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Conference Publication

The RG plane is leaving…But where is the evidence base about rural generalists? And where does it need to go?

O’Sullivan, B. and May, J. (2018). The RG plane is leaving…But where is the evidence base about rural generalists? And where does it need to go?. 6th Rural and Remote Health Scientific Symposium, Canberra, Australia, 2018.

The RG plane is leaving…But where is the evidence base about rural generalists? And where does it need to go?


Conference Publication

Outreach to mitigate rural medical specialist workforce shortages

O'Sullivan, B., Stoelwinder, J. and McGrail, M. (2017). Outreach to mitigate rural medical specialist workforce shortages. 15th World Congress on Public Health, Melbourne, Australia, 2017.

Outreach to mitigate rural medical specialist workforce shortages


Conference Publication

Rural specialists: Their nature of work and job satisfaction, by town size

O'Sullivan, B., McGrail, M. and Russell, D. (2017). Rural specialists: Their nature of work and job satisfaction, by town size. 14th National Rural Health Conference, Cairns, Australia, 2017.

Rural specialists: Their nature of work and job satisfaction, by town size


Conference Publication

Uptake of rural medicine after rural training at Monash: The Rural Medical Workforce Tracking Study

O'Sullivan, B., McGrail, M., Russell, D., Chambers, H. and Major, L. (2017). Uptake of rural medicine after rural training at Monash: The Rural Medical Workforce Tracking Study. Monash Medical Curriculum Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 2017.

Uptake of rural medicine after rural training at Monash: The Rural Medical Workforce Tracking Study


Conference Publication

Procedural GPs: Key providers of integrated critical care in rural and remote communities

Russell, D., McGrail, M. and O’Sullivan, B. (2017). Procedural GPs: Key providers of integrated critical care in rural and remote communities. Regional Critical Care Conference, Bendigo, Vic, Australia, 2017.

Procedural GPs: Key providers of integrated critical care in rural and remote communities


Conference Publication

Are practice locations associated with GPs having school-age children and working spouses?

McGrail, Matthew, Russell, Deborah and O'Sullivan, Belinda (2017). Are practice locations associated with GPs having school-age children and working spouses?. 14th National Rural Health Conference, Cairns, QLD Australia, 26-29th April 2017.

Are practice locations associated with GPs having school-age children and working spouses?


Conference Publication

A synthesis of the structure of rural immersion programs for undergraduate medical students in Australia

O’Sullivan, B., McGrail, M. and Russell, D. (2017). A synthesis of the structure of rural immersion programs for undergraduate medical students in Australia. 14th World Rural Health (WONCA) Conference, Cairns, Australia, 2017.

A synthesis of the structure of rural immersion programs for undergraduate medical students in Australia


Conference Publication

Are subsidies related to more remote specialist outreach services?

O'Sullivan, B., Stoelwinder, J. and McGrail, M. (2017). Are subsidies related to more remote specialist outreach services?. The Menzies Emerging Health Policy Research Conference, Sydney, Australia, 2017.

Are subsidies related to more remote specialist outreach services?


Conference Publication

How is Australia tracking towards rural medical workforce self-sufficiency?

McGrail, M., O'Sullivan, B. and Russell, D. (2017). How is Australia tracking towards rural medical workforce self-sufficiency?. HSRAANZ 2017: 10th Health Services & Policy Research Conference, Gold Coast, Australia, 2017.

How is Australia tracking towards rural medical workforce self-sufficiency?


Conference Publication

Influence of a local government intervention to improve safety and reduce alcohol-related harm in a regional centre

Ward, B., O’Sullivan, B., Fraser, M., Miller, P. and Buykx, P. (2017). Influence of a local government intervention to improve safety and reduce alcohol-related harm in a regional centre. 15th World Congress on Public Health, Melbourne, Australia, 2017.

Influence of a local government intervention to improve safety and reduce alcohol-related harm in a regional centre


Conference Publication

Video-consultation as part of rural outreach services: How are specialists using it and does it reduce their travel?

O'Sullivan, B. and McGrail, M. (2017). Video-consultation as part of rural outreach services: How are specialists using it and does it reduce their travel?. HSRAANZ 2017: 10th Health Services & Policy Research Conference, Gold Coast, Australia, 2017.

Video-consultation as part of rural outreach services: How are specialists using it and does it reduce their travel?


Conference Publication

Supply of medical specialists in regional areas

O’Sullivan, B., Stoelwinder, J. and McGrail, M. (2016). Supply of medical specialists in regional areas. 5th Rural and Remote Health Scientific Symposium, Canberra, Australia, 2016.

Supply of medical specialists in regional areas


Conference Publication

Targeting outreach: The influence of Australia’s rural outreach policy?

O’Sullivan, B., Stoelwinder, J. and McGrail, M. (2015). Targeting outreach: The influence of Australia’s rural outreach policy?. 9th International Health Services and Policy Research Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 2015.

Targeting outreach: The influence of Australia’s rural outreach policy?


Conference Publication

Planning integrated outreach: Service patterns from the metropolitan and rural hubs

O’Sullivan, B., Joyce, C., McGrail, M. and Stoelwinder, J. (2015). Planning integrated outreach: Service patterns from the metropolitan and rural hubs. 13th National Rural Health Conference, Darwin, NT, Australia, 2015.

Planning integrated outreach: Service patterns from the metropolitan and rural hubs


Conference Publication

Developing the NSW Aboriginal Population Health Training Initiative Competency Framework: Competencies for population health practice

O'Sullivan, B., Madden, L., Cumming, G., Meyer, L., Pilbeam, V., Riddout, L. and Wise, M. (2014). Developing the NSW Aboriginal Population Health Training Initiative Competency Framework: Competencies for population health practice. Population Health Congress, Adelaide, SA, Australia, 2014.

Developing the NSW Aboriginal Population Health Training Initiative Competency Framework: Competencies for population health practice


Conference Publication

Australia’s global lead on national outreach policy

O’Sullivan, B., Joyce, C. and McGrail, M. (2014). Australia’s global lead on national outreach policy. The Public Health Association of Australia 43rd Annual Conference, Perth, Australia, 2014.

Australia’s global lead on national outreach policy


Conference Publication

Environmental influences on physical activity

O’Sullivan, B. and Thackway, S. (2002). Environmental influences on physical activity. Australian Health Promotion Association Conference, Sydney, Australia, 2002.

Environmental influences on physical activity


Conference Publication

Implementation of guidelines for non-occupational post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) in New South Wales

O’Sullivan, B., Correll, P., Smith, D., Kippax, S., Hendry, O. and Grulich, A. (2001). Implementation of guidelines for non-occupational post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) in New South Wales. Australasian Society for HIV Medicine (ASHM) Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 2001.

Implementation of guidelines for non-occupational post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) in New South Wales


Conference Publication

HIV Post exposure prophylaxis in the prison setting

O’Sullivan, B., Barton, S., Levy, M., Dolan, K., Post, J., Dwyer, D., Kaldor, J. and Grulich, A. (2001). HIV Post exposure prophylaxis in the prison setting. Australasian Society for HIV Medicine (ASHM) Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 2001.

HIV Post exposure prophylaxis in the prison setting


Conference Publication

A child and youth health report card for central Sydney

O’Sullivan, B. and Alperstein, G. (1999). A child and youth health report card for central Sydney. The Public Health Association of Australia Conference, Darwin, NT, Australia, 1999.

A child and youth health report card for central Sydney