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Conference Publication

Transformative feminist design in technical writing

Wise, Beck and Hawkins, Tekla (2023). Transformative feminist design in technical writing. Writing Research Across Borders, Oslo, Norway, 18-22 February 2023.

Transformative feminist design in technical writing


Conference Publication

Roundtable: The future of writing and writing studies in the Asia-Pacific

Wise, Beck, Walker, Amelia, Miller, Benjamin, Bjork, Collin, Gerrard, Hannah, Brantner, Mark, Henningsgaard, Per, Cooley, Suban Nur and Thomas, Susan (2022). Roundtable: The future of writing and writing studies in the Asia-Pacific. Australasian Assocation of Writing Programs, Sippy Downs, QLD, Australia, 28-30 November 2022.

Roundtable: The future of writing and writing studies in the Asia-Pacific


Conference Publication

Roundtable on the addition of medicine under the ARST umbrella

Derkatch, Colleen, Graham, S. Scott, Majdik, Zoltan, Melonçon, Lisa, Robvais, Racquel and Wise, Beck (2022). Roundtable on the addition of medicine under the ARST umbrella. Association for the Rhetoric of Science, Technology and Medicine Pre-Conference at National Communication Association, New Orleans, LA, United States, 16-20 November 2022.

Roundtable on the addition of medicine under the ARST umbrella


Conference Publication

‘Just getting on with it’: Rhetorical framings of risk and control in Australia’s COVID response

Wise, Beck (2022). ‘Just getting on with it’: Rhetorical framings of risk and control in Australia’s COVID response. Rhetoric Society of America, Baltimore, MD, United States, 26-29 May 2022.

‘Just getting on with it’: Rhetorical framings of risk and control in Australia’s COVID response


Conference Publication

Local impacts of transnational health communication: COVID and control in Melbourne’s tower lockdown

Wise, Beck and Hickman, Amy (2022). Local impacts of transnational health communication: COVID and control in Melbourne’s tower lockdown. Association for the Rhetoric of Science, Technology and Medicine Pre-Conference, Rhetoric Society of America, Baltimore, MD, United States, 25 May 2022.

Local impacts of transnational health communication: COVID and control in Melbourne’s tower lockdown


Conference Publication

The place of writing at Australian universities: Policies and practices

Huber, Bernadette and Wise, Beck (2022). The place of writing at Australian universities: Policies and practices. Conference on College Composition and Communication, Chicago, IL, United States, 9-12 March 2022.

The place of writing at Australian universities: Policies and practices


Conference Publication

‘They are not qualified to call themselves counsellors’: Abortion care, professional expertise and policy in New South Wales, Australia

Wise, Beck (2020). ‘They are not qualified to call themselves counsellors’: Abortion care, professional expertise and policy in New South Wales, Australia. Rhetoric Society of America, Baltimore, MD, United States, 21-24 May 2020.

‘They are not qualified to call themselves counsellors’: Abortion care, professional expertise and policy in New South Wales, Australia


Conference Publication

Developing disciplinary literacies in multimajor classes: a grounded analysis of student research in a Writing About Writing class

Wise, Beck, Lyons, Simone and Waterbright, Siall (2019). Developing disciplinary literacies in multimajor classes: a grounded analysis of student research in a Writing About Writing class. Australasian Association of Writing Programs, Sydney, NSW, Australia, 25-27 November 2019.

Developing disciplinary literacies in multimajor classes: a grounded analysis of student research in a Writing About Writing class


Conference Publication

The multi-faceted nature of access in online learning environments

Wise, Beck (2019). The multi-faceted nature of access in online learning environments. Computers and Writing, East Lansing, MI, United States, 20-22 June 2019.

The multi-faceted nature of access in online learning environments