2024 Conference Publication Developing coaches to support learners' longitudinal developmentLedger, Alison, Wozniak, Helen, Pather, Nalini and Olupeliyawa, Asela (2024). Developing coaches to support learners' longitudinal development. Ottawa 2024: Conference on the Assessment of Competence in Medicine and the Healthcare Professions, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, 24-28 February 2024. Melbourne, VIC, Australia: Ottawa. |
2023 Conference Publication Navigating ebbs and flows of digital dashboards used in medical student assessments during clinical placementsOlupeliyawa, Asela, Tobin, Stephen, Kull, Anna, Wozniak, Helen, Gibson, Justine, Garrard, Robert, Monk, Samuel, Bailey, Chantal and Robinson, Kent (2023). Navigating ebbs and flows of digital dashboards used in medical student assessments during clinical placements. ANZAHPE 2023: Turning tides: Navigating the Opportunities, Gold Coast, QLD Queensland, 26-29 July. |
2023 Conference Publication Educational design research: charting new waters to bridge the theory-practice gap in health professions educationDevonshire, Elizabeth, Wozniak, Helen and Hu, Wendy (2023). Educational design research: charting new waters to bridge the theory-practice gap in health professions education. ANZAHPE 2023: Turning tides: Navigating the Opportunities, Gold Coast, QLD Queensland, 26-29 June 2023. |
2023 Conference Publication Co-designing digital dashboards to enhance student engagement in work-integrated learning (WIL)Wozniak, Helen, Gibson, Justine, Noble, Christy, Claydon, Rachel, Bowker, Shari, Bakharia, Aneesha, Kull, Anna, Ward, Kym, Garrard, Robert, Olupeliyawa, Asela, Bird, Kathryn, Ochayi, Daniel, Kodiyattu, Zack and Low, Zachary (2023). Co-designing digital dashboards to enhance student engagement in work-integrated learning (WIL). ANZAHPE 2023: Turning tides: Navigating the Opportunities, Gold Coast, QLD Queensland, 26-29 July 2023. |
2023 Conference Publication Analysis of the relationships between feedback, action planning and engagement in workplace-based assessment tasks (WBAs)Wozniak, Helen (2023). Analysis of the relationships between feedback, action planning and engagement in workplace-based assessment tasks (WBAs). Health Professions Education Research Micro-Conferences 2023, Online, 20 June 2023. |
2022 Conference Publication Co-designing digital dashboards to enhance student learning in the workplaceWozniak, Helen , Gibson, Justine , Bakharia, Aneesha , Bowker, Shari , Claydon, Rachel , Garrard, Robert , Kull, Anna , Noble, Christy and Olupeliyawa, Asela (2022). Co-designing digital dashboards to enhance student learning in the workplace . UQ HEA Conference , St Lucia, QLD, Australia, 2 November 2022. |
2022 Conference Publication Preconference Workshop: Educational Design Research to close the theory-practice divideWozniak, Helen, Devonshire, Liz, Hu, Wendy, Dolmans, Diana and McKenney, Susan (2022). Preconference Workshop: Educational Design Research to close the theory-practice divide. AMEE Lyon 2022 Redefining Health Professions Education Together, Lyon, France, 27-31 August 2022. |
2022 Conference Publication Enhancing feedback partnerships to guide learner actions in workplace-based assessmentsWozniak, Helen, Claydon, Rachel, Noble, Christy, Monk, Sam and Steele, Megan (2022). Enhancing feedback partnerships to guide learner actions in workplace-based assessments. ANZAHPE Festival 2022, Online, 11, 13, 19 July 2022. |
2022 Conference Publication Rethinking how feedback from WBAs can stimulate extension and growth for learnersWozniak, Helen, Noble, Christy, Claydon, Rachel, Monk, Samuel and Steele, Megan (2022). Rethinking how feedback from WBAs can stimulate extension and growth for learners. Ottawa Lyon 2022 Reimagining Assessment Across the Continuum, Lyon, France, 26-28 May 2022. |
2022 Conference Publication A cross-disciplinary partnership between staff and students to support learner growth in diverse clinical settingsWozniak, Helen , Gibson, Justine , Noble, Christy , Claydon, Rachel , Bowker, Shari and Bakharia, Aneesha (2022). A cross-disciplinary partnership between staff and students to support learner growth in diverse clinical settings. ANZAHPE Festival 2022, Online, 8-19 July 2022. |
2019 Conference Publication Personalising medical education: ePortfolios for workplace-based assessmentPhilip, Robyn, Wozniak, Helen, Bowker, Shari, Bailey, Chantal and Green, Alison (2019). Personalising medical education: ePortfolios for workplace-based assessment. ASCILITE 2019, Singapore, 2-5 December 2019. Tugun, QLD Australia: Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education. |
2019 Conference Publication Discriminative capacity of a rubric assessment of ethical reasoning and clinical reasoning in case-based learning tutorialsDarlington, Sharon, Oancea, Iulia, Barry, Benjamin K., Shepherd, Nicole, Mukandi, Bryan, Winch, Sarah and Wozniak, Helen (2019). Discriminative capacity of a rubric assessment of ethical reasoning and clinical reasoning in case-based learning tutorials. ANZAHPE 2019 Conference, Canberra, 1-4 July 2019. |
2019 Conference Publication Student and tutor evaluations of the integration of medical ethics in case-based learning discussionsBarry, Benjamin K., Shepherd, Nicole, Darlington, Sharon, Mukandi, Bryan, Winch, Sarah, Wozniak, Helen and Oancea, Iulia (2019). Student and tutor evaluations of the integration of medical ethics in case-based learning discussions. ANZAHPE 2019 Conference, Canberra, ACT Australia, 1-4 July 2019. Canberra, ACT Australia: Australian & New Zealand Association for Health Professional Educators. |
2019 Conference Publication Student and tutor evaluations of the integration of medical ethics in case-based learning discussions.Barry, Benjamin K., Shepherd, Nicole, Darlington, Sharon, Mukandi, Bryan, Winch, Sarah, Wozniak, Helen and Oancea, Iulia (2019). Student and tutor evaluations of the integration of medical ethics in case-based learning discussions.. ANZAHPE 2019 Conference, Canberra, ACT, Australia, 1-4 July 2019. Canberra, ACT Australia: Australian & New Zealand Association for Health Professional Educators. |
2018 Conference Publication Building a scalable ePortfolio based assessment strategy to connect clinical learning experiences: preliminary lessonsWozniak, Helen and Bowker, Shari (2018). Building a scalable ePortfolio based assessment strategy to connect clinical learning experiences: preliminary lessons. ePortfolios Australia Forum, Brisbane, Australia, 9-10 October 2018. ePortfolios Australia. |
2015 Conference Publication Layers of transition: the lived experiences of online distance learnersWoziniak, H. and McEldowney, R. (2015). Layers of transition: the lived experiences of online distance learners. HERDSA, Melbourne, VIC Australia, 6-9 July 2015. Melbourne, VIC Australia: HERDSA. |
2013 Conference Publication Student Engagement with an Online Orientation Resource: How Learning Analytics Refines Educational Design PrinciplesWozniak, Helen (2013). Student Engagement with an Online Orientation Resource: How Learning Analytics Refines Educational Design Principles. World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications, Victoria, British Columbia, 24 -26 June 2013. Waynesville, NC, United States: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). |
2010 Conference Publication Is peer assessment of asynchronous group discussions fostering skills relevant to our future graduates?Bouchoucha, Stéphane and Wozniak, Helen (2010). Is peer assessment of asynchronous group discussions fostering skills relevant to our future graduates?. 27th Annual Conference of the Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education, ASCILITE 2010, Sydney, Australia, 5-8 December 2010. |
2009 Conference Publication Student use of web based lecture technologies in blended learning: do these reflect study patterns?Craig, Pippa , Wozniak, Helen, Hyde, Sarah and Burn, Daniel (2009). Student use of web based lecture technologies in blended learning: do these reflect study patterns?. 26th Annual Conference of the Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education - "Same places, different spaces", ASCILITE 2009, Auckland, New Zealand, 6-9 December 2009. Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education. |
2009 Conference Publication Peer review of teaching practice and resources: Exploring new spaces to embrace cultural changePhilip, Robyn and Wozniak, Helen (2009). Peer review of teaching practice and resources: Exploring new spaces to embrace cultural change. 26th Annual Conference of the Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education - "Same places, different spaces", ASCILITE 2009, Auckland, New Zealand, 6-9 December 2009. |