplasts play a role in embolism repair?. New Phytologist, 195 (1), 40-46. doi: 10.1111/j.1469-8137.2012.04187.x

Light-dependent maintenance of hydraulic function in mangrove branches: do xylary chloroplasts play a role in embolism repair?


Journal Article

Opportunities for improving phosphorus-use efficiency in crop plants

Veneklaas, Erik J., Lambers, Hans, Bragg, Jason, Finnegan, Patrick M., Lovelock, Catherine E., Plaxton, William C., Price, Charles A., Scheible, Wolf-Ruediger, Shane, Michael W., White, Philip J. and Raven, John A. (2012). Opportunities for improving phosphorus-use efficiency in crop plants. New Phytologist, 195 (2), 306-320. doi: 10.1111/j.1469-8137.2012.04190.x

Opportunities for improving phosphorus-use efficiency in crop plants


Journal Article

Sensitivity of dissolved organic carbon exchange and sediment bacteria to water quality in mangrove forests

Adame, Marı´a Fernanda, Reef, Ruth, Herrera-Silveira, Jorge A. and Lovelock, Catherine E. (2012). Sensitivity of dissolved organic carbon exchange and sediment bacteria to water quality in mangrove forests. Hydrobiologia, 691 (1), 239-253. doi: 10.1007/s10750-012-1071-7

Sensitivity of dissolved organic carbon exchange and sediment bacteria to water quality in mangrove forests


Journal Article

Nutrient exchange of extensive cyanobacterial mats in an arid subtropical wetland

Adame, Maria Fernanda, Reef, Ruth, Grinham, Alistair, Holmes, Glen and Lovelock, Catherine E. (2012). Nutrient exchange of extensive cyanobacterial mats in an arid subtropical wetland. Marine and Freshwater Research, 63 (5), 457-467. doi: 10.1071/MF11133

Nutrient exchange of extensive cyanobacterial mats in an arid subtropical wetland


Journal Article

The impact of a locust plague on mangroves of the arid Western Australia coast

Reef, Ruth, Ball, Marilyn C. and Lovelock, Catherine E. (2012). The impact of a locust plague on mangroves of the arid Western Australia coast. Journal of Tropical Ecology, 28 (3), 307-311. doi: 10.1017/S0266467412000041

The impact of a locust plague on mangroves of the arid Western Australia coast


Journal Article

Differential responses of the mangrove Avicennia marina to salinity and abscisic acid

Reef, Ruth, Schmitz, Nele, Rogers, Britt A., Ball, Marilyn C. and Lovelock, Catherine E. (2012). Differential responses of the mangrove Avicennia marina to salinity and abscisic acid. Functional Plant Biology, 39 (12), 1038-1046. doi: 10.1071/FP12178

Differential responses of the mangrove Avicennia marina to salinity and abscisic acid


Journal Article

The effects of nutrient availability on tolerance to herbivory in a brown seaweed

Hay, Kyra B., Poore, Alistair G. B. and Lovelock, Catherine E. (2011). The effects of nutrient availability on tolerance to herbivory in a brown seaweed. Journal of Ecology, 99 (6), 1540-1550. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2745.2011.01874.x

The effects of nutrient availability on tolerance to herbivory in a brown seaweed


Journal Article

The role of surface and subsurface processes in keeping pace with sea level rise in intertidal wetlands of Moreton Bay, Queensland, Australia

Lovelock, Catherine E., Bennion, Vicki, Grinham, Alistair and Cahoon, Donald R. (2011). The role of surface and subsurface processes in keeping pace with sea level rise in intertidal wetlands of Moreton Bay, Queensland, Australia. Ecosystems, 14 (5), 745-757. doi: 10.1007/s10021-011-9443-9

The role of surface and subsurface processes in keeping pace with sea level rise in intertidal wetlands of Moreton Bay, Queensland, Australia


Journal Article

CO2 Efflux from cleared mangrove peat

Lovelock, Catherine E., Ruess, Roger W. and Feller, Ilka C. (2011). CO2 Efflux from cleared mangrove peat. PLoS One, 6 (6) ARTN e21279, e21279-1-e21279-4. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0021279

CO2 Efflux from cleared mangrove peat


Journal Article

Intense storms and the delivery of materials that relieve nutrient limitations in mangroves of an arid zone estuary

Lovelock, Catherine E., Feller, Ilka C., Adame, Maria Fernanda, Reef, Ruth, Penrose, Helen M., Wei, Lili and Ball, Marilyn C. (2011). Intense storms and the delivery of materials that relieve nutrient limitations in mangroves of an arid zone estuary. Functional Plant Biology, 38 (6), 514-522. doi: 10.1071/FP11027

Intense storms and the delivery of materials that relieve nutrient limitations in mangroves of an arid zone estuary


Journal Article

Carbon and nutrient exchange of mangrove forests with the coastal ocean

Adame, MF and Lovelock, CE (2011). Carbon and nutrient exchange of mangrove forests with the coastal ocean. Hydrobiologia, 663 (1), 23-50. doi: 10.1007/s10750-010-0554-7

Carbon and nutrient exchange of mangrove forests with the coastal ocean


Journal Article

The use of near infrared reflectance spectrometry for characterization of brown algal tissue

Hay, Kyra B., Millers, Kimberley A., Poore, Alistair G. B. and Lovelock, Catherine E. (2010). The use of near infrared reflectance spectrometry for characterization of brown algal tissue. Journal of Phycology, 46 (5), 937-946. doi: 10.1111/j.1529-8817.2010.00890.x

The use of near infrared reflectance spectrometry for characterization of brown algal tissue


Journal Article

Relationships among RNA : DNA ratio, growth and elemental stoichiometry in mangrove trees

Reef, Ruth, Ball, Marilyn C., Feller, Ilka C. and Lovelock, Catherine E. (2010). Relationships among RNA : DNA ratio, growth and elemental stoichiometry in mangrove trees. Functional Ecology, 24 (5), 1064-1072. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2435.2010.01722.x

Relationships among RNA : DNA ratio, growth and elemental stoichiometry in mangrove trees