2020 Journal Article “I’m not sitting around doing nothing with my life”: The aspirations of school-aged mothersHowell, Angelique and Lynch, Deborah (2020). “I’m not sitting around doing nothing with my life”: The aspirations of school-aged mothers. International Journal of Educational Research, 103 101646, 101646. doi: 10.1016/j.ijer.2020.101646 |
2020 Book Chapter Community practice and social development in a global world: critical engagement and practical actionLynch, Deborah (2020). Community practice and social development in a global world: critical engagement and practical action. Community practice and social development in social work. (pp. 363-383) edited by Sarah Todd and Julie Drolet. Singapore: Springer Nature. doi: 10.1007/978-981-13-6969-8_19 |
2020 Journal Article ‘Perhaps I should be working with potted plants or standing at the fish counter instead?’: newly educated social workers’ reflections on their first years in practice (Jag kanske skulle arbeta med krukväxter eller stå i fiskdisken istället?: Nyexaminerade socionomers reflektioner över deras första år i yrket)Tham, Pia and Lynch, Deborah (2020). ‘Perhaps I should be working with potted plants or standing at the fish counter instead?’: newly educated social workers’ reflections on their first years in practice (Jag kanske skulle arbeta med krukväxter eller stå i fiskdisken istället?: Nyexaminerade socionomers reflektioner över deras första år i yrket). European Journal of Social Work, 24 (3), 1-13. doi: 10.1080/13691457.2020.1760793 |
2019 Journal Article Changing contexts of practice: challenges for social work and community developmentLynch, Deborah, Forde, Catherine and Lathouras, Athena (2019). Changing contexts of practice: challenges for social work and community development. Australian Social Work, 73 (2), 1-9. doi: 10.1080/0312407X.2019.1694047 |
2019 Journal Article Approaches to Improving School Attendance: Insights from Australian School PrincipalsMills, Martin, Howell, Angelique, Lynch, Deborah and Dungan, John (2019). Approaches to Improving School Attendance: Insights from Australian School Principals. Leadership and Policy in Schools, 20 (3), 1-12. doi: 10.1080/15700763.2019.1695847 |
2019 Journal Article Increasing child protection workforce retention through promoting a relational-reflective framework for resilienceRuss, Erica, Lonne, Bob and Lynch, Deborah (2019). Increasing child protection workforce retention through promoting a relational-reflective framework for resilience. Child Abuse and Neglect, 110 (Pt 3) 104245, 104245. doi: 10.1016/j.chiabu.2019.104245 |
2019 Journal Article Silenced mothers: exploring definitions of adolescent-to-parent violence and implications for practiceBurck, David, Walsh, Deborah and Lynch, Deborah (2019). Silenced mothers: exploring definitions of adolescent-to-parent violence and implications for practice. Advances in Social Work and Welfare Education, 21 (1), 7-18. |
2019 Conference Publication I want to go back to school but how am I going to do this? Young mothers' perspectives on completing schoolingLynch, Deborah and Howell, Angelique (2019). I want to go back to school but how am I going to do this? Young mothers' perspectives on completing schooling. Australian Young Pregnant and Parenting Network National Symposuim, Maroochydore, QLD, Australia, 8-9 August 2019. |
2019 Conference Publication A Social Work Journey: Critical Reflections on a Program of Research with SchoolsLynch, Deborah (2019). A Social Work Journey: Critical Reflections on a Program of Research with Schools. International Conference on Change and Innovation for a Better World, Hong Kong, 27-28 June 2019. |
2018 Other Outputs Making every day count: effective strategies to improve student attendance in Queensland state schoolsMills, Martin, Howell, Angelique, Kubler, Matthias, Tomaszewski, Wojtek, Lynch, Deborah, Phillips, Louise, Carroll, Annemaree, Dungan, John, Hellens, Andrea and Sheppard, Karen (2018). Making every day count: effective strategies to improve student attendance in Queensland state schools. Brisbane, Queensland: The University of Queensland. |
2017 Journal Article Lost in transition? Newly educated social workers' reflections on their first months in practiceTham, Pia and Lynch, Deborah (2017). Lost in transition? Newly educated social workers' reflections on their first months in practice. European Journal of Social Work, 22 (3), 1-12. doi: 10.1080/13691457.2017.1364701 |
2017 Journal Article Decision making in child and family welfare: the role of tools and practice frameworksGillingham, Philip, Harnett, Paul , Healy, Karen , Lynch, Debby and Tower, Marion (2017). Decision making in child and family welfare: the role of tools and practice frameworks. Children Australia, 42 (1), 49-56. doi: 10.1017/cha.2016.51 |
2017 Conference Publication Approaches to improving school attendance: Insights from Queensland principalsHowell, A., Lynch, D., Mills, M. and Dungan, J. (2017). Approaches to improving school attendance: Insights from Queensland principals. Australian Association for Research in Education, Canberra, 26-30 November 2017. |
2016 Conference Publication 'Moral Distress' and the beginning practitionerLynch, D. (2016). 'Moral Distress' and the beginning practitioner. Australian Association of Social Workers, The University of Queensland, Brisbane QLD Australia, 26 November 2016. |
2016 Journal Article ‘Moral Distress’ and the beginning practitioner: preparing social work students for ethical and moral challenges in contemporary contextsLynch, Deborah and Forde, Catherine (2016). ‘Moral Distress’ and the beginning practitioner: preparing social work students for ethical and moral challenges in contemporary contexts. Ethics and Social Welfare, 10 (2), 94-107. doi: 10.1080/17496535.2016.1155634 |
2015 Book Social work and community developmentForde, Catherine and Lynch, Deborah (2015). Social work and community development. New York, NY, United States: Palgrave Macmillan. |
2015 Conference Publication Preparing students for health and social care practice through inter-professional learningTurpin, Merrill, Lynch, Deborah, Spermon, Deborah and Steel, Emily (2015). Preparing students for health and social care practice through inter-professional learning. HERDSA Annual International Conference, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, 6-9 July 2015. Milperra, NSW, Australia: Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia (HERDSA). |
2015 Conference Publication Researching the role of ethnicity in child protection decision-makingKeddall, E., Gillingham, P. and Lynch, D. (2015). Researching the role of ethnicity in child protection decision-making. 14th Australasian Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect, Auckland, New Zealand, 29 March - 1 April 2015. |
2015 Conference Publication Critical practice for challenging times: Social Workers' engagement with Community DevelopmentLynch, D. and Forde, C. (2015). Critical practice for challenging times: Social Workers' engagement with Community Development. Fifth European Conference for Social Work Research, University of Ljubljanu, Slovenia, 22-24 April 2015. |
2014 Conference Publication The real world of school refusal: The connections between research, practice and actionsLynch, D (2014). The real world of school refusal: The connections between research, practice and actions. Supporting Young People's Renegagement Forum, Nundah, Brisbane, 26 November 2014. |