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Conference Publication

Short and long-term survival following in-hospital cardiac arrest

Doherty, Z., Kippen, R., O'Sullivan, B., Fletcher, J., Fuzzard, K. and Knott, C. (2019). Short and long-term survival following in-hospital cardiac arrest. 12th International Spark of Life Conference, Sydney, Australia, 9-11 May, 2019.

Short and long-term survival following in-hospital cardiac arrest


Conference Publication

A Checklist for implementing rural pathways to train and support health workers in low and middle income countries

O’Sullivan, B., Chater, B., Bingham, A. and Wynn-Jones, J. (2019). A Checklist for implementing rural pathways to train and support health workers in low and middle income countries. WONCA Europe Conference, Bratislava, Slovakia, 26-29 June 2019.

A Checklist for implementing rural pathways to train and support health workers in low and middle income countries


Conference Publication

Training pathways for rural practice: Developing an African rural health workforce that is “fit for purpose”

Wynn-Jones, J., Couper, I., O'Sullivan, B., Chater, B. and Bingham, A. (2019). Training pathways for rural practice: Developing an African rural health workforce that is “fit for purpose”. Wonca Africa Conference, Uganda, June 2019.

Training pathways for rural practice: Developing an African rural health workforce that is “fit for purpose”


Conference Publication

Graduate return to region, what does it mean for health services

O'Sullivan, B (2019). Graduate return to region, what does it mean for health services. Rural Director of Medical Services Forum, DHHS, Victoria, August 2019.

Graduate return to region, what does it mean for health services


Conference Publication

Checklist for implementing rural pathways to train, recruit and retain rural health workers

O’Sullivan, B., Chater, B., Bingham, A. and Wynn-Jones, J. (2019). Checklist for implementing rural pathways to train, recruit and retain rural health workers. World Rural Health Conference, Albuquerque, NM, United States, 12-15 October 2019.

Checklist for implementing rural pathways to train, recruit and retain rural health workers


Conference Publication

Preferences and Pathways of the Next Generation of Rural Doctors

Paynter, J. and O'Sullivan, B. (2019). Preferences and Pathways of the Next Generation of Rural Doctors. RMA19, Gold Coast, Australia, 24 – 26 October 2019.

Preferences and Pathways of the Next Generation of Rural Doctors


Conference Publication

A Checklist for implementing rural pathways to train and support health workers in low and middle income countries

O’Sullivan, B., Chater, B., Bingham, A. and Wynn-Jones, J. (2019). A Checklist for implementing rural pathways to train and support health workers in low and middle income countries. WONCA Africa Conference, Kampala, Uganda, 6-8th June 2019.

A Checklist for implementing rural pathways to train and support health workers in low and middle income countries


Conference Publication

A checklist for implementing pathways to build capacity of the rural generalist workforce

O'Sullivan, B., Chater, B., Wynn-Jones, J. and Bingham, A. (2019). A checklist for implementing pathways to build capacity of the rural generalist workforce. American Academy of Family Physicians Global Health Summit, Albuquerque, NM, United States, October 2019.

A checklist for implementing pathways to build capacity of the rural generalist workforce


Conference Publication

Graduate return to region, what does it mean for health services

O'Sullivan, B. (2019). Graduate return to region, what does it mean for health services. Workforce Forum, Murray PHN, Victoria, November 21 2019.

Graduate return to region, what does it mean for health services


Conference Publication

A Checklist for implementing rural pathways to train and support health workers in low and middle income countries

O’Sullivan, B., Chater, B. , Bingham, A. and Wynn-Jones, J. (2019). A Checklist for implementing rural pathways to train and support health workers in low and middle income countries. WONCA Asia Pacific conference, Kyoto, Japan, May 15-18, 2019.

A Checklist for implementing rural pathways to train and support health workers in low and middle income countries


Conference Publication

Preferences and Pathways of the Next Generation of Rural Doctors

Paynter, J. and O’Sullivan, B. (2019). Preferences and Pathways of the Next Generation of Rural Doctors. Monash Medical Curriculum Conference, Clayton, VIC, Australia, 19 July 2019.

Preferences and Pathways of the Next Generation of Rural Doctors


Conference Publication

Future directions for regional workforce recruitment

O'Sullivan, B (2019). Future directions for regional workforce recruitment. Regional Critical Care Conference: Critical illness, any where. Any time, Bendigo, Victoria, 29 August 2019.

Future directions for regional workforce recruitment


Conference Publication

Applying a more sophisticated approach to planning GP training distribution relative to population need

McGrail, M., O’Sullivan, B., Russell, D., Reeve, C. and Gasser, L. (2018). Applying a more sophisticated approach to planning GP training distribution relative to population need. RMA18, Darwin, NT, Australia, 2018.

Applying a more sophisticated approach to planning GP training distribution relative to population need


Conference Publication

Achieving distributed training by understanding the rural GP supervisor workforce and their work context

O’Sullivan, B., Warrington, A., Wallace, G., Russell, D., Sampson, M., Bentley, M., Burns, J., Couch, D. and McGrail, M. (2018). Achieving distributed training by understanding the rural GP supervisor workforce and their work context. GP18, Gold Coast, Australia, 2018.

Achieving distributed training by understanding the rural GP supervisor workforce and their work context


Conference Publication

A fresh approach to training GP registrars to address workforce maldistribution is needed

Peel, R. and O’Sullivan, B. (2018). A fresh approach to training GP registrars to address workforce maldistribution is needed. RMA18, Darwin, NT, Australia, 25 - 27 October 2018.

A fresh approach to training GP registrars to address workforce maldistribution is needed


Conference Publication

The RG plane is leaving…But where is the evidence base about rural generalists? And where does it need to go?

O’Sullivan, B. and May, J. (2018). The RG plane is leaving…But where is the evidence base about rural generalists? And where does it need to go?. 6th Rural and Remote Health Scientific Symposium, Canberra, Australia, 2018.

The RG plane is leaving…But where is the evidence base about rural generalists? And where does it need to go?


Conference Publication

Achieving distributed training by understanding the rural GP supervisor workforce and their work context

O’Sullivan, B., Warrington, A., Wallace, G., Russell, D., Sampson, M., Bentley, M., Burns, J., Couch, D. and McGrail, M. (2018). Achieving distributed training by understanding the rural GP supervisor workforce and their work context. GPTEC2018: Switch On, Adelaide, Australia, 2018.

Achieving distributed training by understanding the rural GP supervisor workforce and their work context


Conference Publication

Satisfaction of junior medical officers in rural Australia

Lennon, M., O'Sullivan, B., McGrail, M., Russell, D., Suttie, J. and Preddy, J. (2018). Satisfaction of junior medical officers in rural Australia. The Muster, Mt Gambier, SA Australia, 2018.

Satisfaction of junior medical officers in rural Australia


Conference Publication

Insights into rural and remote GP training in Queensland

Young, L., Peel, R., Reeve, C., Malau-Aduli, B., O'Sullivan, B. and Hays, R. (2018). Insights into rural and remote GP training in Queensland. The Muster 2018, Mt Gambier, SA, Australia, 15-18 October 2018.

Insights into rural and remote GP training in Queensland


Conference Publication

Setting the directions for future GP policy and research

O’Sullivan, B., Walters, L., Carson, D., McGrail, M., Russell, D., Kamien, M., Strasser, R. and Hays, R. (2018). Setting the directions for future GP policy and research. 6th Rural and Remote Health Scientific Symposium, Canberra, Australia, 2018.

Setting the directions for future GP policy and research