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Journal Article

Orientation of mu-conotoxin PIIIA in a sodium channel vestibule, based on voltage dependence of its binding

McArthur, J. R., Singh, G., O'Mara, M. L., McMaster, D., Ostroumov, V., Tieleman, D. P. and French, R. J. (2011). Orientation of mu-conotoxin PIIIA in a sodium channel vestibule, based on voltage dependence of its binding. Molecular Pharmacology, 80 (2), 219-227. doi: 10.1124/mol.111.071779

Orientation of mu-conotoxin PIIIA in a sodium channel vestibule, based on voltage dependence of its binding


Journal Article

Effect of poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) spacers on the conformational properties of small peptides: A molecular dynamics study

Xue, Ying, O'Mara, Megan L., Surawski, Peter P. T., Trau, Matt and Mark, Alan E. (2011). Effect of poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) spacers on the conformational properties of small peptides: A molecular dynamics study. Langmuir, 27 (1), 296-303. doi: 10.1021/la103800h

Effect of poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) spacers on the conformational properties of small peptides: A molecular dynamics study


Journal Article

Transmembrane helix 12 plays a pivotal role in coupling energy provision and drug binding in ABCB1

Crowley, Emily, O'Mara, Megan L., Kerr, Ian D. and Callaghan, Richard (2010). Transmembrane helix 12 plays a pivotal role in coupling energy provision and drug binding in ABCB1. Febs Journal, 277 (19), 3974-3985. doi: 10.1111/j.1742-4658.2010.07789.x

Transmembrane helix 12 plays a pivotal role in coupling energy provision and drug binding in ABCB1


Journal Article

ABC transporters: A riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma

Jones, Peter M., O'Mara, Megan L. and George, Anthony M. (2009). ABC transporters: A riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma. Trends in Biochemical Sciences, 34 (10), 520-531. doi: 10.1016/j.tibs.2009.06.004

ABC transporters: A riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma


Journal Article

Transmembrane helix 12 modulates progression of the ATP catalytic cycle in ABCB1

Crowley, Emily, O'Mara, Megan L., Reynolds, Catherine, Tieleman, D. Peter, Storm, Janet, Kerr, Ian D. and Callaghan, Richard (2009). Transmembrane helix 12 modulates progression of the ATP catalytic cycle in ABCB1. Biochemistry, 48 (26), 6249-6258. doi: 10.1021/bi900373x

Transmembrane helix 12 modulates progression of the ATP catalytic cycle in ABCB1


Journal Article

Structural arrangement of the transmission interface in the antigen ABC transport complex TAP

Oancea, Giani, O'Mara, Megan L., Bennett, W. F. Drew, Tieleman, D. Peter, Abele, Rupert and Tampé, Robert (2009). Structural arrangement of the transmission interface in the antigen ABC transport complex TAP. National Academy of Sciences. Proceedings, 106 (14), 5551-5556. doi: 10.1073/pnas.0811260106

Structural arrangement of the transmission interface in the antigen ABC transport complex TAP


Journal Article

The mechanism of ABC transporters: general lessons from structural and functional studies of an antigenic peptide transporter

Procko, Erik, O'Mara, Megan L., Bennett, W. F. Drew, Tieleman, D. Peter and Gaudet, Rachelle (2009). The mechanism of ABC transporters: general lessons from structural and functional studies of an antigenic peptide transporter. FASEB Journal, 23 (5), 1287-1302. doi: 10.1096/fj.08-121855

The mechanism of ABC transporters: general lessons from structural and functional studies of an antigenic peptide transporter


Journal Article

Non-linear intramolecular interactions and voltage sensitivity of a KV1 family potassium channel from Polyorchis penicillatus (Eschscholtz 1829)

Klassen, Tara L., O'Mara, Megan L., Redstone, Megan, Spencer, Andrew N. and Gallin, Warren J. (2008). Non-linear intramolecular interactions and voltage sensitivity of a KV1 family potassium channel from Polyorchis penicillatus (Eschscholtz 1829). Journal of Experimental Biology, 211 (21), 3442-3453. doi: 10.1242/jeb.022608

Non-linear intramolecular interactions and voltage sensitivity of a KV1 family potassium channel from Polyorchis penicillatus (Eschscholtz 1829)


Journal Article

ATP-binding cassette transporters in Escherichia coli

Moussatova, Anastassiia, Kandt, Christian, O'Mara, Megan L. and Tieleman, D. Peter (2008). ATP-binding cassette transporters in Escherichia coli. BBA: Biomembranes, 1778 (9), 1757-1771. doi: 10.1016/j.bbamem.2008.06.009

ATP-binding cassette transporters in Escherichia coli


Journal Article

Cytosolic region of TM6 in P-Glycoprotein: Topographical analysis and functional perturbation by site directed labeling

Storm, Janet, Modok, Szabolcs, O’Mara, Megan L., Tieleman, D. Peter, Kerr, Ian D. and Callaghan, Richard (2008). Cytosolic region of TM6 in P-Glycoprotein: Topographical analysis and functional perturbation by site directed labeling. Biochemistry, 47 (12), 3615-3624. doi: 10.1021/bi7023089

Cytosolic region of TM6 in P-Glycoprotein: Topographical analysis and functional perturbation by site directed labeling


Journal Article

Structure-based interpretation of the mutagenesis database for the nucleotide binding domains of P-glycoprotein

Lawson, J., O'Mara, M. L. and Kerr, I. D. (2008). Structure-based interpretation of the mutagenesis database for the nucleotide binding domains of P-glycoprotein. BBA: Biomembranes, 1778 (2), 376-391. doi: 10.1016/j.bbamem.2007.10.021

Structure-based interpretation of the mutagenesis database for the nucleotide binding domains of P-glycoprotein


Journal Article

Residue G346 in transmembrane segment six is involved in inter-domain communication in P-Glycoprotein

Storm, Janet, O’Mara, Megan L., Crowley, Emily H., Peall, Jonathan, Tieleman, D. Peter, Kerr, Ian D. and Callaghan, Richard (2007). Residue G346 in transmembrane segment six is involved in inter-domain communication in P-Glycoprotein. Biochemistry, 46 (35), 9899-9910. doi: 10.1021/bi700447p

Residue G346 in transmembrane segment six is involved in inter-domain communication in P-Glycoprotein


Journal Article

P-glycoprotein models of the apo and ATP-bound states based on homology with Sav1866 and MalK

O'Mara, Megan L. and Tieleman, D. Peter (2007). P-glycoprotein models of the apo and ATP-bound states based on homology with Sav1866 and MalK. FEBS Letters, 581 (22), 4217-4222. doi: 10.1016/j.febslet.2007.07.069

P-glycoprotein models of the apo and ATP-bound states based on homology with Sav1866 and MalK


Journal Article

Mechanism and putative structure of B0-like neutral amino acid transporters

O’Mara, M., Oakley, A. and Bröer, S. (2006). Mechanism and putative structure of B0-like neutral amino acid transporters. Journal of Membrane Biology, 213 (2), 111-118. doi: 10.1007/s00232-006-0879-3

Mechanism and putative structure of B0-like neutral amino acid transporters


Journal Article

Homology model of the GABAA receptor examined using Brownian Dynamics

O'Mara, Megan, Cromer, Brett, Parker, Michael and Chung, Shin-Ho (2005). Homology model of the GABAA receptor examined using Brownian Dynamics. Biophysical Journal, 88 (5), 3286-3299. doi: 10.1529/biophysj.104.051664

Homology model of the GABAA receptor examined using Brownian Dynamics


Journal Article

Permeation dynamics of chloride ions in the ClC-0 and ClC-1 channels

Corry, Ben, O'Mara, Megan and Chung, Shin-Ho (2004). Permeation dynamics of chloride ions in the ClC-0 and ClC-1 channels. Chemical Physics Letters, 386 (4-6), 233-238. doi: 10.1016/j.cplett.2004.01.072

Permeation dynamics of chloride ions in the ClC-0 and ClC-1 channels


Journal Article

Conduction mechanisms of chloride ions in ClC-type channels

Corry, B, O'Mara, M and Chung, SH (2004). Conduction mechanisms of chloride ions in ClC-type channels. Biophysical Journal, 86 (2), 846-860.

Conduction mechanisms of chloride ions in ClC-type channels


Journal Article

Conduction mechanisms of chloride ions in ClC-type channels

Corry, Ben, O’Mara, Megan and Chung, Shin-Ho (2004). Conduction mechanisms of chloride ions in ClC-type channels. Biophysical Journal, 86 (2), 846-860. doi: 10.1016/S0006-3495(04)74160-0

Conduction mechanisms of chloride ions in ClC-type channels


Journal Article

A model of the glycine receptor deduced from Brownian dynamics studies

O'Mara, Megan, Barry, Peter H. and Chung, Shin-Ho (2003). A model of the glycine receptor deduced from Brownian dynamics studies. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 100 (7), 4310-4315. doi: 10.1073/pnas.0630652100

A model of the glycine receptor deduced from Brownian dynamics studies