2024 Other Outputs Bad weather, hills and the dark deter cyclists, particularly women. So what can we do about it?Bean, Richard, Pojani, Dorina and Corcoran, Jonathan (2024, 06 05). Bad weather, hills and the dark deter cyclists, particularly women. So what can we do about it? The Conversation |
2024 Other Outputs Natural barriers facing female cyclists and how to overcome them: a cross national examination of bikesharing schemesBean, Richard, Pojani, Dorina and Corcoran, Jonathan (2024). Natural barriers facing female cyclists and how to overcome them: a cross national examination of bikesharing schemes. Mendeley Data. (Dataset) doi: 10.17632/vmy42hywwx.1 |
2024 Other Outputs Research and policy agenda on health inequalities and planetary health: a coproduced cross sector visionBaille, Anna, Olsen, Jonathan, Pearce, Anna, Irwin, Sarah, Pangbourne, Kate, Corcoran, Jonathan, Johnson, Laurel, Lisa McDaid, Reddel, Tim, Robinson, Mark, Wyeth, Stephanie and Glasgow, Queensland and Leeds Health and Equity Initiative (2024). Research and policy agenda on health inequalities and planetary health: a coproduced cross sector vision. Glasgow, United Kingdom: University of Glasgow. doi: 10.36399/gla.pubs.339527 |
2023 Other Outputs Why e-scooters are the 'public mobility glue' for urban transportBuning, Richard, Corcoran, Jonathan, Rahbar, Maisie, McKercher, Bob, Pojani, Dorina, Sigler, Thomas, Zou, Frank and Hardy, Anne (2023, 01 25). Why e-scooters are the 'public mobility glue' for urban transport Contact Magazine |
2023 Other Outputs Integrated Research Infrastructure for the Social Sciences. Work Package 3. Technical Report 2: Data Linkage ReportKubler, Matthias, Clague, Denise, Zając, Tomasz, Tomaszewski, Wojtek and Corcoran, Jonathan (2023). Integrated Research Infrastructure for the Social Sciences. Work Package 3. Technical Report 2: Data Linkage Report. Brisbane, QLD Australia: The University of Queensland. |
2023 Other Outputs Integrated Research Infrastructure for the Social Sciences. Work Package 3. Technical Report 2: Demonstrator #1González, Germán, Perez, Pascal, Rahimi, Masoud, Tomasz Zając, Kubler, Matthias, Clague, Denise, Corcoran, Jonathan and Tomaszewski, Wojtek (2023). Integrated Research Infrastructure for the Social Sciences. Work Package 3. Technical Report 2: Demonstrator #1. Melbourne, VIC Australia: AURIN. |
2022 Other Outputs E-scooters are becoming wildly popular – but we have to factor in the weatherKimpton, Anthony, Pojani, Dorina, Corcoran, Jonathan, Loginova, Julia, Bean, Richard and Sigler, Thomas (2022, 09 27). E-scooters are becoming wildly popular – but we have to factor in the weather |
2022 Other Outputs Integrated research infrastructure for the social sciences. Work package 3. Technical report 1Zajac, Tomasz, Rigby, Michael, Ryan, Angela, Kubler, Matthias, Clague, Denise, Corcoran, Jonathan and Tomaszewski, Wojtek (2022). Integrated research infrastructure for the social sciences. Work package 3. Technical report 1. Brisbane, QLD, Australia: ISSR. |
2021 Other Outputs We analysed 100 million bike trips to reveal where in the world cyclists are most likely to brave rain and coldBean, Richard, Pojani, Dorina and Corcoran, Jonathan (2021, 10 06). We analysed 100 million bike trips to reveal where in the world cyclists are most likely to brave rain and cold The Conversation |
2021 Other Outputs How does weather affect bikeshare use? A comparative analysis of forty cities across climate zonesBean, Richard , Pojani, Dorina and Corcoran, Jonathan (2021). How does weather affect bikeshare use? A comparative analysis of forty cities across climate zones. Mendeley Data. (Dataset) doi: 10.17632/2nxpvtz935.2 |
2018 Other Outputs Where are Chinese migrants choosing to settle in Australia? Look to the suburbsSigler, Thomas, Corcoran, Jonathan, Wang, Siqin and Liu, Yan (2018, 11 06). Where are Chinese migrants choosing to settle in Australia? Look to the suburbs The Conversation |
2018 Other Outputs Why driverless vehicles should not be given unchecked access to our citiesStead, Dominic , Kimpton, Anthony , Pojani, Dorina , Mateo Babiano, Iderlina , Corcoran, Jonathan and Sipe, Neil (2018, 09 13). Why driverless vehicles should not be given unchecked access to our cities The Conversation |
2018 Other Outputs Share bikes don't get cars off the road, but they have other benefitsPojani, Dorina and Corcoran, Jonathan (2018, 06 29). Share bikes don't get cars off the road, but they have other benefits The Conversation |
2018 Other Outputs Oh no, oBikes are leaving Melbourne! But this doesn’t mean bike sharing schemes are deadPojani, Dorina and Corcoran, Jonathan (2018, 06 14). Oh no, oBikes are leaving Melbourne! But this doesn’t mean bike sharing schemes are dead The Conversation |
2018 Other Outputs Too wet? Too cold? Too hot? This is how weather affects the trips we makeCorcoran, Jonathan, Pojani, Dorina, Rowe, Francisco, Zhou, Jiangping, Kim, Jiwon, Wei, Ming, Tao, Sui, Sigler, Thomas and Liu, Yan (2018, 04 09). Too wet? Too cold? Too hot? This is how weather affects the trips we make |
2018 Other Outputs Cycling and walking are short-changed when it comes to transport funding in AustraliaPojani, Dorina, Kimpton, Anthony, Corcoran, Jonathan and Sipe, Neil (2018, 03 20). Cycling and walking are short-changed when it comes to transport funding in Australia |
2018 Other Outputs Australian cities are far from being meccas for walking and cyclingPojani, Dorina, Butterworth, Elizabeth, Cooper, Jim, Corcoran, Jonathan and Sipe, Neil (2018, 02 05). Australian cities are far from being meccas for walking and cycling The Conversation |
2017 Other Outputs Here’s what bike-sharing programs need to succeedMateo-Babiano, Iderlina, Pojani, Dorina, Corcoran, Jonathan and Bean, Richard (2017, 12 22). Here’s what bike-sharing programs need to succeed The Conversation |
2017 Other Outputs Freeing up the huge areas set aside for parking can transform our citiesPojani, Dorina, Mateo-Babiano, Iderlina, Corcoran, Jonathan and Sipe, Neil (2017, 10 30). Freeing up the huge areas set aside for parking can transform our cities The Conversation |
2015 Other Outputs Changing post-school pathways and outcomes: Melbourne and regional studentsRowe, Francisco, Corcoran, Jonathan and Bell, Martin (2015). Changing post-school pathways and outcomes: Melbourne and regional students. Brisbane, QLD, Australia: Queensland Centre for Population Research (QCPR), School of Geography, Planning and Environmental Management, The University of Queensland. |