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Journal Article

How to send a finch extinct

Reside, April E., Cosgrove, Anita J., Pointon, Revel, Trezise, James, Watson, James E.M. and Maron, Martine (2019). How to send a finch extinct. Environmental Science and Policy, 94, 163-173. doi: 10.1016/j.envsci.2019.01.005

How to send a finch extinct


Journal Article

Landscape-specific thresholds in the relationship between species richness and natural land cover

Simmonds, Jeremy S., van Rensburg, Berndt J., Tulloch, Ayesha I. T. and Maron, Martine (2019). Landscape-specific thresholds in the relationship between species richness and natural land cover. Journal of Applied Ecology, 56 (4), 1019-1029. doi: 10.1111/1365-2664.13320

Landscape-specific thresholds in the relationship between species richness and natural land cover


Journal Article

Metrics of progress in the understanding and management of threats to Australian birds: metrics of progress

Garnett, S. T., Butchart, S. H. M., Baker, G. B., Bayraktarov, E., Buchanan, K. L., Burbidge, A. A., Chauvenet, A. L. M., Christidis, L., Ehmke, G., Grace, M., Hoccom, D. G., Legge, S. M., Leiper, I., Lindenmayer, D. B., Loyn, R. H., Maron, M., McDonald, P., Menkhorst, P., Possingham, H. P., Radford, J., Reside, A. E., Watson, D. M., Watson, J. E. M., Wintle, B., Woinarski, J. C. Z. and Geyle, H. M. (2019). Metrics of progress in the understanding and management of threats to Australian birds: metrics of progress. Conservation Biology, 33 (2), 456-468. doi: 10.1111/cobi.13220

Metrics of progress in the understanding and management of threats to Australian birds: metrics of progress


Journal Article

Patterns of invertebrate food availability and the persistence of an avian insectivore on the brink

Stone, Zoë L., Tasker, Elizabeth and Maron, Martine (2019). Patterns of invertebrate food availability and the persistence of an avian insectivore on the brink. Austral Ecology, 44 (4), 680-690. doi: 10.1111/aec.12713

Patterns of invertebrate food availability and the persistence of an avian insectivore on the brink


Journal Article

Quantifying habitat losses and gains made by U.S. Species Conservation Banks to improve compensation policies and avoid perverse outcomes

Sonter, Laura J., Barnes, Megan, Matthews, Jeffrey W. and Maron, Martine (2019). Quantifying habitat losses and gains made by U.S. Species Conservation Banks to improve compensation policies and avoid perverse outcomes. Conservation Letters, 12 (3) e12629, e12629. doi: 10.1111/conl.12629

Quantifying habitat losses and gains made by U.S. Species Conservation Banks to improve compensation policies and avoid perverse outcomes


Journal Article

Conservation implications of ecological responses to extreme weather and climate events

Maxwell, Sean L., Butt, Nathalie, Maron, Martine, McAlpine, Clive A., Chapman, Sarah, Ullmann, Ailish, Segan, Dan B. and Watson, James E. M. (2018). Conservation implications of ecological responses to extreme weather and climate events. Diversity and Distributions, 25 (4) ddi.12878, 613-625. doi: 10.1111/ddi.12878

Conservation implications of ecological responses to extreme weather and climate events


Journal Article

Restoration to offset the impacts of developments at a landscape scale reveals opportunities, challenges and tough choices

Budiharta, Sugeng, Meijaard, Erik, Gaveau, David L.A., Struebig, Matthew J., Wilting, Andreas, Kramer-Schadt, Stephanie, Niedballa, Jürgen, Raes, Niels, Maron, Martine and Wilson, Kerrie A. (2018). Restoration to offset the impacts of developments at a landscape scale reveals opportunities, challenges and tough choices. Global Environmental Change, 52, 152-161. doi: 10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2018.07.008

Restoration to offset the impacts of developments at a landscape scale reveals opportunities, challenges and tough choices


Journal Article

Does it matter why we do restoration? Volunteers, offset markets and the need for full disclosure

Maron, Martine and Louis, Winnifred R. (2018). Does it matter why we do restoration? Volunteers, offset markets and the need for full disclosure. Ecological Management & Restoration, 19 (S1), 73-78. doi: 10.1111/emr.12330

Does it matter why we do restoration? Volunteers, offset markets and the need for full disclosure


Journal Article

Reach and messages of the world's largest ivory burn

Braczkowski, Alexander, Holden, Matthew H., O'Bryan, Christopher, Choi, Chi-Yeung, Gan, Xiaojing, Beesley, Nicholas, Gao, Yufang, Allan, James, Tyrrell, Peter, Stiles, Daniel, Brehony, Peadar, Meney, Revocatus, Brink, Henry, Takashina, Nao, Lin, Ming-Ching, Lin, Hsien-Yung, Rust, Niki, Salmo, Severino G., Watson, James Em, Kahumbu, Paula, Maron, Martine, Possingham, Hugh P. and Biggs, Duan (2018). Reach and messages of the world's largest ivory burn. Conservation Biology, 32 (4), 765-773. doi: 10.1111/cobi.13097

Reach and messages of the world's largest ivory burn


Journal Article

Cost shifting and other perverse incentives in biodiversity offsetting in India

Narain, Divya and Maron, Martine (2018). Cost shifting and other perverse incentives in biodiversity offsetting in India. Conservation Biology : The Journal of the Society for Conservation Biology, 32 (4), 782-788. doi: 10.1111/cobi.13100

Cost shifting and other perverse incentives in biodiversity offsetting in India


Journal Article

A quantitative framework for evaluating the impact of biodiversity offset policies

Peterson, I., Maron, M., Moillanen, A., Bekessy, S. and Gordon, A. (2018). A quantitative framework for evaluating the impact of biodiversity offset policies. Biological Conservation, 224, 162-169. doi: 10.1016/j.biocon.2018.05.005

A quantitative framework for evaluating the impact of biodiversity offset policies


Journal Article

Bold nature retention targets are essential for the global environment agenda

Maron, Martine, Simmonds, Jeremy S. and Watson, James E. M. (2018). Bold nature retention targets are essential for the global environment agenda. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 2 (8), 1194-1195. doi: 10.1038/s41559-018-0595-2

Bold nature retention targets are essential for the global environment agenda


Journal Article

Identification of fine scale and landscape scale drivers of urban aboveground carbon stocks using high-resolution modeling and mapping

Mitchell, Matthew G.E., Johansen, Kasper, Maron, Martine, McAlpine, Clive A., Wu, Dan and Rhodes, Jonathan R. (2018). Identification of fine scale and landscape scale drivers of urban aboveground carbon stocks using high-resolution modeling and mapping. Science of the Total Environment, 622-623, 57-70. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.11.255

Identification of fine scale and landscape scale drivers of urban aboveground carbon stocks using high-resolution modeling and mapping


Journal Article

Ivory crisis: role of bioprinting technology (Response)

Biggs, Duan, Smith, Robert J., Adams, Vanessa M., Brink, Henry, Cook, Carly N., Cooney, Rosie, Holden, Matthew H., Maron, Martine, Phelps, Jacob, Possingham, Hugh P., Redford, Kent H., Scholes, Robert J., Sutherland, William J., Underwood, Fiona M. and Milner-Gulland, E. J. (2018). Ivory crisis: role of bioprinting technology (Response). Science, 360 (6386), 277-278. doi: 10.1126/science.aat1596

Ivory crisis: role of bioprinting technology (Response)


Journal Article

Consequences of impediments to animal movements at different scales: a conceptual framework and review

Cosgrove, Anita J., Mcwhorter, Todd J. and Maron, Martine (2018). Consequences of impediments to animal movements at different scales: a conceptual framework and review. Diversity and Distributions, 24 (4), 448-459. doi: 10.1111/ddi.12699

Consequences of impediments to animal movements at different scales: a conceptual framework and review


Journal Article

Biodiversity offsets may miss opportunities to mitigate impacts on ecosystem services

Sonter, Laura J., Gourevitch, Jesse, Koh, Insu, Nicholson, Charles C., Richardson, Leif L., Schwartz, Aaron J., Singh, Nitin K., Watson, Keri B., Maron, Martine and Ricketts, Taylor H. (2018). Biodiversity offsets may miss opportunities to mitigate impacts on ecosystem services. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 16 (3), 143-148. doi: 10.1002/fee.1781

Biodiversity offsets may miss opportunities to mitigate impacts on ecosystem services


Journal Article

The scale-dependent role of biological traits in landscape ecology: A review

Suárez-Castro, Andrés Felipe, Simmonds, Jeremy S., Mitchell, Matthew G. E., Maron, Martine and Rhodes, Jonathan R. (2018). The scale-dependent role of biological traits in landscape ecology: A review. Current Landscape Ecology Reports, 3 (1), 12-22. doi: 10.1007/s40823-018-0031-y

The scale-dependent role of biological traits in landscape ecology: A review


Journal Article

Grassy patch size and structure are important for northern eastern bristlebird persistence in a dynamic ecosystem

Stone, Zoë L., Tasker, Elizabeth and Maron, Martine (2018). Grassy patch size and structure are important for northern eastern bristlebird persistence in a dynamic ecosystem. Emu, 118 (3), 269-280. doi: 10.1080/01584197.2018.1425628

Grassy patch size and structure are important for northern eastern bristlebird persistence in a dynamic ecosystem


Journal Article

The risks and opportunities of translating terrestrial biodiversity offsets to the marine realm

Shumway, Nicole, Watson, James E. M., Saunders, Megan I. and Maron, Martine (2018). The risks and opportunities of translating terrestrial biodiversity offsets to the marine realm. Bioscience, 68 (2), 125-133. doi: 10.1093/biosci/bix150

The risks and opportunities of translating terrestrial biodiversity offsets to the marine realm


Journal Article

The many meanings of no net loss in environmental policy

Maron, Martine, Brownlie, Susie , Bull, Joseph W. , Evans, Megan C. , von Hase, Amrei , Quétier , Fabien , Watson, James E. M. and Gordon, Ascelin (2018). The many meanings of no net loss in environmental policy. Nature Sustainability, 1 (1), 19-27. doi: 10.1038/s41893-017-0007-7

The many meanings of no net loss in environmental policy