2014 Other Outputs Determinants of post-school choices of young people: the workforce, university or vocational studies?Rowe Gonzalez, Francisco Javier, Corcoran, Jonathan and Bell, Martin J. (2014). Determinants of post-school choices of young people: the workforce, university or vocational studies?. Brisbane, Australia: School of Geography, Planning and Environmental Management, The University of Queensland. |
2014 Other Outputs Labour market outcomes and educational and occupational pathways of young movers starting off in regional VictoriaRowe Gonzalez, Francisco Javier, Corcoran, Jonathan and Bell, Martin J. (2014). Labour market outcomes and educational and occupational pathways of young movers starting off in regional Victoria. Brisbane, Australia: School of Geography, Planning and Environmental Management, The University of Queensland. |
2014 Other Outputs Labour market outcomes and main educational and occupational pathways of young VictoriansRowe Gonzalez, Francisco Javier, Corcoran, Jonathan and Bell, Martin J. (2014). Labour market outcomes and main educational and occupational pathways of young Victorians. Brisbane, Australia: School of Geography, Planning and Environmental Management, The University of Queensland. |
2014 Other Outputs Patterns and sequences of mobilityRowe Gonzalez, Francisco Javier, Bell, Martin J. and Corcoran, Jonathan (2014). Patterns and sequences of mobility. Brisbane, Australia: School of Geography, Planning and Environmental Management, The University of Queensland. |
2013 Other Outputs Analytical approach and data issues: report prepared for State Victoria governmentRowe, Francisco, Corcoran, Jonathan and Bell, Martin (2013). Analytical approach and data issues: report prepared for State Victoria government. Technical Report 1 St. Lucia, QLD, Australia: Queensland Centre for Population Research (QCPR), School of Geography, Planning and Environmental Management, The University of Queensland. |
2013 Other Outputs Understanding the patterns, characteristics and trends in the housing sector labour forceDalton, Tony, Horne, Ralph, Chhetri, Prem and Corcoran, Jonathan (2013). Understanding the patterns, characteristics and trends in the housing sector labour force. AHURI Final Report No. 208 Melbourne, VIC, Australia: Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute (AHURI ). |
2013 Other Outputs Evaluating the effects of federal policy changes on human capital: the role of a graduate visa schemeFaggian, Alessandra, Corcoran, Jonathan and Rowe, Francisco (2013). Evaluating the effects of federal policy changes on human capital: the role of a graduate visa scheme. Queensland Centre for Population Research Working Paper. 01. School of Geography, Planning and Environmental Management, The University of Queensland. |
2013 Other Outputs Functional resilience of port environs in a changing climate: assets and operationsChhetri, Prem, Cocoran, Jonathan, Gekara, Victor, Corbitt, Brian, Wickramasignhe, Nilmini, Jayatilleke, Gaya, Basic, Fatima, Scott, Helen, Mazoni, Alex and Maddox, Chris (2013). Functional resilience of port environs in a changing climate: assets and operations. Enhancing the resilience of seaports to a changing climate; NCCARF Publication 14/13 Melbourne, VIC, Australia: RMIT University and National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility. |