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Conference Publication

Impact of projected climates on drought occurrence in the Australian wheatbelt

Watson, James, Zheng, Bangyou, Chapman, Scott C. and Chenu, Karine (2015). Impact of projected climates on drought occurrence in the Australian wheatbelt. 17th Australian Agronomy Conference, Hobart, Australia, 20-24 September 2015. Warragul, VIC Australia: Australian Society of Agronomy.

Impact of projected climates on drought occurrence in the Australian wheatbelt


Conference Publication

Rapid phenotyping combined with speed-breeding to improve root adaptation of wheat in water-limited environments

Christopher, J., Richard, C., Chenu, K., Christopher, C., Borrell, A. and Hickey, L. (2015). Rapid phenotyping combined with speed-breeding to improve root adaptation of wheat in water-limited environments. 9th Symposium for the International Society of Root Research, Canberra, Australia, 6-9 October 2015.

Rapid phenotyping combined with speed-breeding to improve root adaptation of wheat in water-limited environments


Conference Publication

High-throughput phenotyping of wheat seminal root traits in a breeding context

Richard, Cecile, Hickey, Lee, Fletcher, Susan, Chenu, Karine, Borrell, Andrew and Christopher, Jack (2015). High-throughput phenotyping of wheat seminal root traits in a breeding context. Agriculture and Climate Change - Adapting Crops to Increased Uncertainty (AGRI 2015), Amsterdam, Netherlands, 15-17 February 2015. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/j.proenv.2015.07.179

High-throughput phenotyping of wheat seminal root traits in a breeding context


Conference Publication

Integrating Rapid Phenotyping and Speed Breeding to Improve Stay-Green and Root Adaptation of Wheat in Changing, Water-Limited, Australian Environments

Christopher, J., Richard, C., Chenu, K., Christopher, M., Borrell, A. and Hickey, L. (2015). Integrating Rapid Phenotyping and Speed Breeding to Improve Stay-Green and Root Adaptation of Wheat in Changing, Water-Limited, Australian Environments. Agriculture and Climate Change conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 15-17 February 2015.

Integrating Rapid Phenotyping and Speed Breeding to Improve Stay-Green and Root Adaptation of Wheat in Changing, Water-Limited, Australian Environments


Conference Publication

Integrating rapid phenotyping and speed breeding to improve stay-green and root adaptation of wheat in changing, water-limited, Australian environments

Christopher, Jack, Richard, Cecile, Chenu, Karine, Christopher, Mandy, Borrell, Andrew and Hickey, Lee (2015). Integrating rapid phenotyping and speed breeding to improve stay-green and root adaptation of wheat in changing, water-limited, Australian environments. Agriculture and Climate Change - Adapting Crops to Increased Uncertainty (AGRI 2015), Amsterdam, Netherlands, 15-17 February 2015. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/j.proenv.2015.07.246

Integrating rapid phenotyping and speed breeding to improve stay-green and root adaptation of wheat in changing, water-limited, Australian environments


Conference Publication

Maize yield determination in the Northern Region: hybrid by environment by management interactions

Ferrante, Ariel, Eyre, Joe, George-Jaeggli, Barbara, McLean, James, Chenu, Karine, deVoil, Peter, McLean, Greg and Rodriguez, Daniel (2015). Maize yield determination in the Northern Region: hybrid by environment by management interactions. Australian Agronomy Conference, Hobart, TAS, Australia, 21-24 September 2015. Warragul, VIC, Australia: Australian Society of Agronomy.

Maize yield determination in the Northern Region: hybrid by environment by management interactions


Conference Publication

Predicting heading date and frost impact in wheat across Australia

Zheng, Bangyou, Chapman, Scott, Christopher, Jack, Frederiks, Troy and Chenu, Karine (2015). Predicting heading date and frost impact in wheat across Australia. 17th Australian Agronomy Conference, Hobart, Australia, 20-24 September 2015. Warragul, VIC Australia: Australian Society of Agronomy.

Predicting heading date and frost impact in wheat across Australia


Conference Publication

Changes in transpiration efficiency of wheat varieties released over recent decades - Any potential for the future?

Fletcher, Andrew and Chenua, Karine (2015). Changes in transpiration efficiency of wheat varieties released over recent decades - Any potential for the future?. Agriculture and Climate Change - Adapting Crops to Increased Uncertainty (AGRI 2015), Amsterdam, Netherlands, 15-17 February 2015. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/j.proenv.2015.07.252

Changes in transpiration efficiency of wheat varieties released over recent decades - Any potential for the future?


Conference Publication

Projected impact of future climate on drought patterns in complex rainfed environments

Watson, James, Zheng, Bangyou, Chapman, Scott C. and Chenu, Karine (2015). Projected impact of future climate on drought patterns in complex rainfed environments. Agriculture and Climate Change - Adapting Crops to Increased Uncertainty (AGRI 2015), Amsterdam, Netherlands, 15-17 February 2015. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/j.proenv.2015.07.255

Projected impact of future climate on drought patterns in complex rainfed environments


Journal Article

APSIM - evolution towards a new generation of agricultural systems simulation

Holzworth, Dean P., Huth, Neil I., deVoil, Peter G., Zurcher, Eric J., Herrmann, Neville I., McLean, Greg, Chenu, Karine, van Oosterom, Erik J., Snow, Val, Murphy, Chris, Moore, Andrew D., Brown, Hamish, Whish, Jeremy P. M., Verrall, Shaun, Fainges, Justin, Bell, Lindsay W., Peake, Allan S., Poulton, Perry L., Hochman, Zvi, Thorburn, Peter J., Gaydon, Donald S., Dalgliesh, Neal P., Rodriguez, Daniel, Cox, Howard, Chapman, Scott, Doherty, Alastair, Teixeira, Edmar, Sharp, Joanna, Cichota, Rogerio ... Keating, Brian A. (2014). APSIM - evolution towards a new generation of agricultural systems simulation. Environmental Modelling and Software, 62, 327-350. doi: 10.1016/j.envsoft.2014.07.009

APSIM - evolution towards a new generation of agricultural systems simulation


Journal Article

Plot size matters: Interference from intergenotypic competition in plant phenotyping studies

Rebetzke, Greg J., Fischer, Ralph (Tony) A., Van Herwaarden, Anthony F., Bonnett, Dave G., Chenu, Karine, Rattey, Allan R. and Fettell, Neil A. (2014). Plot size matters: Interference from intergenotypic competition in plant phenotyping studies. Functional Plant Biology, 41 (2), 107-118. doi: 10.1071/FP13177

Plot size matters: Interference from intergenotypic competition in plant phenotyping studies


Conference Publication

Phenotyping stay-green to improve yield in Australian cropping environments

Christopher, J., Chenu, K., Jennings, R., Harvey, G. and Fletcher, S. (2014). Phenotyping stay-green to improve yield in Australian cropping environments. 15th Australasian Plant Breeding Conference, St Kilda, VIC, Australia, 26-29 October 2014.

Phenotyping stay-green to improve yield in Australian cropping environments


Conference Publication

Breeding for the future: How to adapt to potential impacts of future frost, drought and heat events on Australian wheat?

Chenu, Karine, Zheng, Bangyou and Chapman, Scott (2014). Breeding for the future: How to adapt to potential impacts of future frost, drought and heat events on Australian wheat?. Breeding Plants to Cope with Future Climate Change, Leeds, United Kingdom, 16-18 June 2014.

Breeding for the future: How to adapt to potential impacts of future frost, drought and heat events on Australian wheat?


Conference Publication

Phenotyping novel stay-green traits to capture genetic variation in senescence dynamics

Christopher, John T., Veyradier, Mathieu, Borrell, Andrew K., Harvey, Greg, Fletcher, Susan and Chenu, Karine (2014). Phenotyping novel stay-green traits to capture genetic variation in senescence dynamics. Interdrought IV Conference, Perth, WA Australia, 2–6 September 2013. Clayton, VIC Australia: C S I R O Publishing. doi: 10.1071/FP14052

Phenotyping novel stay-green traits to capture genetic variation in senescence dynamics


Conference Publication

High-throughput phenotyping for seminal root angle in wheat in a breeding context

Richard, C., Hickey, L., Chenu, K. and Christopher, J. (2014). High-throughput phenotyping for seminal root angle in wheat in a breeding context. 15th Australasian Plant Breeding Conference, St Kilda, VIC, Australia, 26-29 October 2014.

High-throughput phenotyping for seminal root angle in wheat in a breeding context


Conference Publication

Sensitivity analysis of dynamic crop models to assist crop science: assessing the impact of multiple traits on yield in Australian wheat

Casadebaig, P., Chenu, K. and Faivre, R. (2014). Sensitivity analysis of dynamic crop models to assist crop science: assessing the impact of multiple traits on yield in Australian wheat. 3èmes Rencontres R Montpellier, Montpellier, France, 25-27 June, 2014.

Sensitivity analysis of dynamic crop models to assist crop science: assessing the impact of multiple traits on yield in Australian wheat


Conference Publication

Quantifying the potential yield benefit of root traits in a target population of environments

Veyradier, Mathieu, Christopher, John (Jack) T. and Chenu, Karine (2013). Quantifying the potential yield benefit of root traits in a target population of environments. 7th International Conference on Functional-Structural Plant Models, Saariselkä, Finland, 9-14 June 2013. Helsinki, Finland: MELTA.

Quantifying the potential yield benefit of root traits in a target population of environments


Conference Publication

Fine-mapping candidates for 'stay-green' in sorghum reveals genes associated with canopy development and root growth

Borrell, A. K., Christopher, J. T., Veyradier, M., Harvey, G., Fletcher, S., Christopher, M., Jennings, R., Hammer, G. L. and Chenu, K. (2013). Fine-mapping candidates for 'stay-green' in sorghum reveals genes associated with canopy development and root growth. ID4: InterDrought-IV Conference 2013. The 4th International Conference on Integrated Approaches to Improve Crop Production under Drought-Prone Environments, Burswood, WA, Australia, 2-6 September, 2013.

Fine-mapping candidates for 'stay-green' in sorghum reveals genes associated with canopy development and root growth


Conference Publication

StressMaster: a web application for dynamic modelling of the environment to assist in crop improvement for drought adaptation

Chenu, Karine, Doherty, Al, Rebetzke, Greg J. and Chapman, Scott C. (2013). StressMaster: a web application for dynamic modelling of the environment to assist in crop improvement for drought adaptation. 7th International Conference on Functional-Structural Plant Models, Saariselkä, Finland, 9-14 June, 2013. Helsinki, Finland: MELTA.

StressMaster: a web application for dynamic modelling of the environment to assist in crop improvement for drought adaptation


Conference Publication

Stay-green traits in wheat are linked to yield in well-watered environments

Christopher, Jack, Chenu, Karine, Veyradier, Mathieu, Christopher, Mandy, Jennings, Raeleen, Harvey, Greg, Fletcher, Susan and Borrell, Andrew (2013). Stay-green traits in wheat are linked to yield in well-watered environments. WBA2013: Wheat Breeders Assembly 2013, Brisbane, QLD, Australia, 16-19 July, 2013. Brisbane, QLD, Australia: Wheat Breeding Society Of Australia.

Stay-green traits in wheat are linked to yield in well-watered environments