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Journal Article

Priming of fixations during recognition of natural scenes

Valuch, Christian, Becker, Stefanie I. and Ansorge, Ulrich (2013). Priming of fixations during recognition of natural scenes. Journal of Vision, 13 (3) 3, 3.1-3.22. doi: 10.1167/13.3.3

Priming of fixations during recognition of natural scenes


Journal Article

Of toothy grins and angry snarls-Open mouth displays contribute to efficiency gains in search for emotional

Horstmann, Gernot, Lipp, Ottmar V. and Becker, Stefanie I. (2012). Of toothy grins and angry snarls-Open mouth displays contribute to efficiency gains in search for emotional. Journal of Vision, 12 (5) 7, 7.1-7.15. doi: 10.1167/12.5.7

Of toothy grins and angry snarls-Open mouth displays contribute to efficiency gains in search for emotional


Journal Article

Spatial mislocalization as a consequence of sequential coding of stimuli

Priess, Heinz-Werner, Scharlau, Ingrid, Becker, Stefanie I. and Ansorge, Ulrich (2012). Spatial mislocalization as a consequence of sequential coding of stimuli. Attention Perception and Psychophysics, 74 (2), 365-378. doi: 10.3758/s13414-011-0239-y

Spatial mislocalization as a consequence of sequential coding of stimuli


Journal Article

Automatic priming of attentional control by relevant colors

Ansorge, Ulrich and Becker, Stefanie I. (2012). Automatic priming of attentional control by relevant colors. Attention Perception and Psychophysics, 74 (1), 83-104. doi: 10.3758/s13414-011-0231-6

Automatic priming of attentional control by relevant colors


Journal Article

Eye movements reveal sustained implicit processing of others' mental states

Schneider, Dana, Bayliss, Andrew P., Becker, Stefanie I. and Dux, Paul E. (2012). Eye movements reveal sustained implicit processing of others' mental states. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 141 (3), 1-6. doi: 10.1037/a0025458

Eye movements reveal sustained implicit processing of others' mental states


Journal Article

Perceptual grouping, not emotion, accounts for search asymmetries with schematic faces

Becker, Stefanie I., Horstmann, Gernot and Remington, Roger W. (2011). Perceptual grouping, not emotion, accounts for search asymmetries with schematic faces. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 37 (6), 1739-1757. doi: 10.1037/a0024665

Perceptual grouping, not emotion, accounts for search asymmetries with schematic faces


Journal Article

Evidence for goal-independent attentional capture from validity effects with unexpected novel color cues - A response to Burnham (2007)

Horstmann, Gernot and Becker, Stefanie I. (2011). Evidence for goal-independent attentional capture from validity effects with unexpected novel color cues - A response to Burnham (2007). Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 18 (3), 512-517. doi: 10.3758/s13423-011-0080-2

Evidence for goal-independent attentional capture from validity effects with unexpected novel color cues - A response to Burnham (2007)


Journal Article

Novelty and saliency in attentional capture by unannounced motion singletons

Becker, Stefanie I. and Horstmann, Gernot (2011). Novelty and saliency in attentional capture by unannounced motion singletons. Acta Psychologica, 136 (3), 290-299. doi: 10.1016/j.actpsy.2010.12.002

Novelty and saliency in attentional capture by unannounced motion singletons


Journal Article

Determinants of dwell time in visual search: Similarity or perceptual difficulty?

Becker, Stefanie I. (2011). Determinants of dwell time in visual search: Similarity or perceptual difficulty?. PLoS One, 6 (3) e17740, 1-5. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0017740

Determinants of dwell time in visual search: Similarity or perceptual difficulty?


Journal Article

Testing a postselectional account of across-dimension switch costs

Becker, Stefanie I. (2010). Testing a postselectional account of across-dimension switch costs. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 17 (6), 853-861. doi: 10.3758/PBR.17.6.853

Testing a postselectional account of across-dimension switch costs


Journal Article

The role of relational information in contingent capture

Becker, SI, Folk, CL and Remington, RW (2010). The role of relational information in contingent capture. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 36 (6), 1460-1476. doi: 10.1037/a0020370

The role of relational information in contingent capture


Journal Article

Oculomotor capture by colour singletons depends on intertrial priming

Becker, Stefanie I. (2010). Oculomotor capture by colour singletons depends on intertrial priming. Vision Research, 50 (21), 2116-2126. doi: 10.1016/j.visres.2010.08.001

Oculomotor capture by colour singletons depends on intertrial priming


Journal Article

A reversal of the search asymmetry favouring negative schematic faces

Horstmann, Gernot, Becker, Stefanie I., Bergmann, Steffi and Burghaus, Ludger (2010). A reversal of the search asymmetry favouring negative schematic faces. Visual Cognition, 18 (7), 981-1016. doi: 10.1080/13506280903435709

A reversal of the search asymmetry favouring negative schematic faces


Journal Article

The role of target–distractor relationships in guiding attention and the eyes in visual search

Becker, Stefanie I. (2010). The role of target–distractor relationships in guiding attention and the eyes in visual search. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 139 (2), 247-265. doi: 10.1037/a0018808

The role of target–distractor relationships in guiding attention and the eyes in visual search


Journal Article

Attentional capture by motion onsets is spatially imprecise

Ansorge, Ulrich, Carbone, Elena, Becker, Stefanie I. and Turatto, Massimo (2010). Attentional capture by motion onsets is spatially imprecise. European Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 22 (1), 62-105. doi: 10.1080/09541440902733190

Attentional capture by motion onsets is spatially imprecise


Journal Article

Saccades reveal that allocentric coding of the moving object causes mislocalization in the flash-lag effect

Becker, Stefanie I., Ansorge, Ulrich and Turatto, Massimo (2009). Saccades reveal that allocentric coding of the moving object causes mislocalization in the flash-lag effect. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics, 71 (6), 1313-1324. doi: 10.3758/APP.71.6.1313

Saccades reveal that allocentric coding of the moving object causes mislocalization in the flash-lag effect


Journal Article

Can intertrial priming account for the similarity effect in visual search?

Becker, Stefanie I., Ansorge, Ulrich and Horstmann, Gernot (2009). Can intertrial priming account for the similarity effect in visual search?. Vision Research, 49 (14), 1738-1756. doi: 10.1016/j.visres.2009.04.001

Can intertrial priming account for the similarity effect in visual search?


Journal Article

A feature-weighting account of priming in conjunction search

Becker, Stefanie I. and Horstmann, Gernot (2009). A feature-weighting account of priming in conjunction search. Attention Perception & Psychophysics, 71 (2), 258-272. doi: 10.3758/APP.71.2.258

A feature-weighting account of priming in conjunction search


Journal Article

Revisiting the metacontrast dissociation: Comparing sensitivity across different measures and tasks

Ansorge, Ulrich, Becker, Stefanie I. and Breitmeyer, Bruno (2009). Revisiting the metacontrast dissociation: Comparing sensitivity across different measures and tasks. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 62 (2), 286-309. doi: 10.1080/17470210801908492

Revisiting the metacontrast dissociation: Comparing sensitivity across different measures and tasks


Journal Article

Can intertrial effects of features and dimensions be explained by a single theory?

Becker, Stefanie I. (2008). Can intertrial effects of features and dimensions be explained by a single theory?. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 34 (6), 1417-1440. doi: 10.1037/a0011386

Can intertrial effects of features and dimensions be explained by a single theory?