2000 Journal Article The Look of the ObjectMacarthur, John (2000). The Look of the Object. Assemblage - A Critical Journal of Architecture and Design Culture, 41 (April), 48-48. |
2000 Book Chapter Materials historical and plasticMacarthur, John (2000). Materials historical and plastic. Imaginary Materials: A Seminar With Michael Carter. (pp. 29-34) edited by J. Macarthur. Brisbane: IMA Publishing. |
2000 Journal Article Some thoughts on the canon and exemplification in architectureMacarthur, John (2000). Some thoughts on the canon and exemplification in architecture. Form/Work: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Design and the Built Environment (5), 33-45. |
2000 Journal Article Malappropriation of the picturesqueMacarthur, John (2000). Malappropriation of the picturesque. 38 South: The Graduate Journal of Architecture and Design from RMIT (2), 52-59. |
2000 Conference Publication Brutalism, ugliness and the picturesque objectMacarthur, John (2000). Brutalism, ugliness and the picturesque object. Formulation Fabrication Papers from the Seventeenth Annual Conference of the Society of Architectural Historians Australia and New Zealand,, Wellington, New Zealand, 13 - 17 Nov, 2000. Wellington, New Zealand: SAHANZ. |
2000 Book Chapter From the Air: Collage City, Aerial Photography and the PicturesqueMacarthur, John (2000). From the Air: Collage City, Aerial Photography and the Picturesque. Re-Framing Architecture: Theory, Science and Myth. (pp. 113-120) edited by Michael Ostwald and John Moore. Sydney: Archadia Press. |
2000 Conference Publication Art and architecture, objects and materialMacarthur, John (2000). Art and architecture, objects and material. Art Association Annual Conference, Brisbane, 7 - 10 Dec, 2000. Brisbane: aaANZ. |
2000 Book Imaginary Materials: A Seminar With Michael CarterMacarthur, J. P. ed. (2000). Imaginary Materials: A Seminar With Michael Carter. Brisbane: IMA Publishing. |
1999 Journal Article Colonies at home: Loudon's encyclopaedia, and the architecture of forming the selfMacarthur, John (1999). Colonies at home: Loudon's encyclopaedia, and the architecture of forming the self. Architecture Research Quarterly, 3 (3), 245-257. doi: 10.1017/S1359135500002074 |
1999 Book Chapter Tactile simulations: Architecture and the image of the public at Brisbane's Kodak BeachMacarthur, John (1999). Tactile simulations: Architecture and the image of the public at Brisbane's Kodak Beach. Imagining Australian Space. (pp. 177-192) edited by R. Barcan and I. Buchanan. Nedlands, WA: Univ. of W A Press. |
1999 Conference Publication Image-building: From the application of images to the imagination of spaceMacarthur, John (1999). Image-building: From the application of images to the imagination of space. Thresholds, Launceston/ Hobart, 28 Sept - 1 Oct 1999. Launceston, Tas: SAHANZ. |
1999 Book Chapter Building and landscape as an issue of city scaleMacarthur, John (1999). Building and landscape as an issue of city scale. 1997-1998 CHASA Refereed Design Scheme Catalogue. (pp. 9-15) edited by B. Busfield and P. Richards. Nedlands, WA: Studio Sch. of Architecture, UWA. |
1999 Conference Publication Image building: Space and image as materials in art and architectureMacarthur, John (1999). Image building: Space and image as materials in art and architecture. Thresholds, Launceston/Hobart, 28 Sept - 1 Oct, 1999. Launceston, Tas: SAHANZ. |
1998 Journal Article Review: Hidden Newcastle by John Moore and Michael OstwaldMacarthur, John (1998). Review: Hidden Newcastle by John Moore and Michael Ostwald. Australasian Victorian Studies Journal, 4, 164-165. |
1997 Book Chapter Form and Materials: some notes on Birrell's aestheticMacarthur, John and Murray, Shane (1997). Form and Materials: some notes on Birrell's aesthetic. BIRRELL: work from the office of James Birrell. (pp. 6-12) Melboure: NMBW. |
1997 Book Birrell, work from the office of James BirrellAndrew Wilson and John MacArthur eds. (1997). Birrell, work from the office of James Birrell. Melbourne, Australia: NMBW Publications. |
1997 Journal Article The Heartlessness of the Picturesque: Sympathy and Disgust in Ruskin's AestheticsMacarthur, John (1997). The Heartlessness of the Picturesque: Sympathy and Disgust in Ruskin's Aesthetics. Assemblage, 32 (April), 126-141. |
1996 Journal Article Urbanist rhetoric: Problems and origins in architectural theoryMacarthur, John (1996). Urbanist rhetoric: Problems and origins in architectural theory. Architectural Research Quarterly, 2 (1), 8-13. doi: 10.1017/S1359135500001056 |
1996 Journal Article The Butcher's Shop: Disgust in Picturesque Aesthetics and ArchitectureMacarthur, John (1996). The Butcher's Shop: Disgust in Picturesque Aesthetics and Architecture. Assemblage, 30, 32-43. |
1996 Journal Article Grasping the intangible: some thoughts on a photograph of demolished buildingsLambie, Lisa and Macarthur, Jhn (1996). Grasping the intangible: some thoughts on a photograph of demolished buildings. Architectural Theory Review, 1 (2), 53-59. doi: 10.1080/13264829609478289 |