2015 Conference Publication Exploring community participation in multiple sclerosis: Is perceived impact a predictor and what is the role of anxiety and depression?Gullo, Hannah, Scarff, Shannon, Bennett, Sally and Fleming, Jennifer (2015). Exploring community participation in multiple sclerosis: Is perceived impact a predictor and what is the role of anxiety and depression? . Occupational Therapy Australia 26th National Conference and Exhibition, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, 1-3 July 2015. Richmond, VIC, Australia: John Wiley & Sons. |
2015 Conference Publication Group therapy interventions in traumatic brain injury rehabilitation: clinicians perceptions of processes and effectivenessPatterson, Freyr, Fleming, Jennifer, Doig, Emmah and Griffin, Janelle (2015). Group therapy interventions in traumatic brain injury rehabilitation: clinicians perceptions of processes and effectiveness. Australasian Society for the Study of Brain Impairment ASSBI 38th Annual Brain Impairment Conference,, Sydney, Australia, 1-4 July 2015. |
2015 Conference Publication Exploring factors related to participation in client-centred goal planningPrescott, Sarah, Fleming, Jenny and Doig, Emmah (2015). Exploring factors related to participation in client-centred goal planning. 12th NR-SIG-WFNR Conference, Daydream Island, QLD, Australia, 6-7 July 2015. |
2015 Conference Publication A systematic scoping review of goal planning approaches and principles used in rehabilitation for people with acquired brain injuryPrescott, Sarah, Fleming, Jenny and Doig, Emmah (2015). A systematic scoping review of goal planning approaches and principles used in rehabilitation for people with acquired brain injury. 5th INS/ASSBI Pacific Rim conference, Sydney, Australia, 1-4 July 2015. |
2015 Conference Publication What is the role of the home environment during rehabilitation? The experience of STRENGTH (Stroke Rehabilitation Enhancing and Guiding Transition Home)Gustafsson, L., Cornwell, P., Kuys, S. and Fleming, J. (2015). What is the role of the home environment during rehabilitation? The experience of STRENGTH (Stroke Rehabilitation Enhancing and Guiding Transition Home). The European Stroke Organisation - Annual Conference, Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom, 17-19 April 2015. London, United Kingdom: Sage Publications. doi: 10.1111/ijs.12479 |
2014 Conference Publication The influence of life stage on the transition experience of carers: Implications for rehabilitationMcColl, S., Gustafsson, L., Hoyle, M. and Fleming, J. (2014). The influence of life stage on the transition experience of carers: Implications for rehabilitation. SMART STROKES 2014 Conference, Sydney, NSW, Australia, 28-29 August 2014. Richmond, VIC Australia: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Asia. doi: 10.1111/ijs.12334_2 |
2014 Conference Publication Communication recovery after stroke and thrombolysis: Do we know enough?Finch, E., Fleming, J., Clark, K. and Hayward, K. (2014). Communication recovery after stroke and thrombolysis: Do we know enough?. SMART STROKES 2014 Conference, Sydney, NSW, Australia, 28-29 August 2014. HOBOKEN: WILEY-BLACKWELL. doi: 10.1111/ijs.12334 |
2014 Conference Publication Rehabilitation outcomes following thrombolysis: A study of four casesFinch, E., Fleming, J., Clark, K. and Hayward, K. S. (2014). Rehabilitation outcomes following thrombolysis: A study of four cases. 25th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Stroke Society of Australasia, Hamilton Island, QLD Australia, 30 July-1 August 2014. Richmond, VIC Australia: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Asia. doi: 10.1111/ijs.12298 |
2013 Conference Publication The relationship between goal attainment and the development of self-awareness in traumatic brain injury (TBI) rehabilitation: descriptive and qualitative case analysesDoig, Emmah, Fleming, Jennifer, Kuipers, Pim and Cornwell, Petrea (2013). The relationship between goal attainment and the development of self-awareness in traumatic brain injury (TBI) rehabilitation: descriptive and qualitative case analyses. 36th Brain Impairment Conference of the Australian Society for the Study of Brain Impairment, Hobart, TAS, Australia, 2-4 May, 2013. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press. doi: 10.1017/BrImp.2013.6 |
2013 Conference Publication Review of group therapy in inpatient brain injury rehabilitation.Patterson, Freyr, Fleming, Jennifer and Doig, Emmah (2013). Review of group therapy in inpatient brain injury rehabilitation.. Australasian Society for the Study of Brain Impairment ASSBI 36th Annual Brain Impairment Conference, Hobart, Australia, 2-4 May 2013. |
2013 Conference Publication Occupational therapy group interventions in inpatient brain injury rehabilitation: a systematic reviewPatterson, Freyr, Fleming, Jennifer and Doig, Emmah (2013). Occupational therapy group interventions in inpatient brain injury rehabilitation: a systematic review. Occupational Therapy Australia, 25th National Conference and Exhibition, Adelaide, Australia, 24-26 July 2013. Richmond, VIC, Australia: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Asia. doi: 10.1111/1440-1630.12060 |
2013 Conference Publication Evaluating a Student-Led Group Occupational Therapy Program in Inpatient Brain Injury RehabilitationPatterson, Freyr, Ninness, Nadine, Griffin, Janelle and Fleming, Jennifer (2013). Evaluating a Student-Led Group Occupational Therapy Program in Inpatient Brain Injury Rehabilitation. Australasian Society for the Study of Brain Impairment ASSBI 36th Annual Brain Impairment Conference, Hobart, Australia, 2-4 May 2013. |
2012 Conference Publication Probing the complex interplay between executive dysfunction, depression and physical/cognitive fatigue in multiple sclerosis using structural equation modellingGullo, H. L., Fleming, J., Bennett, S., Gullo, M. J. and Shum, D. (2012). Probing the complex interplay between executive dysfunction, depression and physical/cognitive fatigue in multiple sclerosis using structural equation modelling. Progress in MS Research Conference 2011, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, 26-28 October 2011. London, United Kingdom: Sage Publications. |
2012 Conference Publication Prospective memory assessment for persons with traumatic brain injuryMan, David W. K., Fleming, Jennifer, Hohaus, Lydia and Shum, David (2012). Prospective memory assessment for persons with traumatic brain injury. International Brain Injury Association's Ninth World Congress on Brain Injury, Edinburgh, Scotland, 21–25 March 2012. London, United Kingdom: Informa Healthcare. doi: 10.3109/02699052.2012.660091 |
2011 Conference Publication Probing the complex interplay between everyday memory, depression and fatigue in multiple sclerosis using structural equation modellingGullo, H., Fleming, J., Bennett, S., Gullo, M. and Shum, D (2011). Probing the complex interplay between everyday memory, depression and fatigue in multiple sclerosis using structural equation modelling. 5th International Conference on Memory (ICOM5), York, United Kingdom, 31 July-5 August 2011. |
2011 Conference Publication Cancer-related fatigue educational intervention trialPurcell, A., Fleming, J., Bennett, S. and Haines, T. (2011). Cancer-related fatigue educational intervention trial. Occupational Therapy Australia 24th National Conference, Gold Coast, QLD Australia, 29 June- 1st July 2011. |
2010 Conference Publication Cognitive dysfunction in multiple sclerosis and its relationship to mood disturbance and fatigue: Testing a model to guide rehabilitationGill, H. L., Fleming, J., Bennett, S. and Shum, D. (2010). Cognitive dysfunction in multiple sclerosis and its relationship to mood disturbance and fatigue: Testing a model to guide rehabilitation. 2010 World Congress of Neurorehabilitation, Vienna, Austria, 2010. Thousand Oaks, CA United States: Sage Publications. doi: 10.1177/1545968310365984 |
2010 Conference Publication A comparative study of splint effectiveness in limiting forearm rotationSlaughter, Adrienne, Miles, Lyn, Fleming, Jennifer and McPhail, Steven (2010). A comparative study of splint effectiveness in limiting forearm rotation. Australian Hand Therapy Association Conference, Brisbane, Australia, 21-23 November 2009. Philadelphia, PA, United States: Hanley & Belfus. doi: 10.1016/j.jht.2010.02.003 |
2010 Conference Publication Cognitive dysfunction in multiple sclerosis: Using structural equation modelling to investigate its relationship with mood disturbance, fatigue and quality of lifeHannah, L. Gill, Fleming, Jenny, Bennett, Sally and Shum, David (2010). Cognitive dysfunction in multiple sclerosis: Using structural equation modelling to investigate its relationship with mood disturbance, fatigue and quality of life. International Brain Injury Association's Eighth World Congress on Brain Injury, Washington, DC, U.S.A., 1-14 March 2010. United Kingdom: Informa Healthcare. doi: 10.3109/02699051003648227 |
2009 Conference Publication Qualitative exploration of a client-centred, goal-directed approach to community-based occupational therapy for adults with traumatic brain injuryDoig, Emmah, Fleming, Jennifer, Cornwell, Petrea L. and Kuipers, Pim (2009). Qualitative exploration of a client-centred, goal-directed approach to community-based occupational therapy for adults with traumatic brain injury. Bethesda, MD, United States: American Occupational Therapy Association. doi: 10.5014/ajot.63.5.559 |