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Book Chapter

Effects of ecotones on biodiversity

Kark, Salit (2024). Effects of ecotones on biodiversity. Encyclopedia of biodiversity. (pp. 263-271) edited by Samuel M. Scheiner. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/b978-0-12-822562-2.00394-7

Effects of ecotones on biodiversity


Book Chapter

Australia's urban cavity nesters and introduced parrots: patterns, processes, and impacts

Rogers, Andrew M. and Kark, Salit (2021). Australia's urban cavity nesters and introduced parrots: patterns, processes, and impacts. Naturalized parrots of the world: distribution, ecology, and impacts of the world's most colorful colonizers. (pp. 277-292) edited by Stephen Pruett-Jones. Princeton, NJ United States: Princeton University Press. doi: 10.2307/j.ctv1g13jxb

Australia's urban cavity nesters and introduced parrots: patterns, processes, and impacts


Book Chapter

Competition and invasive species impact on native communities

Rogers, A.M. and Kark, S. (2020). Competition and invasive species impact on native communities. Invasive birds: global trends and impacts. (pp. 341-349) edited by Colleen T. Downs and Lorinda A. Hart. Wallingford, United Kingdom: CABI. doi: 10.1079/9781789242065.0341

Competition and invasive species impact on native communities


Book Chapter

Conservation challenges in the face of new hydrocarbon discoveries in the Mediterranean sea

Mazor, Tessa, Levin, Noam, Brokovich, Eran and Kark, Salit (2018). Conservation challenges in the face of new hydrocarbon discoveries in the Mediterranean sea. Offshore energy and marine spatial planning. (pp. 260-273) edited by Katherine L. Yates and Corey J. A. Bradshaw. London, United Kingdom: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9781315666877

Conservation challenges in the face of new hydrocarbon discoveries in the Mediterranean sea


Book Chapter

Ecotones and ecological gradients

Kark, Salit (2013). Ecotones and ecological gradients. Ecological Systems: Selected Entries from the Encyclopedia of Sustainability Science and Technology. (pp. 147-160) edited by Rik Leemans. New York , NY, United States: Springer New York. doi: 10.1007/978-1-4614-5755-8

Ecotones and ecological gradients


Book Chapter

Effects of ecotones on biodiversity

Kark, Salit (2013). Effects of ecotones on biodiversity. Encyclopedia of Biodiversity. (pp. 142-148) edited by Simon A. Levin. Oxford: Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/B978-0-12-384719-5.00234-3

Effects of ecotones on biodiversity


Book Chapter

Ecotones and Ecological Gradients

Kark, Salit (2012). Ecotones and Ecological Gradients. Ecological Systems. (pp. 147-160) edited by Rik Leemans. New York, NY, United States: Springer New York. doi: 10.1007/978-1-4614-5755-8_9

Ecotones and Ecological Gradients


Book Chapter

Ecotones and ecological gradients

Kark, S (2012). Ecotones and ecological gradients. Encyclopedia of sustainability science and technology. (pp. 3357-3367) New York, United States: Springer.

Ecotones and ecological gradients


Book Chapter

Ecotones and ecological gradients

Kark, Salit (2012). Ecotones and ecological gradients. Encyclopedia of Sustainability Science and Technology. (pp. 3357-3367) edited by Robert A. Meyers. New York, United States: Springer New York. doi: 10.1007/978-1-4419-0851-3_572

Ecotones and ecological gradients


Book Chapter

Impacts of alien vertebrates in Europe

Shirley, Susan M. and Kark, Salit (2011). Impacts of alien vertebrates in Europe. Biological invasions: economic and environmental costs of alien plant, animal, and microbe species. (pp. 177-198) edited by David Pimentel. Boca Raton, FL, United States: CRC Press. doi: 10.1201/b10938-12

Impacts of alien vertebrates in Europe


Book Chapter

Alien birds, amphibians and reptiles of Europe

Kark, Salit, Solarz, Wojeciech, Chiron, Francois, Clergeau, Philippe and Shirley, Susan (2009). Alien birds, amphibians and reptiles of Europe. Handbook of Alien Species in Europe. (pp. 105-118) edited by Philip E. Hulme and DAISIE. Dordrecht: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-1-4020-8280-1_8

Alien birds, amphibians and reptiles of Europe


Book Chapter

Effects of Ecotones on Biodiversity

Kark, Salit (2007). Effects of Ecotones on Biodiversity. Encyclopedia of Biodiversity. edited by Simon Asher Levin. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/b978-012226865-6/00573-0

Effects of Ecotones on Biodiversity


Book Chapter

Biodiversity along core-periphery clines

Kark, S., Volis, S. and Novoplansky, A. (2004). Biodiversity along core-periphery clines. Biodiversity in Drylands: Toward a Unified Framework. (pp. 30-56) edited by Moshe Shachak, James R. Gosz, Steward T. A. Pickett and Avi Perevolotsky. New York, NY, USA: Oxford University Press.

Biodiversity along core-periphery clines


Book Chapter

United framework I: interspecific interactions and species diversity in drylands

Polis, G. A., Ayal Y., Bachi, A., Dall, S., Goldberg, D., Holt, R, Kark, S., Kotler, B., Lubin, Y. and Mitchell, W. (2004). United framework I: interspecific interactions and species diversity in drylands. Biodiversity in Drylands: Toward a Unified Framework. (pp. 122-152) edited by Moshe Shachak, James R. Gosz, Steward T. A. Pickett and Avi Perevolotsky. New York, NY, USA: Oxford University Press.

United framework I: interspecific interactions and species diversity in drylands


Book Chapter

The use of bilateral asymmetry in ecology and conservation: concepts, developments, and prospects

Lens, L., Van Dongen, S., Kark, S., Talloen, W., Hens, L. and Matthysen, E. (2001). The use of bilateral asymmetry in ecology and conservation: concepts, developments, and prospects. Recent research developments in ecology. (pp. 21-43) edited by S. G. Pandalai. Trivandrum, India: Transworld Research Network.

The use of bilateral asymmetry in ecology and conservation: concepts, developments, and prospects