2022 Journal Article Imagining the future: Social connections and new methodologiesWozniak, Helen and Philip, Robyn L. (2022). Imagining the future: Social connections and new methodologies. Medical Education, 56 (1), 10-13. doi: 10.1111/medu.14690 |
2021 Journal Article A national faculty development program combining webinars with workplace-based peer practice for clinical supervisorsWozniak, Helen, Campbell, Narelle and Devonshire, Elizabeth (2021). A national faculty development program combining webinars with workplace-based peer practice for clinical supervisors. Medical Teacher, 43 (8), 1-2. doi: 10.1080/0142159x.2021.1929906 |
2021 Journal Article Peer learning for students and supervisors: complexity in the clinical settingCampbell, Narelle, Wozniak, Helen and Philip, Robyn L. (2021). Peer learning for students and supervisors: complexity in the clinical setting. Medical Education, 55 (6) medu.14480, 668-670. doi: 10.1111/medu.14480 |
2019 Journal Article Peer-supported faculty development and workplace teaching: an integrative reviewCampbell, Narelle, Wozniak, Helen, Philip, Robyn L and Damarell, Raechel A (2019). Peer-supported faculty development and workplace teaching: an integrative review. Medical Education, 53 (10) medu.13896, 978-988. doi: 10.1111/medu.13896 |
2018 Journal Article What have we learnt about using digital technologies in health professional education?Wozniak, Helen, Ellaway, Rachel H. and de Jong, Peter Gm (2018). What have we learnt about using digital technologies in health professional education?. Medical Journal of Australia, 209 (10), 431-433. doi: 10.5694/mja18.00152 |
2015 Journal Article Conjecture mapping to optimize the educational design research processWozniak, Helen (2015). Conjecture mapping to optimize the educational design research process. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 31 (5), 597-612. doi: 10.14742/ajet.2505 |
2012 Journal Article Design-based research principles for student orientation to online study: capturing the lessons learntWozniak, Helen, Pizzica, Jenny and Mahony, Mary Jane (2012). Design-based research principles for student orientation to online study: capturing the lessons learnt. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 28 (5), 896-911. doi: 10.14742/ajet.823 |
2009 Journal Article Stepping through the orientation looking glass: a staged approach for postgraduate studentsWozniak, Helen, Mahony, Mary Jane, Lever, Tim and Pizzica, Jenny (2009). Stepping through the orientation looking glass: a staged approach for postgraduate students. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 25 (2), 221-234. doi: 10.14742/ajet.1151 |
2008 Journal Article Improving learning cultures in further education: improving learning seriesWozniak, Helen (2008). Improving learning cultures in further education: improving learning series. Higher Education, Research and Development, 27 (4), 420-422. doi: 10.1080/07294360802406866 |
2008 Journal Article Improving learning cultures in further educationWozniak, Helen (2008). Improving learning cultures in further education. Higher Education Research & Development, 27 (4), 420-422. |
2007 Journal Article Transforming learning: using structured online discussions to engage learnersWozniak, Helen and Silveira, Sue (2007). Transforming learning: using structured online discussions to engage learners. Transforming a University: the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Practice, 163-173. |
2006 Journal Article Show me an example!Wozniak, Helen and Mahony, Mary Jane (2006). Show me an example!. Synergy, 23, 11-12. |
2006 Journal Article Working together: developing elearning activities to promote interprofessional learningDevonshire, Liz and Wozniak, Helen (2006). Working together: developing elearning activities to promote interprofessional learning. Synergy, 23, 25-27. |
2005 Journal Article Inquiry based learning in the health sciences: Countering the limitations of ‘problem based’ learningWozniak, H., Mahony, M. J., Everingham, F., Poulos, A. and Reid, B. (2005). Inquiry based learning in the health sciences: Countering the limitations of ‘problem based’ learning. Focus on Health Professional Education: A Multi-Disciplinary Journal, 7 (2), 18-30. |
1999 Journal Article The effect of room illumination on visual acuity measurementGlover, Samantha, Kelly, Megan, Wozniak, Helen and Moss, Nathan D. (1999). The effect of room illumination on visual acuity measurement. Australian Orthoptic Journal, 34, 3-8. |
1996 Journal Article Learning to observe in the clinical settingGoodacre, Helen and Jolly, Neryla (1996). Learning to observe in the clinical setting. Synergy, 2, 7-8. |
1996 Journal Article Normal threshold values for red targets in the central 10 degree visual fieldPiraino, Josephine and Goodacre, Helen (1996). Normal threshold values for red targets in the central 10 degree visual field. Australian Orthoptic Journal, 32, 19-25. |
1995 Journal Article Comparison of crowded single optotypes with linear acuities in amblyopesWilliams, Megan, Wong, Tiffany and Goodacre, Helen (1995). Comparison of crowded single optotypes with linear acuities in amblyopes. Australian Orthoptic Journal, 31, 21-28. |
1993 Journal Article The effects of aerobic exercise on intraocular pressureElmurr, P., Thompson, M. and Goodacre, H. (1993). The effects of aerobic exercise on intraocular pressure. Australian Orthoptic Journal, 29, 18-24. |
1992 Journal Article The computerized visual field: the complexities of its analysis. A literature reviewGoodacre, H. (1992). The computerized visual field: the complexities of its analysis. A literature review. Australian Orthoptic Journal, 28, 1-10. |