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Journal Article

Inequitable protection of multidimensional biogeochemical regions in the Mediterranean Sea

Giménez, Joan, Venegas-Li, Rubén, Mazor, Tessa, Kark, Salit and Levin, Noam (2021). Inequitable protection of multidimensional biogeochemical regions in the Mediterranean Sea. Ocean and Coastal Management, 211 105747, 1-9. doi: 10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2021.105747

Inequitable protection of multidimensional biogeochemical regions in the Mediterranean Sea


Journal Article

Polycentricity and adaptive governance of transboundary marine socio-ecological systems

Tuda, Arthur Omondi, Kark, Salit and Newton, Alice (2021). Polycentricity and adaptive governance of transboundary marine socio-ecological systems. Ocean & Coastal Management, 200 105412. doi: 10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2020.105412

Polycentricity and adaptive governance of transboundary marine socio-ecological systems


Journal Article

Breeding success and its correlates in native versus invasive secondary cavity-nesting birds

Lermite, Françoise, Kark, Salit, Peneaux, Chloe and Griffin, Andrea S. (2021). Breeding success and its correlates in native versus invasive secondary cavity-nesting birds. Emu, 121 (3), 261-266. doi: 10.1080/01584197.2020.1868945

Breeding success and its correlates in native versus invasive secondary cavity-nesting birds


Book Chapter

Australia's urban cavity nesters and introduced parrots: patterns, processes, and impacts

Rogers, Andrew M. and Kark, Salit (2021). Australia's urban cavity nesters and introduced parrots: patterns, processes, and impacts. Naturalized parrots of the world: distribution, ecology, and impacts of the world's most colorful colonizers. (pp. 277-292) edited by Stephen Pruett-Jones. Princeton, NJ United States: Princeton University Press. doi: 10.2307/j.ctv1g13jxb

Australia's urban cavity nesters and introduced parrots: patterns, processes, and impacts


Journal Article

Quantifying the human footprint and cumulative impacts on Earth's coastal areas

Allan, Hannah, Levin, Noam and Kark, Salit (2021). Quantifying the human footprint and cumulative impacts on Earth's coastal areas. SSRN Electronic Journal. doi: 10.2139/ssrn.3824996

Quantifying the human footprint and cumulative impacts on Earth's coastal areas


Journal Article

Reply to: Ecological variables for deep-ocean monitoring must include microbiota and meiofauna for effective conservation

Danovaro, Roberto, Fanelli, Emanuela, Aguzzi, Jacopo, Billett, David, Carugati, Laura, Corinaldesi, Cinzia, Dell’Anno, Antonio , Gjerde, Kristina , Jamieson, Alan J. , Kark, Salit, McClain, Craig, Levin, Lisa A., Levin, Noam, Ramirez-Llodra, Eva, Ruhl, Henry A., Smith, Craig R., Snelgrove, Paul V. R. , Laurenz Thomsen, Cindy L. Van Dover and Moriaki Yasuhara (2021). Reply to: Ecological variables for deep-ocean monitoring must include microbiota and meiofauna for effective conservation. Nature Ecology and Evolution, 5 (1), 30-31. doi: 10.1038/s41559-020-01337-4

Reply to: Ecological variables for deep-ocean monitoring must include microbiota and meiofauna for effective conservation


Journal Article

Strengthening Chile’s policies on invasive species

Caceres-Escobar, Hernan, Biggs, Duan, Martinez-Harms, Maria Jose, Jaksic, Fabian, Iriarte, Agustin, Briceño, Cristobal, Possingham, Hugh and Kark, Salit (2020). Strengthening Chile’s policies on invasive species. Science.

Strengthening Chile’s policies on invasive species


Journal Article

More than just mud: the importance of wallows to Javan rhino ecology and behaviour

Wilson, Steven G., Hockings, Georgina, Deretic, Jo-Anne M. and Kark, Salit (2020). More than just mud: the importance of wallows to Javan rhino ecology and behaviour. Pachyderm, 2020 (61), 49-62.

More than just mud: the importance of wallows to Javan rhino ecology and behaviour


Journal Article

Marine protected areas for demersal elasmobranchs in highly exploited Mediterranean ecosystems

Giménez, Joan, Cardador, Laura, Mazor, Tessa, Kark, Salit, Bellido, José Maria, Coll, Marta and Navarro, Joan (2020). Marine protected areas for demersal elasmobranchs in highly exploited Mediterranean ecosystems. Marine Environmental Research, 160 105033, 105033. doi: 10.1016/j.marenvres.2020.105033

Marine protected areas for demersal elasmobranchs in highly exploited Mediterranean ecosystems


Journal Article

Quantifying the impact of light pollution on sea turtle nesting using ground-based imagery

Vandersteen, James, Kark, Salit, Sorrell, Karina and Levin, Noam (2020). Quantifying the impact of light pollution on sea turtle nesting using ground-based imagery. Remote Sensing, 12 (11) 1785, 1785. doi: 10.3390/rs12111785

Quantifying the impact of light pollution on sea turtle nesting using ground-based imagery


Journal Article

Ecological variables for developing a global deep-ocean monitoring and conservation strategy

Danovaro, Roberto, Fanelli, Emanuela, Aguzzi, Jacopo, Billett, David, Carugati, Laura, Corinaldesi, Cinzia, Dell’Anno, Antonio, Gjerde, Kristina, Jamieson, Alan J., Kark, Salit, McClain, Craig, Levin, Lisa, Levin, Noam, Ramirez-Llodra, Eva, Ruhl, Henry, Smith, Craig R., Snelgrove, Paul V. R., Thomsen, Laurenz, Van Dover, Cindy L. and Yasuhara, Moriaki (2020). Ecological variables for developing a global deep-ocean monitoring and conservation strategy. Nature Ecology and Evolution, 4 (2), 181-192. doi: 10.1038/s41559-019-1091-z

Ecological variables for developing a global deep-ocean monitoring and conservation strategy


Journal Article

Radiotracking invasive spread: Are common mynas more active and exploratory on the invasion front?

Burstal, Josephine, Clulow, Simon, Colyvas, Kim, Kark, Salit and Griffin, Andrea S. (2020). Radiotracking invasive spread: Are common mynas more active and exploratory on the invasion front?. Biological Invasions, 22 (8), 2525-2543. doi: 10.1007/s10530-020-02269-7

Radiotracking invasive spread: Are common mynas more active and exploratory on the invasion front?


Book Chapter

Competition and invasive species impact on native communities

Rogers, A.M. and Kark, S. (2020). Competition and invasive species impact on native communities. Invasive birds: global trends and impacts. (pp. 341-349) edited by Colleen T. Downs and Lorinda A. Hart. Wallingford, United Kingdom: CABI. doi: 10.1079/9781789242065.0341

Competition and invasive species impact on native communities


Journal Article

Noisy neighbours and myna problems: Interaction webs and aggression around tree hollows in urban habitats

Rogers, Andrew M., Griffin, Andrea S., van Rensburg, Berndt J. and Kark, Salit (2020). Noisy neighbours and myna problems: Interaction webs and aggression around tree hollows in urban habitats. Journal of Applied Ecology, 57 (10) 1365-2664.13698, 1891-1901. doi: 10.1111/1365-2664.13698

Noisy neighbours and myna problems: Interaction webs and aggression around tree hollows in urban habitats


Journal Article

Collaboration across boundaries in the Amazon

Prist, Paula Ribeiro, Levin, Noam, Metzger, Jean Paul, de Mello, Kaline, de Paula Costa, Micheli Duarte, Castagnino, Romi, Cortes-Ramirez, Javier, Lin, Da-Li, Butt, Nathalie, Lloyd, Thomas J., López-Cubillos, Sofía, Mayfield, Helen J., Negret, Pablo José, Oliveira-Bevan, Isabella, Reside, April E., Rhodes, Jonathan R., Simmons, B. Alexander, Suárez-Castro, A. Felipe and Kark, Salit (2019). Collaboration across boundaries in the Amazon. Science, 366 (6466), 699.1-700. doi: 10.1126/science.aaz7489

Collaboration across boundaries in the Amazon


Journal Article

Location-level processes drive the establishment of alien bird populations worldwide

Redding, David W., Pigot, Alex L., Dyer, Ellie E., Şekercioğlu, Çağan H., Kark, Salit and Blackburn, Tim M. (2019). Location-level processes drive the establishment of alien bird populations worldwide. Nature, 571 (7763), 103-106. doi: 10.1038/s41586-019-1292-2

Location-level processes drive the establishment of alien bird populations worldwide


Journal Article

Global assessment of marine biodiversity potentially threatened by offshore hydrocarbon activities

Venegas‐Li, Rubén, Levin, Noam, Morales‐Barquero, Lucía, Kaschner, Kristin, Garilao, Cristina and Kark, Salit (2019). Global assessment of marine biodiversity potentially threatened by offshore hydrocarbon activities. Global Change Biology, 25 (6) gcb.14616, 2009-2020. doi: 10.1111/gcb.14616

Global assessment of marine biodiversity potentially threatened by offshore hydrocarbon activities


Journal Article

Exploring the prospects for adaptive governance in marine transboundary conservation in East Africa

Tuda, Arthur Omondi, Kark, Salit and Newton, Alice (2019). Exploring the prospects for adaptive governance in marine transboundary conservation in East Africa. Marine Policy, 104, 75-84. doi: 10.1016/j.marpol.2019.02.051

Exploring the prospects for adaptive governance in marine transboundary conservation in East Africa


Journal Article

Participation for protection: how collaboration between local communities, government agencies, and researchers can protect native species from invasive species

Caceres-Escobar, Hernan, Kark, Salit, Atkinson, Scott C., Possingham, Hugh P. and Davis, Katrina J. (2019). Participation for protection: how collaboration between local communities, government agencies, and researchers can protect native species from invasive species. People and Nature, 1 (2), 220-223. doi: 10.1002/pan3.27

Participation for protection: how collaboration between local communities, government agencies, and researchers can protect native species from invasive species


Journal Article

Integrating local knowledge to prioritise invasive species management

Caceres‐Escobar, Hernan, Kark, Salit, Atkinson, Scott C., Possingham, Hugh P. and Davis, Katrina J. (2019). Integrating local knowledge to prioritise invasive species management. People and Nature, 1 (2) pan3.27, 220-233. doi: 10.1002/pan3.27

Integrating local knowledge to prioritise invasive species management