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Journal Article

Integrating modelling and phenotyping approaches to identify and screen complex traits : transpiration efficiency in cereals

Chenu, K., van Oosterom, E. J., McLean, G., Deifel, K. S., Fletcher, A., Geetika, G., Tirfessa, A., Mace, E. S., Jordan, D. R., Sulman, R. and Hammer, G. L. (2018). Integrating modelling and phenotyping approaches to identify and screen complex traits : transpiration efficiency in cereals. Journal of Experimental Botany, 69 (13), 3181-3194. doi: 10.1093/jxb/ery059

Integrating modelling and phenotyping approaches to identify and screen complex traits : transpiration efficiency in cereals


Conference Publication

Phenotypic selection of cereal root traits for terminal drought-stressed environments

Christopher, J. T., Richard, C., Hickey, L., Chenu, K., Christopher, M. J. and Borrell, A. K. (2018). Phenotypic selection of cereal root traits for terminal drought-stressed environments. 5th Biennial International Plant Phenotyping Symposium, Adelaide, SA, Australia, 2-5 October 2018.

Phenotypic selection of cereal root traits for terminal drought-stressed environments


Conference Publication

Caractérisation de déficits hydriques en essais et sur le long-terme pour assister le développement variétal et l’aide au conseil

Chenu, Karine and Deswarte, Jean-Charles (2018). Caractérisation de déficits hydriques en essais et sur le long-terme pour assister le développement variétal et l’aide au conseil. Phloeme, Paris, France, 24-25 January 2018. France:

Caractérisation de déficits hydriques en essais et sur le long-terme pour assister le développement variétal et l’aide au conseil


Conference Publication

A low-cost method for high-throughput phenotyping of transpiration efficiency

Fletcher, A., Christopher, J., Hunter, M. and Chenu, K. (2018). A low-cost method for high-throughput phenotyping of transpiration efficiency. 15th Plant Biology Europe, Copenhagen, Denmark, 18-21 June 2018.

A low-cost method for high-throughput phenotyping of transpiration efficiency


Conference Publication

Genetics of transpiration efficiency in a wheat Nested Association Mapping population

Fletcher, A., Christopher, J., Kelly, A., Paccapelo, V. and Chenu, K. (2018). Genetics of transpiration efficiency in a wheat Nested Association Mapping population. 15th Plant Biology Europe, Copenhagen, Denmark, 18-21 June 2018.

Genetics of transpiration efficiency in a wheat Nested Association Mapping population


Conference Publication

Combining crop growth modelling and statistical genetic modelling to evaluate phenotyping strategies

Bustos-Korts, D., Malosetti, M., Boer, M., Chapman, S., Chenu, K. and van Eeuwijk, F. (2018). Combining crop growth modelling and statistical genetic modelling to evaluate phenotyping strategies. Biometrics Eucarpia, Ghent, Belgium, 3-5 September 2018.

Combining crop growth modelling and statistical genetic modelling to evaluate phenotyping strategies


Conference Publication

Combining crop growth modelling and statistical genetic modelling to evaluate phenotyping strategies

Bustos-Korts, D., Malosetti, M., Boer, M., Chapman, S., Chenu, K. and van Eeuwijk, F. (2018). Combining crop growth modelling and statistical genetic modelling to evaluate phenotyping strategies. 29th International Biometric Conference, Barcelona, Spain, 8-13 July 2018.

Combining crop growth modelling and statistical genetic modelling to evaluate phenotyping strategies


Conference Publication

Indirect adaptation for transpiration efficiency in Australian wheat varieties

Fletcher, A. and Chenu, K. (2018). Indirect adaptation for transpiration efficiency in Australian wheat varieties. 15th Plant Biology Europe, Copenhagen, Denmark, 18-21 June 2018.

Indirect adaptation for transpiration efficiency in Australian wheat varieties


Conference Publication

A novel phenotyping platform allows selection for cereal root traits

Richard, C., Hickey, L., Chenu, K., Christopher, M. J., Borrell, A. K. and Christopher, J. T. (2018). A novel phenotyping platform allows selection for cereal root traits. 4th International Society of Root Research Conference, Jerusalem, Israel, 8-12 July 2018.

A novel phenotyping platform allows selection for cereal root traits


Journal Article

QTL for stay-green traits in wheat in well-watered and water-limited environments

Christopher, Mandy, Chenu, Karine, Jennings, Raeleen, Fletcher, Susan, Butler, David, Borrell, Andrew and Christopher, Jack (2017). QTL for stay-green traits in wheat in well-watered and water-limited environments. Field Crops Research, 217, 32-44. doi: 10.1016/j.fcr.2017.11.003

QTL for stay-green traits in wheat in well-watered and water-limited environments


Journal Article

Projected impact of future climate on water-stress patterns across the Australian wheatbelt

Watson, James, Zheng, Bangyou, Chapman, Scott and Chenu, Karine (2017). Projected impact of future climate on water-stress patterns across the Australian wheatbelt. Journal of Experimental Botany, 68 (21-22), 5907-5921. doi: 10.1093/jxb/erx368

Projected impact of future climate on water-stress patterns across the Australian wheatbelt


Journal Article

VERNALIZATION1 modulates root system architecture in wheat and barley

Voss-Fels, Kai P., Robinson, Hannah, Mudge, Stephen R., Richard, Cecile, Newman, Saul, Wittkop, Benjamin, Stahl, Andreas, Friedt, Wolfgang, Frisch, Matthias, Gabur, Iulian, Miller-Cooper, Anika, Campbell, Bradley C., Kelly, Alison, Fox, Glen, Christopher, Jack, Christopher, Mandy, Chenu, Karine, Franckowiak, Jerome, Mace, Emma S., Borrell, Andrew K., Eagles, Howard, Jordan, David R., Botella, Jose R., Hammer, Graeme, Godwin, Ian D., Trevaskis, Ben, Snowdon, Rod J. and Hickey, Lee T. (2017). VERNALIZATION1 modulates root system architecture in wheat and barley. Molecular Plant, 11 (1), 226-229. doi: 10.1016/j.molp.2017.10.005

VERNALIZATION1 modulates root system architecture in wheat and barley


Journal Article

Nitrogen nutrition index predicted by a crop model improves the genomic prediction of grain number for a bread wheat core collection

Ly, Delphine, Chenu, Karine, Gauffreteau, Arnaud, Rincent, Renaud, Huet, Sylvie, Gouache, David, Martre, Pierre, Bordes, Jacques and Charmet, Gilles (2017). Nitrogen nutrition index predicted by a crop model improves the genomic prediction of grain number for a bread wheat core collection. Field Crops Research, 214, 331-340. doi: 10.1016/j.fcr.2017.09.024

Nitrogen nutrition index predicted by a crop model improves the genomic prediction of grain number for a bread wheat core collection


Journal Article

Economic assessment of wheat breeding options for potential improved levels of post head-emergence frost tolerance

Mushtaqa,Shahbaz , Frederiks, Troy M. , An-Vo, Duc-Anh , Christopher, Mandy , Zheng, Bangyou , Chenu, Karine , Chapman, Scott C. , Christopher, Jack T. , Stone, Roger C. and Alam, G.M. Monirul (2017). Economic assessment of wheat breeding options for potential improved levels of post head-emergence frost tolerance. Field Crops Research, 213, 75-88. doi: 10.1016/j.fcr.2017.07.021

Economic assessment of wheat breeding options for potential improved levels of post head-emergence frost tolerance


Journal Article

Contribution of crop models to adaptation in wheat

Chenu, Karine, Porter, John Roy, Martre, Pierre, Basso, Bruno, Chapman, Scott Cameron, Ewert, Frank, Bindi, Marco and Asseng, Senthold (2017). Contribution of crop models to adaptation in wheat. Trends in Plant Science, 22 (6), 472-490. doi: 10.1016/j.tplants.2017.02.003

Contribution of crop models to adaptation in wheat


Journal Article

Characterisation of chickpea cropping systems in Australia for major abiotic production constraints

Chauhan, Yashvir, Allard, Samantha, Williams, Rex, Williams, Brett, Mundree, Sagadevan, Chenu, Karine and Rachaputi, N. C. (2017). Characterisation of chickpea cropping systems in Australia for major abiotic production constraints. Field Crops Research, 204, 120-134. doi: 10.1016/j.fcr.2017.01.008

Characterisation of chickpea cropping systems in Australia for major abiotic production constraints


Conference Publication

Increasing genetic progress for wheat adaptation to water-limited environments by integrating novel phenotyping for stay-green and root traits, crop modelling and nested association mapping populations

Christopher, J. T., Richard, C., Veyradier, M., Christopher, M., Borrell, A. K., Hickey, L. and Chenu, K. (2017). Increasing genetic progress for wheat adaptation to water-limited environments by integrating novel phenotyping for stay-green and root traits, crop modelling and nested association mapping populations. Interdrought-V, Hyderabad, India, 21-25 February 2017.

Increasing genetic progress for wheat adaptation to water-limited environments by integrating novel phenotyping for stay-green and root traits, crop modelling and nested association mapping populations


Conference Publication


Chenu, K., Watson, J., Zheng, B., Christopher, J. and Chapman, S. (2017). Interdrought-V. Interdrought-V, Hyderabad, India, 21-25 February 2017.



Conference Publication

Shorter trials to increase screening throughput for transpiration efficiency in wheat

Fletcher, A., Christopher, J. T. and Chenu, K. (2017). Shorter trials to increase screening throughput for transpiration efficiency in wheat. TropAg2017, International Tropical Agriculture Conference, Brisbane, Australia, 20-22 November 2017. Trop Ag.

Shorter trials to increase screening throughput for transpiration efficiency in wheat


Conference Publication

Agriculture and climate change conference

Vazquez-Carrasquer, V., Christopher, J. T. and Chenu, K. (2017). Agriculture and climate change conference. Agriculture and Climate Change Conference, Sitges, Spain, 26-28 March 2017.

Agriculture and climate change conference